Today, dear ones, I send you a creed, a doctrine, that perhaps you'd like to follow as you find your way forward on your path. In blessing and love, here are the words you may wish to take to heart as you take flight
I Choose. I choose to step forward. I chose to start anew. I choose to become, more than I have ever been, in every moment. I choose to see the light in the darkness, by recognizing the illusions for what they are. I understand the blessings of adversity and the gift of knowing I am more because of what I've been through. I choose. Because I no longer find it acceptable to remain unconscious. I choose. Because I don't blame my life on someone else's misdeed. I choose. And I am happier for it. I am more. Choosing is my becoming, as it becomes me and I become the All that I am, the All that Is.
I choose to see life as an adventure, calling me to be greater always, calling me Home. I choose to take responsibility for making my dreams come true. And I know that by choosing to be my best Self in every moment, my dreams will follow. I choose to see life through the eyes of a child; to know the wonder and the excitement of what's to come as I allow Life to unfold. I choose to see life through God's eyes, removing the need to suffer, eliminating the attachment to pain, absorbing into oneness.
I choose to know in my heart and to remind my head that I am not alone, that I am part of the gigantic web of life and that it is as much a part of me. I remember my calling. I remember my name. I see that I am a part of something bigger than my self and I know the desire to become all that I can for the sake of what I am a part of. I hear the whispers in my heart and I act on them. I have learned to cultivate those whispers and silence the chatter that comes from a different place instead.
I go forth with my wisdom and knowledge, bringing heaven to Earth, bringing as an act of love. I forgo my search of self as I am already found.
I AM. And there is no other thing.
. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.
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