Sometimes, when we dream a better dream of what can be, we can loose ourselves in the ‘in between'. When we allow our creative minds to expand into a new story and an updated version of who we are, we begin to feel the expansion. And as we expand, even before the fact, even before the new shows up in our lives, we may find that we no longer fit into the container of what we’ve been. In the Meanwhile, between what we’ve been and who we’re becoming, we may find that we can’t go back into the box, which can leave us feeling frustrated, vulnerable, and alone.
There appears to be this purgatory, or holding place, this in-between where we begin to receive strong visions and clues of what’s to come, but part of us feels like it’s almost too good to be true. It begins to feel that the fairytale we’re dreaming is more, maybe, than we can allow ourselves to believe in and that part of us that’s once bitten, twice shy begins to back away. We are being pushed out of our comfort zones into the unknown and this makes us want to squirm, but it’s important to use this wiggle power as leverage and push harder. Sometimes we have to push through that resistance in order to see the fruition of what’s to come. This is co-creating in action. This is us doing our part in the ‘co’ of the creation. This is us moving past fear and expanding. Here we can use the fire to push past what’s familiar and become what we know to be true. Decide that you’re someone who’s going to persevere. When you get good and angry at the circumstances that be, let this be an opportunity to boundary-set with yourself and define what you’ll no longer take, settle for, or be subjected to. And then decide what it would take for you to feel like you’ve finally arrived. And once you’ve found instruction in the fire of your Light, and have embraced your power to move, move, move ahead, at your own level of intention, and beyond, and at your capacity, and then some, then, at last surrender, and let the Big Guy do the rest.
In these moments, we may find ourselves grasping, as we may not be aware that there is something in the way of our ability to fully come into alignment with our truest desires. We may not be aware that we are still holding on to a something, a someone, or a somehow that doesn’t fit into the greater picture we’ve been painting. What we may not even see is that as we’re envisioning a new way of life, we are still holding on to the old story, which keeps us stuck and locked in to a way of being, thinking, perceiving, that doesn’t match up with the vibration of what we’ve dreamed could be true.
So an inner war of sorts sets into play, and we become confused about what’s coming up for us and how we’re feeling. We sense the imbalance and know we’re unaligned but don’t quite know what to do. We don’t want to feed into anger or frustration of take the lead of the fire within when it flares because we fear this will lead us even further off track. And when we choose to continue to tell the story, which can be ever more supported by your frustration at the inability to move forward, the fire squelched becomes depression, anxiety, and despondency because at this point, we have gone too far and must at last turn back to the one within who knows.
And when we’ve been lost for too long, in our story, or in our resistance to throttle through, when we’ve been lost so long that we can’t even remember our way back, then the red light of our soul’s dash starts flashing and we will begin to feel the discomfort of self-betrayal. We will hear the alarm sounding in our dreams, in our restlessness, in our discontent. We will find anger welling as the fire or our being points us in the direction of what we have become lost in. The internal fame burns strong in these times in order to redirect our discomfort and become empowered to make change. This flame can be used to burn through any confusion, doubt, indecision, and overall ‘stuckness’ as we hold on with fingers still gripped tight to what’s been burying us for some time.
And it can be something of a refresh button as we begin to delete and clear what no longer defines; as we begin again to recalibrate our path and take new steps toward who we are again, really, at a deep-down level, at a level of strength, perseverance, and faith.
And soon, we’ll notice things we’ve been doing to support this outgrown story falling away as well. Shifting to this new level can be a magical cure for self-betrayal and many numbing and distracting methods that divert us from that part of us that knows that we’re living fiction and that what’s at great stake by doing so is our joy.
So maybe in the meanwhile as you find that that GPS of yours is beeping, you can take it as a signal to take head, turn in, and honor you in the highest way, anger, frustration, and all. And if you feel that fire burning, allow it to become your impetus to push through the barrier of what you’ve bought into and clear the fog of delusion so that new levels can be attained and the flow can stream freely in the direction of the new. And if you feel like you’re coming undone, then let yourself unravel and find your way back to what’s true. There you’ll find your bliss waiting, and there you can start anew.
BE well and Believe!
Love to you,
. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.
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