Saturday, June 11, 2011


Waves of unmistakable peace and love and compassion, spontaneously flowing through. New-found and effortless connection to Source, to the All That Is, to the Beyond becoming more of the every-day.  A knowingness that all is well and perfect and supreme. Moments of chaos, discomfort, discord, old stuff rising- this is excellent news. Panic attacks, anxiety, stress, fear- all normal for this time. You are riding the wave. The wave is rippling through you.  You are on the crest of the new. You are emerging.  There’s shift taking place. It’s big! And you’re going to feel it.  That’s been your natural response to transition, to challenge, to breaking out of the norm (the comfort zone) and going higher, becoming more.  So you’re going to FEEL it.  Recognize it.  Release it.  Breathe into it.  You don’t need to allow it to take you over or take you down.  It’s there.  It’s alerting you that you’re being triggered, you’re being moved to in order to move- forward.  And this is where you want to go.  It’ been your intention.  So let it happen.  Let go.  Step into it and nurture your way through. Be there for you like you’ve never been before and LOVE your way there. Make it easy on your self.  It doesn’t have to be hard.  It just IS.  And the more you adjust to it, bend to it, simply allow- the easier for you it will be.

You may feel the energy and the vibration moving through you and within you, becoming you, as you become still, as you settle, or before you go to sleep.  Do not be disturbed by this.  It simply is recalibrating, simply going higher.  Simply IS. Breathe into it and let it Be.

Nothing need ‘disturb’ you during this time of great change, though you may be inclined to react, to interpret, or to respond.  Allowing for everything rising or falling within you to just flow through you, remembering neutrality, resisting temptation to ‘do’ something about it, and opening to the flow.  Becoming the flow.  Allowing the flow to direct you in the way that you need to go.

Feel into it.  Feel the peace.  Feel the Oneness.  Feel the grace.  It’s there.  Always.  But even so much, much more now in this time of turning into the new, in this time of becoming.  Absorb and make great use of this gift of cosmic love.  Immerse yourself in it.  Lavish it.  Explore it.  Open to its richness and fullness and allow yourself to go deeper.

This is a window.  This is a peak into the radiance and light that is ever available to you and to the extraordinary experience that beckons to you now within this portal of potentiality and peace.  This is how you could feel at all times.  This connected, conscious, joy-filled way of being is available to you now.  Can you feel it? Go beyond whatever else may be bubbling or surfacing.  Go beyond the limiting mind and the thoughts.  Go beyond your comfort zone that holds you just beyond arms-distance or further still from your spirit, from the wonder..  go beyond and go within.  It’s synonymous.  This is where you will find the balance.  This is where you will find that constant connection to the radiance of which I speak- the radiance of which you seek.

It’s seeking you. It’s yours.  It’s waiting for you.  It’s available to you.  It’s right here.  Now.  Know that.  Feel it.  Now be it.  It’s time to step into the portal of peace.  Your everything awaits you.

Feel that too.  Feel your everything.  Feel what you desire.  Feel what you are in truth.  Listen for it.  Open your eyes to witnessing it as it begins to  unfold in your reality and all around you.  Look for it.  Expect it.  It’s there.  It’s you that’s been hiding.  Peak now around the corner of the curtain or the armor which has shielded you.  Allow for that veil to fall.

There’s nothing to be afraid of anymore.  Your openness, your nakedness, your vulnerability- it’s just new to you, a little foreign, a little uncomfortable.  A little beyond what you’ve become accustomed to and lived by.  But that’s ok.  When you step into something higher, when you open to something new- it just IS a little different than what you’re used to and that’s part of the course.

Don’t label it.  Don’t feel the need to run.  It’s a good thing because it shows you that you’re going beyond.  It proves that you’re making progress.  You are FEELING the sensation of stepping out of the old.  Celebrate this.  Honor it.  And allow for yourself to be comforted if need be if that helps.  Don’t judge your process, if you can abstain.  Just notice.  Notice everything and let it Be.  This is the way of the Wisdom Path.  This is the direction home.  There is a reason that these simple truths have been passed down through the ages.  There is a reason they’ve stood the test of time.  They work. They’re proven. Open to the teachings.  Listen to the musings of your soul.  It’s taking you there, to that place that you’ve dreamed of. Open. It’s time to receive. Go beyond and into the everything that calls to you-it's so much more in the Openness, so much more than you could previously perceive.  There's nothing left to do now but merge with it, fall effortlessly into it.  The effort is in the lack of flow.  The effort is when you slow to the current and restrict yourself from bending with the breeze. Bask.  Breathe.  behold.  You're there now. Just let the rest go.

*For those that need a little extra help balancing the energies, try the exercise below:

Breathe into your base chakra. Breathe deep and all the way up and out the top of your head. Repeat as needed.  Excellent for panic attacks, heart palpitations, anxiety, huge surges of Kundalini, and even sadness and grief that are ready to be released and let go. Breathing into your base chakra, you are breathing into the fear that you are feeling.  Breathing out the crown, you are breathing into the Universal energy which is always pure and stable, you are breathing into balance and peace. Breathing deeply and connecting with your body, you are aligning the flow.    Be blessed and be peace.

In celebration of your arrival, and in honor of you dancing in grace,

~Would love to hear about your expansion and your extraordinary experiences. Would love to just hear from you! Connect below in the comments and let us all hear about You. You are an integral part of the ALL. As the ALL calls, et us come together in our experiences and in our joy.~

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

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