Friday, January 6, 2012

The Energy Forecast for Jan.6, 2012~ The Rope, The Ragdoll, and The Eiffel Tower

The energy forecast for today...

Is a tower, the Eiffel, it appears. Or perhaps a towering building reaching for the sky-the Empire State, the largest building in the world.  This is about building your dreams.  See all of the stories within this tower?  It has been built layer by layer.  As have and are your dreams and your life as you’re living it and as it is forming.  Reach for the sky.  Don’t hold back.  There has been too many elements of holding back and holding on in this life so far.  Wouldn’t you agree? The time is upon you, and the energy agrees and supports you in building high, in busting loose, and reaching for your dreams, for stepping into your destiny, now. 
Keep in mind that the platform of any dream must remain strong.  The Eiffel tower (or the Empire State Building) would topple if it were not built to withstand the forces of nature. Each layer must support the next.  Keeping your mind fit and clear will support you in the building of your dreams and keep them from crumbling in the face of nature’s whims.  Life has its crazy twists and turns and we never know quite what it will bring.  But knowing, deeply and completely, that every single thing is in support of you- is happening for you, not against you is a major element of a strong foundation.  In order not to sabotage all of your endeavors and all of the hard work you’ve put in so far in moving forward and buidling your dreams, you will want to ensure that there are no cracks at the base.   
What is your vision built on? Is it built on faith? Is it supported fully by your heart?  Do you believe in you and what you can make come true? If not, examine your belief systems.  You may have to pull some roots that could potentially crack the new foundation you are constructing. So, as with the balancing of rooting our base chakra in the Earth and pulling from her energy and reaching up and connecting with the Universe to create the flow, you will want to look high and low at this time so that you can both build and support, build and support.  There is no dream too big or vision too grand.  Whatever you can imagine can be. Whatever you can dream, you can make so.  Know that.  Believe it.  Sink into it.  And grow. No limits.  No restrictions.  No holding back.  No holding on.

And then we have a rag doll, reminding you not to be the puppet on the string.  Your life is your life.  Your dream is your dream.  Are you living it?  Are you being true to you?  If not (in any way), it is time to snuggle up close to the reason why you are withholding your sunshine and what you are holding onto that’s getting in the way.  What makes you say yes when you want to say no?  What makes you give in when you want to hold back?  What makes you compromise and feel like you’ve lost a part or pieces of yourself?  Pay attention to the aspect of you that feels compelled to be small. How old is it? Be with it and hold dialogue. Let it know about your excitement for this new year, about your plans of busting out of the box, and tell it that you are ready to Be complete and authentic and fully realized so that you ( together with all of your parts) can rise high, shine bright, and do that thing you came here to this beautiful planet to do. Listen to this part of you and what it has to say, to its hesitations or its unrest.  Comfort it.  Love it.  Gather it in to the fold of you, because without it, you cannot be, do, or say what you want and need to.  No parts left behind.  That’s the rule.  
Take a little time to gather all of your pieces home.  Rescue them from their doubt or their trauma and invite them to the celebration of you.  Invite them to live again now and to heal. You, this aspect of you that you are living now, has everything it needs to do this work, to make this happen.  Sound the horn. Gather the parts and drive them home.  You have an assignment here, in this life, in this body, in this time.  Your mission is to heal so that you can shine.  But more importantly, you are here to love.  You are here to love what you do and love who you are and love life fully. In this, all dreams are fulfilled.  So get to the good part already.  Next time you’re triggered or something comes up for you to work through, or you are facing pain,  greet it with a smile and an open heart.  It’s an opening to heal. The more you heal, the closer you get to the goods.  The more you love, the easier it all appears to be. So open that heart, smile at whatever life brings, and know that you’ve got a handle on it. You’re going somewhere, don’t get distracted, kick in that discipline and that compassion and bring it all Home.

And finally, we have a rope, pieces of twine twisted into knots. There are several pieces here wound and woven together.  This would represent Oneness and the gathering of many in the momentum of the One, or one goal. This is about unity and community, and about contribution.  This is about creating something by coming together for a common goal, for the good of the All, and about fruition.  This is about tying the knots of relationship, about engaging and interacting, about becoming involved.   
We have lost that in our world as it has become more about separation than about togetherness.  We have lost it through competition over cooperation.  It is time to release those old ties and move into a new reality and a new way of being that supports the One by supporting the many, and in essence, supporting the All.  Together, we can do so much more than we can by ourselves. 
Notice the shift here. The last symbol was about moving away from being ruled by other peoples’ opinions and being our own individual selves. This symbol is about relinquishing our old ways of separation and fear and coming together in love. In order to do that, we must be solid in Self, because as long as we are ruled by our fears, our need to remain separate and to compete will rule us and interfere with our ability to come together as one. We need each other.  We were meant to live and thrive in groups.  We were meant to support one another.  We are One, after all.  It’s time we start acting like it.  When the division ends, the divide will fall. The divide in our world is a reflection of the great divide within.  Smooth the cracks.  Heal the division.  Oneness is our nature, and it is our birthright.  We don’t have to do it alone.  Open to the love and the support and the community that is all around you and you will be surprised by the miracles that begin to blossom in your life as the balance of nature is restored.

Be true to you, dear ones.  This is your beckoning to come together and to shine. Together we are ONE. And in Oneness,we thrive. Your uniqueness is reflected back to you as you share it in community, as you shine it out into the world.  It's not meant for you alone.  All for One and One for All is the new way, the old way, and the way to forward move.  Get your momentum on, build solid and strong- your dreams, your community, and your vision of your highest and truest self.  This is the time for newness and for movement, for roots and for growth.  Love every minute of it.  Love yourself. And love one another.  You are blessed.  And you are boldly entering the next level of all that you desire. Hold on tight, 'cause here we go!

Until tomorrow,

For help in moving forward or building a stronger foundation or mending those cracks, visit me at and I'll help ya get your groove on. 
Blessings and grace, dear ones. Blessings and grace.

   Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

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