Tuesday, August 17, 2010

You Matter-Make the Difference

 Today I received a vision. I am not a doom and gloom type of person by nature and choose not to follow most news coverage of natural disasters as I find it takes me to a place of distraction rather than pro-action. The vision I received today though, was similar to the one I had two days before the major earthquakes in Chile. Though I've been intuitive all of my life, that was the first vision I've had, that I'm aware of, that prophesised a major disaster. At the time, I disregarded it, not knowing what to make of it really and preferring to gravitate to more positive insights instead. But it definitely struck me when the quake did, in fact, prevail. And so when I received this information today, it really made me stop and wonder..a lot.

I, like most have been feeling the intensity of all of the shifting within and without and though I would hope that I could handle things a little better at this point in the game, I have to say that recently I'm feeling like I'm back at square one. The releasing and de-programming, and up-grading, and re-visiting of old paradigms-not to mention the exhaustion, the despair, the longing to be over it--is, well, to say the least, a lot for one soul to take. There is comfort in knowing that we are not alone in our evolutionary process and that this is all for the greater good of the Earth and for ourselves, but this is heavy stuff we're working through and it shows. I feel it collectively, we all do, and we carry that, to some degree, as well as our own. And it seems that it's enough just to get through it most days, just to hang in there, do our best and somehow get to the other side of it all.

Today, though, I realized that it's bigger than that. As all of us are swimming through our 'stuff' and trying to find our way, we need to become mindful. I believe that what I foresee is an aftershock of all of the everything that's being felt on such big levels. So many who are 'unaware' are steeped in fear, but lately even those who have become more conscious are so bombarded with what they need to release that the collective radar must be extracting some major ripples into the Universe, or the Earth, or into the collective spectrum that ultimately, or immediately (according to the vision) will play out in the greater scheme of things.

When that crossed my mind today, I realized that I need to take it to a higher level, that I need to be that much more mindful and intentional about my vibrations, about what I choose to buy into, or fall prey to, what I choose to feel. Though I may be feeling intensely, I intend to release rather than hold on to what no longer serves me. I pray for grace in sustaining a connection to the Creator and remaining centered through this transition so that I do not contribute any more than is necessary to the chaos that may well affect the global scene in a myriad of ways. By taking it to another level and allowing the process to unfold, knowing that we are making a major contribution to our world by holding up the vibration, we are creating change on a very deep level. We are setting the stage for what is to come. How we choose to partake is entirely up to us and becoming conscious of the role we want to play and taking responsibility for our part of uplifting the unifying force to a level that could minimize chaos within and without is by far the most noble gesture we could hold ourselves to.

So take heart, and stay centered, and know that you make a difference in a big way. Know that the process you are partaking in is profound and impacting in more ways than you could imagine. What if your purpose was already playing out as you prepared yourself for the mission ahead? When we are aware of our actions, and reactions, and how we choose to find our way through even the toughest of times, our consciousness takes us to another level that will see us through to a higher understanding and a simper way of being that is always (every time) better than we could ever know.

Blessing you,

. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

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