Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Resistance is Energy Loss

What are you resisting today? Where are you feeling it in your body? If you're tired-relax into it. If you feel like you're loosing your mind-open to the possibilities of that. Think about it- no mind/all heart=pure expansion! Whatever you're experiencing right now-embrace it. Let it all be perfectly created to assist you on your path.
Resistance is exhausting. It costs us vital energy. And in a world where everything is energy, you need to become conscious of where and what your energy is focused on. Is it serving you? Really? It's time to be honest with yourself. Quit playing small and pretending that the power is not yours, that life is just happening to you. Powerlessness is energy loss. It is time lost in your head, pointing fingers and figuring out how to 'fix'.
All this time in the mind is spent trying to resume a place of power. Be direct. Go to the heart instead. Feel the relief. There's no fight there. No agenda. No need to do, be,say, have, make happen.
Nobody has all the answers, but we do have a responsibility to take it higher, to decide how our lives are going to be, to be in charge.
So what if there is no reason? What if it's simply about sustaining and maintaining a vibration that's aligned with our truth, because when it all comes down, what we want more than anything is to just feel good.

Blessed Be,

. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

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