Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Rainbows Ahead; Being Bountiful

When you reach this place of feeling like your dreams could come true, actually are coming true, there’s this power that begins to take over your being. Suddenly, you feel compelled to say what you need to say, to do what you need to do, and be who you need to be without holding back. All at once, there is this peace and this ferociousness about you and about everything that you touch. Everything becomes new, and fresh, and alive, and there are now, in your world, endless possibilities. There is no holding back, though before there was plenty. And it’s as if you can’t remember anymore where the door of the you that you knew before ended and where the new you began. It just suddenly is this glorious way of being that has replaced you, yet somehow never stopped being you to begin with. That is when you know you’ve arrived. That is when you know that you are home. And everything after that is just a dream.

And when you reach this place, it’s important to remind yourself, that it is all GOD! It’s imperative to be grateful in every moment as the journey unfolds, because this is what you have always wanted, this is what you have been waiting for, and without HIM it simply wouldn’t be. It’s easy to become even more heady as the miracles spring from here and there and the fire burns within you and results begin to manifest left and right. But I say, keep your eyes pointed in the direction above, because that is the force that drives you and that is the force that drives you and that is the force that makes dreams come true.

When there is want, there is lack. But faith, on the other hand, and trust are true symbols of gratitude before the fact; of love for what you have in its totality, including that which you can’t see. And as your life begins to unfold in the order of your wildest dreams, everything within you is strengthened. You become empowered to be more. You don’t settle for less. And you know, without a question or a doubt, that this is what it’s all about ~ that you were meant to create and live and play this way.

And everything lines up to support you, because you are joy, you are the Flow, you are the light that shines so brightly that it can’t help but be seen. And this is the spark of divinty. This is what everybody’s been talkin’ about. But when you experience it for yourself, you can’t help but giggle, and do the happy dance, and know that there is plenty more of where that came from.

And you might think that you would wonder why it took you so long to get to this place of simple abundant bliss. But there’s no time to ponder what’s, why’s, or how’s when you’ve got bigger things to think about~ like how to spread the joy, or light the fire under someone else’s feet, or extend your love to someone who hasn’t yet experienced this amazing expansion.

When you get there, when you come home to the Truth of who you are, know dear heart, that you have reached a monumental benchmark in the land of make believe. You have crossed the threshold into the butterfly moment and you stand at the gates of grace-filled eternity. For at this point, your consciousness will shift into a reality of knowing the All That Is on a very personal level, and what you believe to be so will be greatly effected by the undying peace of what you have achieved.

There is that moment that you can hold onto, the moment of Now in every moment that is completely yours and is everything you desire it to be. Be graced with this moment. Be in gratitude in this moment and Know that once you decide to shine and once you feel the radiance of your own light everything unfolds for you in more perfect splendor than you yourself could ever conceive.

Becoming in every moment the light that you are, may you be ever blessed on your journey and bountiful in serenity.

Love to you,

. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

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