Tuesday, August 17, 2010

New Moon

.   For this new moons powerful induction into our True Selves, I offer you away to connect deeper to the energies streaming through. Take a moment to read this to yourself, or out loud and feel it within your being. Blessings always, Rhonda.

      Divine beings of light, you have been brought here to fulfill a purpose. As you have walked through this world, many times you have wondered why you have come, and many times, you have doubted your ability to fulfill your dreams. That time of wandering and uncertainty is over. Come now, out of the corners of your mind and into the light of awakening. Awakening Light body. Awakening divinity.

      Go now, to the place of power that resides within you. Within. Going deeper. Capture your essence.
      Floating in essence, embracing the powerful mekebah that is the design and blueprint of your being. Unraveling now and understanding codes that have been in place throughout the ages.

      Ancient soul, remembering your knowing, remembering your strength. Blessed soul, it is no longer time to suffer or search. You are at the doorway of the temple of All that is, and of everything you desire. This is the time you have been waiting for, and you have arrived.

      Open, now, to the Everything, to the Oneness, to the sacred fellowship of your sisters and brothers, seeing clearly now, the light they shine as it reflects perfectly the light within you.

      You are a bright light of love and abundance, brimming with fullness, feeling the flow. Feeling the love. Being the love. Bathe in eternal love. Each breathe taking you deeper into the chalice of pure potentiality. Perfectly surrendering to the truth of your soul.

      Being of love, you are surrounded by light. Feeling the light from all directions, from every corner, as it nourishes and strengthens you. Becoming the nourishment. Becoming the strength. You are ever supported on this journey of life that you have so bravely signed up for.

      It is safe now to come out and play, to expand, to explore, to ignite the dynasty of your divinity.

      It is time now to rise into action, to fulfill the desires and quench the thirst. Spirit merging with body. Body aligned with mind. No longer living duality. No longer shrouded in doubt.

      Releasing everything that binds you, all that stands in your way falls to the side as you step now into your power, as you envelop the grandest most beautiful version of you you could ever imagine.

      Imagine you. Imagine you into being. Letting go.. Letting life giving breath remind you of your beingness, of your sacredness, of your beloved calling that you have come to fulfill, and all of the precious gifts that you have come to share with the world. The gifts that are uniquely yours, the ones that only you can bring, are ready to come forward.

      Taste the freedom as you open to new beginnings, as you open to new ways of being, as you let your spirit soar. Allowing expansion in the coming days, as you embark now, on your path with purpose and grace. Bringing in the energy of this new moon, you are fully aligned and empowered. You have gathered everything within your soul and connected to the divine cosmic energies that the Universe has sent this night to support and direct you as you embrace All that you came to be.

      Anchoring the light within your heart. Anchoring the light within your belly.
      Now, bringing that love down into the mother that is earth. Breathing in, full breath, up through every inch of you being, and out, into the great sky above.

      One with All that Is.
      And All that Is is wondrous Love.

      Savoring the peace and joy that flows through you now as you experience the divine force within and the divinity that flows throughout the Everything.
      Know that you can return to this place anytime you desire, for it is you and you are it and it is so.

      Blessed be, sweet souls.


. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

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