Thursday, June 2, 2011

Open To The Path of Wonder

You’re here because you’re here.   Do not question where you are on your path, just open to what the experience is teaching you.  Let it speak to you.  Expand fully into every moment, swimming in the possibilities- the energy of all things  making their way towards you in this moment, on the edge of the moment, and as you open to perceiving these possibilities, you will become one with your experience.

All that you desire is swimming toward you like sperm to the egg, desiring life, desiring fruition, desiring to merge with you in the co-creation of your dreams coming into being. You truly are pregnant with possibilities, as is every moment, as it beckons to you to believe in what you dream, to believe in the yet unseen.

Now, when you ponder and then concentrate your energy on what you don’t have or what you have lost; on your pain or your misdeeds, you are shutting the door to these fruitions.  They are still there, waiting in the ethers ( whish is simply just beyond the moment as only what is in this moment now is completely tangible and real). But their ability to manifest, to become actualized is frozen when you are focused on other not so good things. You are blocking their passage to you.  You, in effect, are holding your dreams and your desires at bay.

Become conscious of your musing and where you allow your thoughts to drift.  For not only do diminishing thoughts defuse your energy, they discharge the convergence of the possibilities coming into play.  And so, if you feel as if your life is going nowhere, or you are swimming in circles and progress in the direction you desires is slow to nil, it’s not due to bad luck or unworth or the Universe being pitted against you.  It is due to the fact that you are (inadvertently) standing directly in your own way. 

Everything you want is right there, floating on the outer rim of your existence- all experiences come to fertilize and bridge creation with your dreams.  They are there.  They are real.  They have already become actualized, they have already come into being.  They are simply waiting to be received.  So, as you soften, and allow these possibilities to come forth, for this new life to stream to you, then life becomes magical and effortless.  It becomes like you knew on some level it should be.  But when you resist, when you grab on, hold tight, and run with the thoughts that disable your dreams, you are wasting precious time that could be spent loving instead of loathing and expressing joy rather than pain.

This will go on until you bridge awareness with your experience directly in this moment.  And once you are conscious of the ways in which you’ve allowed yourself to be depleted and deceived, you can begin side-stepping the streams of thought that disconnect you from all of the possibilities that lay in wait.  And they will no longer have precedence, these thoughts, because you realize that your power lies in choice and that you can choose in any moment to participate with pain or open wide and play with the possibilities.

Step into the now and perceive what there is waiting for you in abundance, and then know that all there is left to do is reach out your arms, open your heart, and receive.  When you ‘feel’ what’s just beyond and folding into being, you will believe.  This will strengthen your resolve to resist temptation and move away from your ‘pseudo truths’ and to step into the land of the unseen. This will reconnect you with the place where all things are created and where all things are within your reach.

And as you step into the wonder of these perceptions you will begin to envelop the truth known by the heart of one who is stepping into Oneness! And life will become a beautiful unfolding into What Is! Beautiful unfolding at last into You, as you release all of the everything else and come to know that all that matters is this one thing, this becoming, this mergence with the Divine, with the Self, with your dreams! Beautiful path of wonder that gives way to joy as you set the suffering aside and say hello to grace.  Summoning creation and crystallizing dreams. 

Believe again. 
Open to the wonder
and allow your fullest potential to shine through!

Abundant blessings,
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

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