Thursday, June 16, 2011

Blowing in the Breeze

Today, I opened all of the windows of the house to clear the air, expecting just a little window of opportunity for breeze before the heat rolled in. Instead we were blessed with a cooling gentle wind and heat-reducing clouds that have created the perfect environment for little souls to explore and create new adventures in the yard and just BE. A storm is on its way to wash the land and cleanse the air and create new life-force energy. And I have taken this time just to be present with it all, with the wind, with the land, with my spirit, and with my babies. Such a rich and blessed day filled with treasures and brimming with the essence of love.

And I have noticed, when I allow myself to be present, this present, as I am today, then spirit speaks through me the words that are most important, the ones that my children most need to receive. And He fills their ears with the lessons of nature, of the Earth Mother, and of my soul- the ones that truly matter and the ones that bring them back to their own divine seed.  When I follow where I'm being led, and see that divinity, and open my heart so wide to receive, these are the wonders that I'm graced with in a stand-still place of time that transcends all the things I've been limited too and reshapes the way I believe. When I go here, it is effortless, it is flowing, and it's clearly the only way to be. It's not always simple to get there, but in this place is such simplicity.

Words cannot contain these pleasures, this grace. And so it's a moving beyond words, to the feeling, and being in that without need to explain and in that there is greater experience, tasting more fully, fully receiving the miracle of that moment and the next without needing anything. Surrendered completely is like drifting in the wind, with purpose enough through spirit that there is intention, there is what needs to be.

Could this be the every moment. Could this be the arrival of the destiny. Perhaps if I continue to decide to show up and receive the gifts that are all right there in front of me, then this  can be the new Real. I intend. I intend to breathe into this experience of Oneness, to let it fill me even more complete. I allow for this moment of peace to flow continuous and to find me in the midst of the breath that I breathe. I AM the moment. I AM presence. I AM spirit. I AM peace.


Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely. 

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