There was a girl who found herself, one day, in the midst of overwhelm and frustration. She was well on her way to anger until somehow she remembered that she had created the situation that was unfolding. And when she realized this, she knew that surely, if she created it, there must be a reason for it-some sort of lesson that she could take away from the experience, that could expand her in some way- this was an opportunity-a window. And so she decided to look through it. And in opening to this higher thought, this allowing of the lesson of the moment to be learned, she became connected with compassion, for herself and for the process she had laid out before her. And in saying Yes to her creation, a knowing unfolded.
This was about melting the layers. This was about softening, about stepping away from the hardness that comes when we get caught up in the next moment and the one after that; about how we become suspended in worry and in doubt, not knowing what this one moment will bring because we aren't seeing it, we aren't being it, we aren't living-we're denying. And in the resistance, all of the negativity arises. In the denial of what the moment is teaching us, of our creation, we loose something. We loose an opportunity to move forward and become more.
When we open, our awareness sharpens and clues to our learning are abundant. Once the girl let go of her resistance, she looked down and in the most unsuspecting place, she saw the words 'He Is Me'. And she was guided further on the road of compassion and Oneness. For every resentment that we have of another, there is harshness towards ourselves. For every judgment we pass, we are condemning ourselves. And we can begin to notice how our impatience at the world around us reflects the impatience we have with our own being. We can begin to notice how our anger that's bubbling to the surface is coming from a place that's reflected within. And we can begin to see the damage that's doing and that has done to our ever-loving souls and to those that walk beside us.
But compassion is forgiving, and it allows for us to love again and know that we are worthy. It allows for us to begin anew with open hearts that are healed by Knowing. And it affords us a new way of being that's gentler, wiser, more sovereign, and pure. So ask yourself, in the next moment that you find yourself conflicted, what have I chosen to see in this light, and how can it bring me more into alignment with my truth. You'll be amazed by the layers that melt away. And you'll feel proud of yourself for rising to the occasion.
She is Me. I am You. And We are One.
. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.
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