Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Energy Forecast for Feb 29th~ A Preveiw of March: The Month of Balancing

The mantra for the month is BE.  That’s it.  That’s all.  Just BE.  How does that feel to everyone? To some( Most? Many?) the idea of relaxing is anything but.  Yes, we all long for that, we want to just take it easy, to vacation, to unwind, but the reality is that we feel that we can’t. We feel that if we don’t go on working, if we don’t Push to make it all happen, then it won’t.  We Think that we need to struggle to survive.  To most that looks like forcing.  Forcing ourselves, forcing life, forcing others. But force is such an unnatural way to be.

With M.O.’s of manipulation or coercion, how can we expect that the beauty and joy of life that is intended for us, the fruit of our labor, that which we seek- how does that really flow? How can it be that rough would beget smooth, that control would emit freedom, that imbalance would bring about the harmony? It makes no sense.  Yet we continue on this way, living form a place of ‘needing to make happen’ of ‘do it ourselves’ and this place really leaves no room for compatibility with peace.

The month of March brings with it the lessons of the third Chakra which have to do with power, identity, and will.  When imbalanced, we believe (we come from a place of or are grounded a way of thinking which creates our reality) that we must excerpt force, retrieve power, dominate or manipulate our surroundings, and ‘create’ our world from a limited place of know-how, all on our own accord.  (Third chakra is about independence after all so there is that inherent wanting to do it our way and do it by ourselves, whcih ultimately comes back to bite us when we see that part of the reason we are here is to co-exist and to co-create).

When in balance (which is what we seek, and what this month intends to steer us towards), we allow, we live and let live, and we are comfortable enough in our own power that we are able to just Be. When in balance, we live in the knowing that we are the co-creators of our lives and we know what that means. What that means is that our wills are merged with the will of God and in tandem create and receive.

We are not the only receivers on the line. We are here to give to Creation, we are here to serve.  And in service to Creation and Creator (and therefore also own ourselves as part of The All) we give from the core of who we are, we enable our gifts to come on line, we source our needs from the unlimited abundance of the Universe, and we proceed to live from a place of Trust, of Faith, and of Glory in WHO WE ARE, as children of God, who are not in constant need of anything at all, but are provided for and loved and embraced by the All and the Everything in all ways.

Part of the balancing process in the third chakra, and what you will witness this month, has to do with accomplishment. We base our self worth on what we are able to achieve.  If you do not feel like you have accomplished much in life or you do not feel like you have the power to create what you desire you will loose faith- in yourself, in God, in the potential of life.  And in order to achieve, we feel we must DO. We must 'Make Happen'. We must succeed. The hierarchy of our system points to so many mixed message about how one is to bring prosperity into their lives and this adds to the confusion within our gut. We know, on some level that we are supposed to ask and receive. We know somewhere inside that all we have to do is believe. Yet we have been taught that we must work hard to get to where we’re going, that life is struggle, that life is about work and not play. And these messages are conflicting to our minds and our souls and the conflicts play out in our everyday.

We must know joy in order to believe it’s possible. Without the belief in joy, we can’t really have all of those things that we seek. We want these things that we think would bring us joy ( if only I had…(?), then I would be happy), hence the source of our seeking, and our striving, and our attempts to overpower what in us is ‘weak’ so that we can conquer what we need to have in order to be pleased. But joy is not about conquering or overpowering and if we don’t believe in joy then how can we have the thing that we thing joy will bring?

Joy is a virtue. It’s what happens when we allow for life and let life in. What’s called for this month is to step back and get out of the way so that we can see how we’re over dominating our lives with control or manipulation or force (imbalance) and be shown a much easier way to BE. When we can learn to trust then we can allow for life to take care of us and we can believe that all of our needs will be met by someone other than we.

If your needs were not met as a child, it can be hard to switch over into a place of trust in the Unknown, in a loving and all providing Universe.  And it will be exceedingly challenging to let go of the wheel and See that even if you find it hard to believe, even if you have been neglected or abandoned in the past, you are still looked after and tended to, you are still loved, you are still worthy, and none of that is dependent on what you do or don’t do- it’s free. The love of the Universe is not conditional, like the love you may have been raised on, and that is the difference here, and that is the difference this month that you will be asked to open up to so that you can stop trying so hard to win approval, to get what you deserve or desire, and just settle into the softness and the beauty of who you are and BE. Be who you are, by the way, not what you think you need to be in order to get love, get needs met, or succeed.

Haven’t you worked and tried hard enough already?  Aren’t you tired of the struggle and the strain? You know the answer to this deep within your heart, and can feel it within your belly as well, as you are faced with the truth of who you are and asked to let go of the truth you’ve believed in so that you can at last fall into line with an existence that isn’t based on proving yourself or producing, but rather on loving you, exactly as you are, right here and now, and setting everyone and everything else free.

Creating from our hearts is quite different than creating from a mentality of competing. It is not us against them or who has to one-up another in order to get to where they’re going, in order to succeed.  It is one for all and all for one, it is love thy brother as thy self, it is live and let Be.  There’s no need to focus our attention on the outcome (and on everyone else for that matter) in order to get what we want.  We don’t have to fight so hard anymore.  We have to soften and love.  When our goal becomes living from a place of joy, out of love, with only the expectation of being at peace, a lot of pressure is released. (Not at first maybe as we learn to let go of old ways and settle into a life where we are not clenching the wheel). 

But as we settle into the Knowing that the old way is just wearing us out and not really getting us anywhere anyway, we can roll over into the possibility that it’s ok to let go, and that everything is going to be alright ( if not better), and that it’s not our Job to make everything happen anyway.  We’re just playing God when we do that, and not a very good version of Him either, in fact, we’re really just getting in the way of letting happen what we want to happen when we’re trying to do it all ourselves or do it only Our way. So maybe someone up there really does Know better than we may know (or think we know anyway).

The thing about knowing is it’s over-rated. What we think we know could change on any given day. We don’t need to know anyway, since what we’re here to do in the first place is play.  What do you need to know to play? Expectations (the need for certainty of outcomes) only stand to get in our way. It’s one thing to go for excellence, but it’s an entirely different thing all together to allow for things to happen only in one certain way.

Step back from using your will as the force that makes things happen in life and redirect it to guide you into alignment with where your focus needs to be. It takes discipline and determination (more virtues) to stay the course of keeping your focus on the fruition of your desires rather than the details of how they manifest, but in the end, it’s far more effective and offers a much bigger gamut of what those outcomes could turn out to be.

Soften and forgive this month as you come into alignment with where you’re going and where you’ve been.  Who you are and what you thought you were made of may look a whole lot different in thirty-one days if you allow for a shift of perspective about how to operate in life.  And when you make it a fifty-fifty, a collaboration with the Universe, rather than a one-man show and force of will, you will be pleasantly surprised by the ease and flow, not to mention the cornerstone synchronicities (little pats on the back from the Universe) that show you that you are finding your way to the wisdom and the peace of Power in balance and the abundance of life lived through play and from the art of letting go.

To ease, grace, and joy!

Let the games begin!

Blessings and love and Namaste,

*For your won personal March forecast, contact me at Get powered up so you can live your highest and recreate your game.

 Copyright © 2012 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely

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