Tuesday, August 17, 2010

It's ALL You

Your life is 100% yours. It's all you, and you, and you, and you. What you make of it is up to you. What you decide is happening within it-yours. What you intend to create, believe, discover, revise-your choice. Take a quick glance, an overview of your life now, exactly as it is, and ask yourself, in truth, 'is this the life of your dreams?' If not, there are lots of excuses you could give, but all of those come from the voice in your head. Your heart knows no limits. It knows the difference between what you dream and what you feel you're worthy of.

Your future is in your hands-completely. And though there is potential, and possibility, what will be your reality is indeed based on your will. So, what will it take to find your courage and your strength, to find your light and your power? Are you uncomfortable enough not to remain the same anymore? Are you uncomfortable enough to change, to push through, to find a solution and take action? Ask yourself these questions, because this is a time for serious reflection. This is a time for getting your groove on. You know you want to. You're really too fabulous to not participate in Life. You don't have to fix or heal or figure out what's wrong before you can begin to shine. You don't have to get unbroken to BE the beautiful light that you already are. All you have to do is decide. Decide that you are ready to play the part of You in this reality that you're creating. Decide to rewrite the script of what's playing out within your life in any moment that it's not what you want it to be. Decide that you're not going to settle for less, for second best, for nothing, when everything you could ever want is right there waiting for you.

Make the difference, in your life, in somebody else's. Make the difference for the world. Show off a bit, or a bunch. Let yourself wiggle 'cause you wanna. Let yourself smile wide. Now's not the time to hide-you're more than that, more than you've let yourself believe. But those limits, those fears, don't have to get in your way anymore. You have, inside you, right now, everything you need to push forward. Really, you do. And so it comes down to one thing...are you going to make it happen? The trains a'commin' down the track, don't you want to go for the ride of your life? Then you have to get on, sweet sou you have to take a chance and hop on board. Do it for you...you'll be glad you did.


. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

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