Letting your breath drift, slowly out and then in, visualizing the aura of peace that is surrounding you now, finding your way back to your heart, knowing again that in this moment, in the moment now, you are safe, you are loved. Waiting for love never fit you. It is here for the taking, right now, right where you are, as you are, in this moment as you rest in the gentleness of your breath. Breathing now, into the bottom of your chest and bringing the breath up, and then out, as it finds its way through the top of your head. Steadily climbing, reaching for the stars, up and out, into the all and the everything. This moment, gently taking you to the elemental wonders of connection with all of time. This moment, sitting gently with your breath. Letting go, simply letting. And now seeing all that is before you, amidst the vastness of the sky, seeing and being that, as you float within the realm above. Tasting the mystery of the ever-evolving universe as you float amongst the stars, upward and out, and upward still. Now reaching out your arms, embracing the force, embracing the love, gathering it close and absorbing it throughout your being. Becoming one with sky, one with vastness, one with all. And with your love-quenched soul now realigned in its knowing, begin to float backwards, finding your way again to where you belong. Floating back as you watch the stars go by, floating back now through the sky, back in though the crown of your head, back down, anchoring in your heart, and resting there as you feel fully the power and the potential that you have been made aware of. Completely reveling in the essence of you, complete in love, complete and new. Allowing your spirit now to travel down through your belly, down and down again as it finds it's way now into the earth, finding it's way to mother, finding the nurturing love and support that only a mother can give. Nestle into the layers of mother, the layers of earth. Nestle in, as you dig, ever deeper, ever more grounded, into the soil, noticing any treasures as you burrow deeper and deeper still, until you find yourself solid and ready to return. Bring up the mother earth energy through your body now in one swoop force, up into the top of your head, down into your heart, one more time, and then back into your belly. Anchor there, returning to your breath, returning to your body, returning to your day.
Loving you,
. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.
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