What is divine knowing?
Divine knowing is connecting to your divine source, the Creator, and living through the voice of that wisdom. Divine knowing is finding your way back home and remembering who you are, remembering that YOU are divine, and knowing it. We are, in essence, reconnecting to our true selves. Remembering brings us back into our power; a power that comes from a much stronger connection to our Source and to our higher selves. And as you begin to remember who you are, you realize that it is not your wounded inner child or any other aspect of yourself that evolved from powerlessness. By losing what you thought was your identity, you are returning to your original innocence and to who you really are and were meant to be. As you connect and access divine knowing, you begin to see what's really going on. Raising your vibration to this level allows you to see beyond the veil of illusions. You are no longer then viewing things from mis-perception of your disconnected self. Without the illusions, we can live the way we were intended to live. The Earth was originally created as a playground for experiencing love and joy and creating our greatest desires. We can create whatever we choose when we are free from illusions that were created by lower level mentalities and belief systems (read:fear). Illusions keep us in a box. It may be difficult to let go of illusions because they help us feel secure, but there is so much more security and freedom in the higher realms that we can access through our connection to Source. As more and more of the lower vibrating aspects of ourselves fall away, more and more of who we are at the highest levels begins to emerge and be revealed. Although you may have consciously forgotten who you are, your soul has not. The more you release, the greater rememberance of what your unique and special talents are. Reuniting with the lost and forgotten parts of ourselves makes us feel whole again, in all ways. Wholeness is sacred. All of us on the path seek to become once again whole. Accessing your divine knowing, listening to and following that voice that then becomes your guide, is your portal home, is your holy grail, is your saving grace.
Believe again, in all things magical, for fairy tales are the language of the soul.
Create again a reconnection within yourself that inspires you to shine your brilliance unto the word.
Know agin that you are divine, and divine knowing will begin to unfold.
In Grace,
. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.
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