Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Energy Update for Feb. 28, 2012- The Pentacle of Flow Through an Exlusive Point of Focus

The pentacle of energy flow is becoming very geometric and precise.  There is an almost exact formula being presented to us now that mediates The Way to be in alignment and Be In Joy. This formula is presented geometrically to show the perfection of it.  It is a science that is being downloaded now, or shown through vision, that is navigating The Way, and showing us that by doing it this way, we can find our place of peace.

Perhaps there is no room for error, and the vision is so exact because the element of chaos is becoming so grand and the need to be in alignment in order to ‘weather the storm’ is greater than possibly ever before. This is The Way to remain in center throughout the chaos that is unfolding.

No matter really, what we are being shown at this time is as follows.

Yesterday I was shown the coming together of the three elements of the days prior.  The black hole, the pin-point, and the rainbow whirling vortex became  a geometric cone. The circumference at the bottom being the black hole (symbolizing Creation).  The pinpoint at the top being us, the spec of light of creation, as well as our point of focus on Creation, almost as mantra or meditation throughout the day, as necessity to create the flow we need to be in alignment for the greater part of the time. Within the inner aspect of the cone, from the bottom to the top, is the spiraling vortex, is what is being created, is potentiality, and all possibilities, spinning towards us, and from us, Creator and creating exchanging the vastness of potentiality.

The cone represents being ever more present in our awareness and ever more diligent in our focus on what is of utmost importance.  And what is of utmost importance is our alignment with Source.  So the focus would be us, ( the pinpoint) giving it up, giving it over, giving into whatever is in store for us, whatever Creator has in mind for us, whatever is for our greater and highest good. It is a surrender, and a worship, in the way of not bowing to or serving other gods.  The other gods we have served in the past are our own interpretation of what we think we need to be/have/do; what society has told us we need to be/have/do; our ego’s expectations and limitations; and any other distraction that takes us away form that focus, from that faith, from that Knowing that what Creator has designed and has in store for us is Exactly what is most high for our abundantly beautiful and clarevesent souls.

The belief in that, without falter, is what the geometric shape implies. That there is no other thing.  That everything outside of that, outside of that relationship between creator and self is irrelevant.  It is a point of focus that is obsolete to anything and everything else; a giving over so complete and unfaltering that it is perfection. It is a relationship that is completely devoid of untrust and of question that there could/should/would be any other thing.

And in between the vast unknown of the greatness of the All and the pinpoint of light that is the I Am (us) is the spiral of multicolored dimensions of ALL that is possible within that realm of belief.  In other words, everything we were meant to experience, all that we are here to receive, to learn, to encompass, to become- all of it lies between that point of focus. Now, by concentrating solely on the higher, by lifting our gaze and exclusively focusing on (or having complete faith in) Creator, like a baby bird looking to its mother for nourishment, knowing without question that it will be fed, waiting anxiously and eagerly and faithfully for that worm which will ‘fill’ it, which will satisfy it’s need to be filled, by lifting our gaze and elevating our faith in that way, that all other distractions and points of worship fall away, we are then put into a place of alignment that Allows for us to receive all that was intended for us, and with so much more grace and ease than can otherwise be experienced when we are distracted by what lies beyond the cone.

There is powerful potential within this paradigm. Within it is All possibilities.  Within it is Everything, all that you have ever desired or dreamed, is There, within this vortex, within this point of focus.  And all you need do is open up and receive.  Like the crown chakra opening to the Universe, opening to the All. And in this, you are afforded the simplicity of not needing to figure it out, not needing to make it happen, not needing to be or do anything, other than who and what you are.

 If you’ve forgotten who and what you are, and that’s easy to do when we are focused on how we’re going to make things happen, then all you need do is refocus your attention Up into the eithers, up from and through the point of your heart to the loving, wondrous, all-giving Source of All that Is, and let be.

Live and let Be.  What does that mean here.  That means you live, you be, with ease, with grace, with faith, with belief, that your course has Already been navigated, your provisions have already been made, you are Taken Care Of Already. And you let Be what that looks like, how that plays out, in whatever time-line or fashion or means it may be.

Relax. Play. Breathe. You really don’t have to do any more than that for this now. And leave the next now to the Source. You can be guided in this way, because your point of focus is not scattered and you are not weighed down by the worry or the stress of how you are going to survive.  We are not here to figure out how to become what we need to be in order to achieve.  We are here to live and to breathe, to settle into life and live the wonder that is all around us.  We are here to enjoy, to experience, to receive- the abundance and the beauty that is all around and Be One with what Is.

If you can get to that place, you’re golden.  You already are, but there, you’ll know this, and you’ll feel this, and you’ll live from this place in bliss and joy and the contentment that you are taken care of, that Source’s got your back, and that what is available and what is unfolding is far beyond the highest expectations you could ever dream.

I’ll save today’s forecast for another post so that you can digest this one.

Enjoy your day, and go in peace.

Love and Joy,

Copyright © 2012 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely

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