On this Mother's Day I;d like to share with you something I'm learning along the way-my gift to you...
I've been being groomed in the art of allowing lately, in the way of giving over, giving up resistance, and getting comfortable with letting everything unfold exactly as it needs to. Not an easy process, even when you've been dipped in it a time or two before. And I've found it's much like the course in surrender that I 'signed up for' a couple of years back, in that it's an onion effect at play, and just when you think you've 'mastered' the lesson and perhaps after being gifted with a little breather to absorb what you've learned, you're submerged once again in the spiritual Earth school of growth.
I suspect I'm not the only one being ever so graciously versed in the fine art of allowing, as consciousness has become even more collective these days (or maybe we're all just more aware of it). And so, I wish to share a few things I've learned along the way about allowing, in hopes that your course, and your journey will in some way be made with greater grace and ease.
First of all, what is allowing, and how does it work. Allowing is surrendering, to a degree, but different. It's a form of surrender with a twist, or maybe a higher octave of it- of letting go of control. Allowing encompasses the ability to step back and let whatever is playing out simply play, simply do it's thing, with the knowledge, or the faith, that it really all is for the highest good. Allowing can be applied to many areas of your life, and especially many areas of your growth. I happen to find it very useful at 'stuck points'-where things don't seem to be gathering the momentum we desire or aren't going in the direction we wish to see them moving, and most especially, when they're not happening fast enough.
Allowing encompasses faith, as it moves us into a place of knowing that everything really will be ok, and that it’s ok to let go. When we set aside our perfect pictures which cause great suffering and are the opposite of accepting; relinquish judgment (which is a lower level emotion and the opposite of freedom); and release resistance, we are then able to get back into a state of allowing. In allowing, all the abundance, freedom, joy, success, prosperity, and happiness we desire can flow to us. In manifesting, this is essential, if we don’t allow for that which we desire to come to us, there is a blockage to the desire manifesting. When we allow what is to simply be, we reinstate our power and rise into a state of Being rather than doing, knowing that we don’t have to do anything to be, and that our resistance to what is only serves to hold us back from what we wish to attain.
There's something very Zen about allowing. It forces us to get out of the way in the form of just being. It takes the constriction and the resistance out of the picture, which in many cases, is the blockage that's causing the 'stuckness' to begin with. Allowing is actually one of the spiritual laws of the Universe, and one that’s often overlooked. In many ways, it’s the ‘missing piece’ to consciously co-creating our reality. Allowing tunes us into the present and to the flow, to the All that Is. It aligns us with our selves and our source and reassures us that there is a rhyme and a reason, but that we don’t need to know what that is in order for the flow to flow and for us to be exactly who we are in this moment.
Allowing is the principle of least action, of no resistance. It will bring absolute freedom in life. In this way of being, we accept that I AM that Which I AM and allow others to be that which they are. We allow what ever Is to Be and watch as circumstances unfold.
Allowing opens you to a state of being that holds no agenda. There is no right or wrong in allowing, only being. In the being is stillness, and in stillness all energy is aligned with the flow. Allowing gives us a chance to step away from what is and at the same time become one with it. There is no need in allowing, to understand why, what or how. There is just the simplicity of the Isness and the acceptance of our being.
When we allow, we shift our consciousness from a state of fear to a state of trust. We become aligned with the still small voice and pull away from the tyrant in our heads. We surrender, when we allow, to a knowing and to a way of being that is the highest state one can reach. Giving over the need, to know, the need to be right, the need to control, and embracing the possibility of what might be. There is no weakness in allowing. Life was not meant to be fought to the bitter end. In allowing is strength, a strength of character, and of spirit, which roots itself in something higher, something bigger, something beyond. Allowing gives us an opportunity to become in tune to what’s within and all around us, without judgment, and gives new perspective a window to emerge.
Allowing sometimes takes and ounce grace and a touch of wisdom. But it is a way to move forward without struggle and without effort, and a way of being that surpasses the incessant ways of the mind to navigate and delegate through illusion.
Being grateful places us in a state of allowing. It opens us the what is right in front of us and tells us there’s no need to look any further. And as we count our blessings we are actually raising our vibration and stabilizing all of the organs within our system. This opens us up to the miracles and blessings that are happening all around us, many of which we may not have even noticed, and sets the stage for more to come.
Another way of allowing is detachment. When we are in a state of detachment, we trust. Trust is to rely completely on spirit. Learning to trust is living in the wisdom of your spirit rather than insecurity and uncertainty. It’s where unlimited opportunities are being created in the now. Detachment also allows you to stay open to allow the Universe to bring even better than you desire.
So, to be one with what is and align with your purpose, allowing is an incredible tool that can take you where you need to be on your path. And most of the time, that’s exactly where you are right now.
Namaste sweet souls.
Keep shinin’ and knowing that even when (especially when) everything seems to be turned upside down or inside out)- All is well and on purpose, and maybe, just maybe, you too, are being schooled in the art of Allowing, or one of the other magnificent tools you’ll need along the way. Be gentle with your spirit and extra kind to your soul, loving You always along the way.
Blessings and Joy,
. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.
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