Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Meanwhile

Sometimes, when we dream a better dream of what can be, we can loose ourselves in the ‘in between'.  When we allow our creative minds to  expand into a new story and an updated version of who we are, we begin to feel the expansion.  And as we expand, even before the fact, even before the new shows up in our lives, we may find that we no longer fit into the container of what we’ve been.  In the Meanwhile, between what we’ve been and who we’re becoming, we may find that we can’t go back into the box, which can leave us feeling frustrated, vulnerable, and alone.

There appears to be this purgatory, or holding place, this in-between where we begin to receive strong visions and clues of what’s to come, but part of us feels like it’s almost too good to be true. It begins to feel that the fairytale we’re dreaming is more, maybe, than we can allow ourselves to believe in and that part of us that’s once bitten, twice shy begins to back away. We are being pushed out of our comfort zones into the unknown and this makes us want to squirm, but it’s important to use this wiggle power as leverage and push harder. Sometimes we have to push through that resistance in order to see the fruition of what’s to come. This is co-creating in action.  This is us doing our part in the ‘co’ of the creation.  This is us moving past fear and expanding. Here we can use the fire to push past what’s familiar and become what we know to be true.  Decide that you’re someone who’s going to persevere.  When you get good and angry at the circumstances that be, let this be an opportunity to boundary-set with yourself and define what you’ll no longer take, settle for, or be subjected to.  And then decide what it would take for you to feel like you’ve finally arrived. And once you’ve found instruction in the fire of your Light, and have embraced your power to move, move, move ahead, at your own level of intention, and beyond, and at your capacity, and then some, then, at last surrender, and let the Big Guy do the rest. 

In these moments, we may find ourselves grasping, as we may not be aware that there is something in the way of our ability to fully come into alignment with our truest desires. We may not be aware that we are still holding on to a something, a someone, or a somehow that doesn’t fit into the greater picture we’ve been painting.  What we may not even see is that as we’re envisioning a new way of life, we are still holding on to the old story, which keeps us stuck and locked in to a way of being, thinking, perceiving, that doesn’t match up with the vibration of what we’ve dreamed could be true.

So an inner war of sorts sets into play, and we become confused about what’s coming up for us and how we’re feeling. We sense the imbalance and know we’re unaligned but don’t quite know what to do. We don’t want to feed into anger or frustration of take the lead of the fire within when it flares because we fear this will lead us even further off track.  And when we choose to continue to tell the story, which can be ever more supported by your frustration at the inability to move forward, the fire squelched becomes depression, anxiety, and despondency because at this point, we have gone too far and must at last turn back to the one within who knows.

And when we’ve been lost for too long, in our story, or in our resistance to throttle through, when we’ve been lost so long that we can’t even remember our way back, then the red light of our soul’s dash starts flashing and we will begin to feel the discomfort of self-betrayal.  We will hear the alarm sounding in our dreams, in our restlessness, in our discontent.  We will find anger welling as the fire or our being points us in the direction of what we have become lost in.  The internal fame burns strong in these times in order to redirect our discomfort and become empowered to make change.  This flame can be used to burn through any confusion, doubt, indecision, and overall ‘stuckness’ as we hold on with fingers still gripped tight to what’s been burying us for some time.

And it can be something of a refresh button as we begin to delete and clear what no longer defines; as we begin again to recalibrate our path and take new steps toward who we are again, really, at a deep-down level, at a level of strength, perseverance, and faith. 

And soon, we’ll notice things we’ve been doing to support this outgrown story falling away as well.  Shifting to this new level can be a magical cure for self-betrayal and many numbing and distracting methods that divert us from that part of us that knows that we’re living fiction and that what’s at great stake by doing so is our joy.

So maybe in the meanwhile as you find that that GPS of yours is beeping, you can take it as a signal to take head, turn in, and honor you in the highest way, anger, frustration, and all.  And if you feel that fire burning, allow it to become your impetus to push through the barrier of what you’ve bought into and clear the fog of delusion so that new levels can be attained and the flow can stream freely in the direction of the new.  And if you feel like you’re coming undone, then let yourself unravel and find your way back to what’s true.  There you’ll find your bliss waiting, and there you can start anew.

BE well and Believe!

Love to you,

. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Falling Away

Perhaps you feel like you’ve fallen back a step or two (or three, or four, or eight, or two-hundred).  Perhaps, at the risk of sounding trite, you feel that you’ve fallen and can’t get up.  Perhaps, though, you haven’t fallen at all, you are just in the midst of what is falling away.   You are, and have been, becoming for some time now, and it should come as no surprise when set back follows step forward.  Yet, the forward has become so increasingly light-filled, that it is, at this point, disheartening and somewhat alarming to find that you have fallen, once again, to a place you thought you’d left far behind.

It seems, always and each time, that the new is here to stay and that you have at last found your better way. And when the crest has fallen and the clouds have cleared, you will see that you haven’t at all lost your ground, you’re simply still finding it.  There is much to come on the horizon, and as you become ever more solid in the Truth of who you indeed are, you will need to ensure your footing. This, dear one, is what you have become engulfed in, at this point in time, as shifts beget shifts and Knowing is replaced with Being.

Did you ever wonder how you were going to get somewhere, only to find yourself there already, without even knowing it?  This is an example of  Being replacing knowing. This is an example of saturating the moment without intention, of living so aligned with where you are going, and what you desire, that the distance between the desire and the destination evaporates. This is where you are headed, and perhaps where you have already gone. You have tasted the bliss of an existence covered with grace and there is plenty more where that came from. But, for the brief time being, you must do a few things in order to ripen just a bit more into the fruit of your being. This is a time of surrendering to even deeper layers, releasing the oldest of old, and allowing for what is to simply be.

And though it may feel as though you’ve suddenly been ripped out of your ‘I’ve finally arrived state’ and submerged into a pot-hole of confusion and defeat, it’s important to see the forest for the trees. This is only another step on your path (and the rhythm so far has been forward, back, forward, back), but what’s evolving is bigger now and so must be your scope of awareness as you take flight, wanting nothing to stop you once you’re in the air.  Better to make this pit stop now than to meet disturbances down the line.

One of the tricks of this template that’s being played out is to remain calm. That ‘fasten your seatbelts’ thing you’ve been hearing about- here now.  SO when you’re dive-bombing into a depressive state or ferociously searching for that thing you knew you had found just recently that only took all of your life to track down (ie; your life’s passion, or that fairy-tale feeling of dreams coming true, or the ecstasy that was pouring from your soul) don’t panic, or loose faith, simply let it all just ride out.

The test is not, nor has it ever been, whether or not you can learn something from what’s presenting itself.  You will not be released from the clenches of the darkness that you may find hot on your heels if you decipher the code or it’s intention. Do not follow these feelings of dread into your heart and allow them to penetrate any further than perhaps they already have.  The test, my love, is not in understanding the lesson, the test is whether or not you will ride the wave or be taken under.

Do not allow your self to identify too much with whatever is presenting itself to you at this point, for you are more than any and all of what ever you may be screening from the limited perspective of what appears to be playing before you.  So, so, so much more is in play. It has not disappeared from your reach or gone away. You are simply being primed for yet another shift and, yes, another step forward. And in order to do so, it is being ensured that you are indeed ready.

All that no longer serves is being sifted.  And as it falls through the fingers of your reality, allow it to do as it may. Be steady as the cradle is rocked, for you are every bit as strong as you were before this day. Deepest core ways of reacting, reliving, and reviewing (read living in the past) are being sandblasted from your being, so that you can no longer lapse into those momentary bouts of unconsciousness. The deepest of deep, the recesses of all that you have been, are now in a state of reform, which makes you the cosmic construction site for the time being. But the beauty of it all is that you won’t be derailed time and again, as you were in the past by incessant urges to self-sabotage or suffer by default.

No, once this is all said and done, you will be able to ‘walk on water’-guaranteed. Or better, who knows. Aim high, dear ones, and know (or should I say BE) that what you desire and all that you dream is right there, waiting for you.  You only needed a few minor adjustments, so that you could be aligned with what it is you wish to bring forward.

So take a deep breath, and in times of trouble, repeat after me…

‘I am Steady and calm. I am strength.
 Allowing it all to fall away. No longer needing any of it, just letting it fall, as I become clear of all that no longer serves me, as I become free. ‘

Remember, This is simply the dance of sovereignty.

In grace,

. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

The Powers That Be

  Invite yourself to be opened by the power of love, the power of intention, the power of good deeds.
Allow yourself to expand into a consciousness that merges with self-directedness, courage and possibility.
You are your highest calling; even when you don’t feel like it.
You are your grandest dream; even when you don’t know what that is.
And the way and the how can be totally beyond you while the power of what is pours through.

Invite yourself to be the observer, as you witness the Universe working its miracles through you, as sacred vessel; through you, as the ever-worthy, ever wondrous being that you are.

Today, and all days before you, stretches the opportunity to embrace your truth in whatever capacity that may be.
Do not be discouraged if out of the window of your perspective, you see what may seem to be the opposite of what it is you aspire to be. For, in your process of unfolding, many remarkable experiences will be presented. But also will be revealed the unveiling of what you may have been and what you have chosen to take part in as a life experience.

Your experience is not you. IT simply is. Your emotions are not you. They simply are. SO do not allow yourself to be forsaken by what appears to be so and what doesn’t.
It is bt grace that you will be shown The Way. And The Way, by the grace, will be yours in undying directives that will deliver as the energy unfolds.

Feeling the power, as it surges through your being, allowing the flow and redirecting the mind when it is swayed with doubt and distracted by the urge to abandon what you have set your sights on. It is in these moments, just before the dawn that the darkness explores its depths.. The darkness is only one element of the All, simply an element of the spectrum of vastness. And it is always a teacher by direction and design. Ask yourself what you may have to learn from the trenches but don’t give your power away to what the lessons have to say in the moments before it is time to go forth.

Develop the discipline of compassion for self. For it is love that will become your most powerful tool. Exercise wisdom in judgment so that your inner critic and wounded child that may call out to you during this time are nurtured rather than suppressed. All of you wants to go forward as you spread your wings. SO it is important to gather and encourage what within you lies in fear.

Tenderness is a magical elixir. Pay it forward to your soul so that you may quench whatever part of you feels weary. Butterfly, this is your moment. And there is nothing really that you must do now other than Be.
Believe in the power of you.
Believe in your potential as a wisdom keeper, a sacred warrior, and a divinely inspired light being whose gifts to the world are every bit as special as you could imagine them to be.

Go forth, dear one, set foot on the path and spread your wings. The sins of the father are being revisited. But now you, in all of your glory, have within you the potential and the purpose of wiping that slate clean. Be it an honor in the hour of forward movement, as your light shines bright enough to break free from the shackles of society and all who have said that it couldn’t be so. Be brave in beholding the most magnificent version of you. You are enough. You are most worthy. And you are about to embark on the wild ride of what if and what could be.

Time to stretch!!!
Be blessed on your journey into the abyss, and be gentle with you all the way through.

Loving you,

. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

Rainbows Ahead; Being Bountiful

When you reach this place of feeling like your dreams could come true, actually are coming true, there’s this power that begins to take over your being. Suddenly, you feel compelled to say what you need to say, to do what you need to do, and be who you need to be without holding back. All at once, there is this peace and this ferociousness about you and about everything that you touch. Everything becomes new, and fresh, and alive, and there are now, in your world, endless possibilities. There is no holding back, though before there was plenty. And it’s as if you can’t remember anymore where the door of the you that you knew before ended and where the new you began. It just suddenly is this glorious way of being that has replaced you, yet somehow never stopped being you to begin with. That is when you know you’ve arrived. That is when you know that you are home. And everything after that is just a dream.

And when you reach this place, it’s important to remind yourself, that it is all GOD! It’s imperative to be grateful in every moment as the journey unfolds, because this is what you have always wanted, this is what you have been waiting for, and without HIM it simply wouldn’t be. It’s easy to become even more heady as the miracles spring from here and there and the fire burns within you and results begin to manifest left and right. But I say, keep your eyes pointed in the direction above, because that is the force that drives you and that is the force that drives you and that is the force that makes dreams come true.

When there is want, there is lack. But faith, on the other hand, and trust are true symbols of gratitude before the fact; of love for what you have in its totality, including that which you can’t see. And as your life begins to unfold in the order of your wildest dreams, everything within you is strengthened. You become empowered to be more. You don’t settle for less. And you know, without a question or a doubt, that this is what it’s all about ~ that you were meant to create and live and play this way.

And everything lines up to support you, because you are joy, you are the Flow, you are the light that shines so brightly that it can’t help but be seen. And this is the spark of divinty. This is what everybody’s been talkin’ about. But when you experience it for yourself, you can’t help but giggle, and do the happy dance, and know that there is plenty more of where that came from.

And you might think that you would wonder why it took you so long to get to this place of simple abundant bliss. But there’s no time to ponder what’s, why’s, or how’s when you’ve got bigger things to think about~ like how to spread the joy, or light the fire under someone else’s feet, or extend your love to someone who hasn’t yet experienced this amazing expansion.

When you get there, when you come home to the Truth of who you are, know dear heart, that you have reached a monumental benchmark in the land of make believe. You have crossed the threshold into the butterfly moment and you stand at the gates of grace-filled eternity. For at this point, your consciousness will shift into a reality of knowing the All That Is on a very personal level, and what you believe to be so will be greatly effected by the undying peace of what you have achieved.

There is that moment that you can hold onto, the moment of Now in every moment that is completely yours and is everything you desire it to be. Be graced with this moment. Be in gratitude in this moment and Know that once you decide to shine and once you feel the radiance of your own light everything unfolds for you in more perfect splendor than you yourself could ever conceive.

Becoming in every moment the light that you are, may you be ever blessed on your journey and bountiful in serenity.

Love to you,

. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

Burnin' Through the Midnight Oil

Burning through the midnight oil, burnin’ through or transmuting the thick, dark, old whatever’s been in your way kind of stuff- are ya feelin’ it?

Here are some conscious choices and ways that you can expedite this wave of healing and make it a li-ttle bit smoother.

1. Water. Water. Water. And more water. This is the stuff that’s gonna help you cleanse. Picture the water flowing through and cleansing everything in it’s path that needs to go. Watch in your mind’s eye as it washes through, picking up and carrying off all of the unwanted gunk that’s been blocking or restricting your flow. Just keep guzzling-and let it go to work for ya. It knows what to do.

2. Induldge! Yes-I’m talkin’ about fat. You’re workin’ hard with all this transmutation that’s going on. Shifting is no joke. Think of it like inner cardio-you’re burning some serious calories on a soul level. Give the process some fuel. A little fat helps ease the effects of all that intensity sometimes and can stave off exhaustion as you burn, burn, burn.

3. Perspective. I know it’s easy to dread the dredge, but what if what was being excavated was actually really cool? What if you’re really just clearing the way for that long lost renaissance artist in you to bust loose. Or how bout that mischievous child within who’s full of brilliant ways to stir up some fun is simply finding her way through ? Believe it to be whatever you want it to be and make room for your imagination to take you to a whole other level with all of this ascending.

4. Ground it out. All of this energy needs a place to flow. It can get stuck in your body and sometimes needs a little direction to assist its current curant. Picture it rolling off your fingertips and down through the soles of your feet. Visualization is extremely powerful, my friend, and so are you. Command that this energy transmutes quickly and with grace and ease. Command it flows on out into the earth when you’re feeling its stucknes. Or intend it be channeled into something productive, like this blog, or get creative with soul collage, or anything that tickles your fancy. This is all about your truth coming out-so let it! Let it show you what it wants to say and let yourself peak into the wonders of what it’s been hiding all this time.

5. Get out of the way. Not knowing or no longer being in touch with what it is you came to do (especially if you were previously feeling pretty on target) is excellent right now. Yes, even though you may be feeling completely lost, you are indeed spot on. Not knowing removes you from being your won obstacle while you’re being present with opportunities that may well far surpass your own invested perception of what you’re here for.
“ It is in the unity consciousness of no boundaries that all miracles of healing are possible. But first a death must occur before we see the possibilities.”- Sandra Ingerman

6. Die the spiritual death.. Our intentions are so powerful right now. So if we intend to create abundance in our lives, it will be, but also will be the transmuting of anything that stands in the way of that. We may be feeling like whatever we desire is just out of reach and at the same time may be totally unaware of the vital process of cleansing that’s under way-purifying us for the gift of fruition. Letting go of outcomes, desires, needs, and wants clears the way for what wants to come to come without any interference. And when there’s interference, there’s fire. Hence the burning and intensity that’s comin’ your way as the phoenix does what she does best and transmutes and transforms, rebirthing a new you.

Salute’. Here’s to you and your brilliance! Shine on, bright one, shine on!

Until next time,

. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

New Moon

.   For this new moons powerful induction into our True Selves, I offer you away to connect deeper to the energies streaming through. Take a moment to read this to yourself, or out loud and feel it within your being. Blessings always, Rhonda.

      Divine beings of light, you have been brought here to fulfill a purpose. As you have walked through this world, many times you have wondered why you have come, and many times, you have doubted your ability to fulfill your dreams. That time of wandering and uncertainty is over. Come now, out of the corners of your mind and into the light of awakening. Awakening Light body. Awakening divinity.

      Go now, to the place of power that resides within you. Within. Going deeper. Capture your essence.
      Floating in essence, embracing the powerful mekebah that is the design and blueprint of your being. Unraveling now and understanding codes that have been in place throughout the ages.

      Ancient soul, remembering your knowing, remembering your strength. Blessed soul, it is no longer time to suffer or search. You are at the doorway of the temple of All that is, and of everything you desire. This is the time you have been waiting for, and you have arrived.

      Open, now, to the Everything, to the Oneness, to the sacred fellowship of your sisters and brothers, seeing clearly now, the light they shine as it reflects perfectly the light within you.

      You are a bright light of love and abundance, brimming with fullness, feeling the flow. Feeling the love. Being the love. Bathe in eternal love. Each breathe taking you deeper into the chalice of pure potentiality. Perfectly surrendering to the truth of your soul.

      Being of love, you are surrounded by light. Feeling the light from all directions, from every corner, as it nourishes and strengthens you. Becoming the nourishment. Becoming the strength. You are ever supported on this journey of life that you have so bravely signed up for.

      It is safe now to come out and play, to expand, to explore, to ignite the dynasty of your divinity.

      It is time now to rise into action, to fulfill the desires and quench the thirst. Spirit merging with body. Body aligned with mind. No longer living duality. No longer shrouded in doubt.

      Releasing everything that binds you, all that stands in your way falls to the side as you step now into your power, as you envelop the grandest most beautiful version of you you could ever imagine.

      Imagine you. Imagine you into being. Letting go.. Letting life giving breath remind you of your beingness, of your sacredness, of your beloved calling that you have come to fulfill, and all of the precious gifts that you have come to share with the world. The gifts that are uniquely yours, the ones that only you can bring, are ready to come forward.

      Taste the freedom as you open to new beginnings, as you open to new ways of being, as you let your spirit soar. Allowing expansion in the coming days, as you embark now, on your path with purpose and grace. Bringing in the energy of this new moon, you are fully aligned and empowered. You have gathered everything within your soul and connected to the divine cosmic energies that the Universe has sent this night to support and direct you as you embrace All that you came to be.

      Anchoring the light within your heart. Anchoring the light within your belly.
      Now, bringing that love down into the mother that is earth. Breathing in, full breath, up through every inch of you being, and out, into the great sky above.

      One with All that Is.
      And All that Is is wondrous Love.

      Savoring the peace and joy that flows through you now as you experience the divine force within and the divinity that flows throughout the Everything.
      Know that you can return to this place anytime you desire, for it is you and you are it and it is so.

      Blessed be, sweet souls.


. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

On Becomming

Ask and you shall receive- and you do- instantly! You may not understand what it is you’re receiving, yet just by asking, you’ve allowed yourself to expand. Allowing is a big part of the deal. Allow for whatever may be coming to you, and remain open to insight and answers. The way is flowing to you, but you have to allow it in. Be open to receiving what it is you need to Be as you are guided into alignment with your desire.
Affirm “I AM” ( a great mother, a fabulous writer, whatever it is that you desire to be.)
Ask for guidance, for help, for all that you need to become what it is you seek to be. We were never meant to do it alone, and there is so much assistance just waiting to be of service. Open to the etheric realm and watch the miracles in your life begin to unfold.
Attain. Allow yourself to expand into this bigger version of you, knowing that you can be that, that whatever you imagine couldn’t be imaginable if you weren’t capable of Being it. Let yourself become with out the need or the knee-jerk reaction to hold back. Realize that when you ask for something, if you are not currently totally aligned with what it is you desire, the Universe will bring to you what you need to become aligned.
SO when you ask, be prepared for what’s coming into your life to ‘open’ you to what it is that you want to receive. Be present. Be open. Be thankful. All is in perfect order. Simply let yourself be guided and know that everything that presents itself is leading you one step closer to the destination of your dreams.

In honor of you, let the creation begin!

Loving you,

. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

Tips and Tools

As I volley back and forth in my thoughts these days, in a time that is somehow as trying as any other, I find myself reaching again, and again, pulling myself up from the trenches and resisting the urge to play into the dramas in my head. I center, but find myself floating to the top once again, dwelling in my head rather than my heart. And I’m wondering what it is that I’m finding so irresistible in the muck. Is it the familiarity of the long played out scenarios that, no doubt, stand in my way but deceptively tell a tale all to easy to believe, no matter how many times it’s been told or what version of the story is unraveling.
Is it the easiness of hiding behind what no longer fits as it allows me to duck out of sight from my greatness and the unknown that beckons me to rise?

I spiral and I come up for air. I ask for greater assistance, for many, many angels to come to my side, and I know that I am more than this, more than I’ve ever been. But still I continue to dip in the depths. Perhaps I’m dredging what needs to be dredged, but it doesn’t feel like it, and it doesn’t feel like I’m doing my part of holding up the consciousness that I intend to hold for myself and for humanity.

So, in these times, I reach for some relief. Here are some tips to float above the lower stuff and find your way back to center.

1) Instead of ’what if’, I say ‘WHATEVER!’ Yes, I get an attitude with my ego self. Don’t put up with whatever’s being flung in your direction. When the thoughts start streaming and it’s not in a good way, shut it up and shut it down. You don’t have to put up with it. Take a stand and cop a ‘tude.

2) ‘Really?’- question your reality, or at least the one plotting away and writing itself out on the page of your mind. Ask yourself, ‘Really? Is this really what’s going on? Is this really where that person I'm arguing with in my head is coming from? Is this really how I feel?’ Don’t let your thoughts feel?’ Don’t let your thoughts determine your reality, you’ll only be living on half-truths.

3) Distraction, ahhhh, precious distraction. Like we don’t have enough to do, we don’t need to be caught up in our heads a million miles away on a path of destruction. Get present. Clean out a drawer. Redecorate your living room. Get down on the floor and play with your cat or your kids. Get busy and do something, anything, to keep you from reeling. It's not real.

4) Practice an act of kindness. Do something heart-based for yourself or another. You know what you’re doing in that head of yours is far from kind. Don’t let yourself behave that way or believe that way. Kill it with kindness instead.

5) Open up the window of your mind and get some fresh air, a new perspective. Engross yourself in a summer novel, a good movie, or a talk radio show. Change the channel and get out of your head for a while. You don’t have to figure it out. Really.

6) Shift your imagination into gear to promote fabulous rather than fear, frustration, failure, or whatever it is you’re skimming the water of or drowning in. Create something new. Plant a garden. Take some pictures. Plan a wonderful surprise for somebody you love. Have fun on that hamster wheel in your brain and let the juices flow on the up beat.

7) Make a plan of action to implement a ‘Love Calendar’, each day, loving you in a new way. You deserve it. Fall in love with you again. Let it be your summer romance. Get crazy about you and out of the crazy-making mindset.

8) Find a cause and volunteer. It’s really not all about you. If you want to focus on suffering, there are plenty of causes out there to spear head or lend your time to. We really do have too much time on our hands to think about things. Imagine a third-world life and what you could do to improve on their living conditions. If you don’t feel like you can help yourself, help someone else. You’ll see your perspective and your vibration shift in an instant.

9) Make your dollar stretch. If you decide to uplift by treating yourself, purchase something that will go the distance and something that will get you through the next time you’re needing a lift. Oils are incredible, so are flower remedies and candles. Mind altering and mood-altering are good. Anything to help you shift without having to pay a consequence for it later.

10) Create a sacred space just for you. A beautiful new friend of mine recently introduced me to the concept of ‘The Womb’- a little hideaway, maybe a closet or a corner of a room, that you can submerge yourself into when you need to reconnect with yourself and disconnect from the world. Make it divine, dressed with sentiment and sacred. Make it yours, one-hundred percent, and go there regularly. Sometimes all you need to align is a little time away. Take it.

11) And finally, rewind. Start over, even if you’re at the end of your day, and do it differently, do it your way, the way you really want, and see how that feels. No one said you can’t rewrite the script. Get that body-pillow-sized eraser out and change it. Press delete. Turn the page. Wave your wand, and make it better, no make it the best, most grandest design of anything you could ever imagine. Why not? Who’s to say what’s really real anyway, right? And to those who say you can’t do that…you know you can always question their reality with a ‘Really?!?!?!?!?’ Or toss it aside with a simple and solid ‘WHATEVER!!!’

Be good to you, always. And know that you are You, despite what you are telling yourself, and no matter what, I love you anyway ☺

Blessings to all of you sweet souls on your journey.

In grace and gratitude,

. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

What Do You Know?

We all know that the act of surrender is pivotal on the journey. We know how this can align us with the peace and joy that we have searched for throughout our lives and that through surrender we can access flow. But sometimes, like right now, you may feel that going with the flow is counterproductive. As you sense the urgency to bring your gifts forward, you may be feeling that you’re missing seemingly critical details about the what, how, when, & where’s of quite how to do that. The frustration of not knowing can send you tail-spinning in the exact opposite direction of where you know you want to be headed.

Most of you have been on this journey long enough to Know that trying to figure it out is a recipe for disaster. So what can you do? Step away for a moment, from what you don’t know, and focus on what you do. What is it that you Know in your heart to be true. Do you know that you are Divine? Do you Know that the Universe is always conspiring to help you achieve whatever it is you can dream up? Do you know what it is to Be Love? What do you Know? What is your Truth? Come from that place. Realign and shift into the highest thought, or go beyond the thought and simply shift into a way of being.

You know all of this, in your heart you truly do. It’s Life Path 101. You’ve heard it many, many times along the way so far. But do you know how to operate from your center? If that is something you’re still struggling with then seek the tools to get there. This is the way forward and the place from which you will be navigating as you step into the life of your dreams. It is very important, in this time of your unfolding, that you become your own antennae. Do not seek beyond yourself for the answers. It is imperative that you listen to the source from within.

When you are unclear about how to move forward or about what it is you came to do, you must think of what it is that you want. Define your life in dreams and then Be that. Feel yourself in the shoes of that which you desire to be and do and act as if you already ARE that, as if your dreams have already come true, as if you have already become every aspect of the light you wish to shine and there is nothing left to do but be. You must align energetically with the energy of what you want to receive. Shift out of doubt through intention. Change the channel. If what you’re receiving in the way of guidance is static, or nothing at all, then readjust your vibration.

The life of your dreams will be received when you are in high frequency. Would it be any other way? Doesn’t it make sense that your highest aspirations would automatically vibrate at high frequencies? Your highest aspirations are YOU choosing higher. Align so that you can receive further operating instructions. And remember, you must BE what it is you wish to receive.

Always in light,

. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.


Letting your breath drift, slowly out and then in, visualizing the aura of peace that is surrounding you now, finding your way back to your heart, knowing again that in this moment, in the moment now, you are safe, you are loved. Waiting for love never fit you. It is here for the taking, right now, right where you are, as you are, in this moment as you rest in the gentleness of your breath. Breathing now, into the bottom of your chest and bringing the breath up, and then out, as it finds its way through the top of your head. Steadily climbing, reaching for the stars, up and out, into the all and the everything. This moment, gently taking you to the elemental wonders of connection with all of time. This moment, sitting gently with your breath. Letting go, simply letting. And now seeing all that is before you, amidst the vastness of the sky, seeing and being that, as you float within the realm above. Tasting the mystery of the ever-evolving universe as you float amongst the stars, upward and out, and upward still. Now reaching out your arms, embracing the force, embracing the love, gathering it close and absorbing it throughout your being. Becoming one with sky, one with vastness, one with all. And with your love-quenched soul now realigned in its knowing, begin to float backwards, finding your way again to where you belong. Floating back as you watch the stars go by, floating back now through the sky, back in though the crown of your head, back down, anchoring in your heart, and resting there as you feel fully the power and the potential that you have been made aware of. Completely reveling in the essence of you, complete in love, complete and new. Allowing your spirit now to travel down through your belly, down and down again as it finds it's way now into the earth, finding it's way to mother, finding the nurturing love and support that only a mother can give. Nestle into the layers of mother, the layers of earth. Nestle in, as you dig, ever deeper, ever more grounded, into the soil, noticing any treasures as you burrow deeper and deeper still, until you find yourself solid and ready to return. Bring up the mother earth energy through your body now in one swoop force, up into the top of your head, down into your heart, one more time, and then back into your belly. Anchor there, returning to your breath, returning to your body, returning to your day.

Loving you,

. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

It's ALL You

Your life is 100% yours. It's all you, and you, and you, and you. What you make of it is up to you. What you decide is happening within it-yours. What you intend to create, believe, discover, revise-your choice. Take a quick glance, an overview of your life now, exactly as it is, and ask yourself, in truth, 'is this the life of your dreams?' If not, there are lots of excuses you could give, but all of those come from the voice in your head. Your heart knows no limits. It knows the difference between what you dream and what you feel you're worthy of.

Your future is in your hands-completely. And though there is potential, and possibility, what will be your reality is indeed based on your will. So, what will it take to find your courage and your strength, to find your light and your power? Are you uncomfortable enough not to remain the same anymore? Are you uncomfortable enough to change, to push through, to find a solution and take action? Ask yourself these questions, because this is a time for serious reflection. This is a time for getting your groove on. You know you want to. You're really too fabulous to not participate in Life. You don't have to fix or heal or figure out what's wrong before you can begin to shine. You don't have to get unbroken to BE the beautiful light that you already are. All you have to do is decide. Decide that you are ready to play the part of You in this reality that you're creating. Decide to rewrite the script of what's playing out within your life in any moment that it's not what you want it to be. Decide that you're not going to settle for less, for second best, for nothing, when everything you could ever want is right there waiting for you.

Make the difference, in your life, in somebody else's. Make the difference for the world. Show off a bit, or a bunch. Let yourself wiggle 'cause you wanna. Let yourself smile wide. Now's not the time to hide-you're more than that, more than you've let yourself believe. But those limits, those fears, don't have to get in your way anymore. You have, inside you, right now, everything you need to push forward. Really, you do. And so it comes down to one thing...are you going to make it happen? The trains a'commin' down the track, don't you want to go for the ride of your life? Then you have to get on, sweet sou you have to take a chance and hop on board. Do it for you...you'll be glad you did.


. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

Resistance is Energy Loss

What are you resisting today? Where are you feeling it in your body? If you're tired-relax into it. If you feel like you're loosing your mind-open to the possibilities of that. Think about it- no mind/all heart=pure expansion! Whatever you're experiencing right now-embrace it. Let it all be perfectly created to assist you on your path.
Resistance is exhausting. It costs us vital energy. And in a world where everything is energy, you need to become conscious of where and what your energy is focused on. Is it serving you? Really? It's time to be honest with yourself. Quit playing small and pretending that the power is not yours, that life is just happening to you. Powerlessness is energy loss. It is time lost in your head, pointing fingers and figuring out how to 'fix'.
All this time in the mind is spent trying to resume a place of power. Be direct. Go to the heart instead. Feel the relief. There's no fight there. No agenda. No need to do, be,say, have, make happen.
Nobody has all the answers, but we do have a responsibility to take it higher, to decide how our lives are going to be, to be in charge.
So what if there is no reason? What if it's simply about sustaining and maintaining a vibration that's aligned with our truth, because when it all comes down, what we want more than anything is to just feel good.

Blessed Be,

. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.


It is now time to shine. Your time to shine your light, your radiance within and out into the world is now. You are divine and what you have to shine is pure potentiality. Know this. Know this deeply. Your time has come. It is no longer time to hide, There is nothing to hide from. As you begin to open to that which you are, you will find that what you have to bring forward can’t help but be. And what you have to offer is so needed at this time. The reflection of your divinity is magical and absolute. Do not worry about needing to sharpen or hoan your skills. Do not worry about becoming more than you already are. Who you are now and what you choose to shine is perfect. Remove the blockages and the weights, which have held you down. Remove the layers that have hidden your nature. This light within you is an offering and a gift. Bestow it in humble awareness of playing your part in the alignment of the All that Is. Everything you do and say is honored, Choose to bring forward what you do as a catalyst for change, as an impetus for growth and transcendence. Feel the energy bursting within you-wanting and waiting in anticipation of what is transpiring within the world. You have come to this place on your path by no coincidence; You have come to pay homage to the sign of the times. Play now, play out your reality. Through play, bring forth your creation of the dream you dare to dream. To shine is to align with the divine-with the true spirit of your being. Linger no more. Be now, who you came to be. See how every moment is an opportunity to hold the space for humanity. Feel how your heart beats in tune with the collective awakening. Summon the courage and the strength to fall into your authentic nature with abandon. The freedom to burst forward is held in this second of choosing.
You are Free to Be.
Shine on, sweet soul, Shine on.


. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

The Window

 There was a girl who found herself, one day, in the midst of overwhelm and frustration. She was well on her way to anger until somehow she remembered that she had created the situation that was unfolding. And when she realized this, she knew that surely, if she created it, there must be a reason for it-some sort of lesson that she could take away from the experience, that could expand her in some way- this was an opportunity-a window. And so she decided to look through it. And in opening to this higher thought, this allowing of the lesson of the moment to be learned, she became connected with compassion, for herself and for the process she had laid out before her. And in saying Yes to her creation, a knowing unfolded.
This was about melting the layers. This was about softening, about stepping away from the hardness that comes when we get caught up in the next moment and the one after that; about how we become suspended in worry and in doubt, not knowing what this one moment will bring because we aren't seeing it, we aren't being it, we aren't living-we're denying. And in the resistance, all of the negativity arises. In the denial of what the moment is teaching us, of our creation, we loose something. We loose an opportunity to move forward and become more.
When we open, our awareness sharpens and clues to our learning are abundant. Once the girl let go of her resistance, she looked down and in the most unsuspecting place, she saw the words 'He Is Me'. And she was guided further on the road of compassion and Oneness. For every resentment that we have of another, there is harshness towards ourselves. For every judgment we pass, we are condemning ourselves. And we can begin to notice how our impatience at the world around us reflects the impatience we have with our own being. We can begin to notice how our anger that's bubbling to the surface is coming from a place that's reflected within. And we can begin to see the damage that's doing and that has done to our ever-loving souls and to those that walk beside us.
But compassion is forgiving, and it allows for us to love again and know that we are worthy. It allows for us to begin anew with open hearts that are healed by Knowing. And it affords us a new way of being that's gentler, wiser, more sovereign, and pure. So ask yourself, in the next moment that you find yourself conflicted, what have I chosen to see in this light, and how can it bring me more into alignment with my truth. You'll be amazed by the layers that melt away. And you'll feel proud of yourself for rising to the occasion.

She is Me. I am You. And We are One.


. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

You Matter-Make the Difference

 Today I received a vision. I am not a doom and gloom type of person by nature and choose not to follow most news coverage of natural disasters as I find it takes me to a place of distraction rather than pro-action. The vision I received today though, was similar to the one I had two days before the major earthquakes in Chile. Though I've been intuitive all of my life, that was the first vision I've had, that I'm aware of, that prophesised a major disaster. At the time, I disregarded it, not knowing what to make of it really and preferring to gravitate to more positive insights instead. But it definitely struck me when the quake did, in fact, prevail. And so when I received this information today, it really made me stop and wonder..a lot.

I, like most have been feeling the intensity of all of the shifting within and without and though I would hope that I could handle things a little better at this point in the game, I have to say that recently I'm feeling like I'm back at square one. The releasing and de-programming, and up-grading, and re-visiting of old paradigms-not to mention the exhaustion, the despair, the longing to be over it--is, well, to say the least, a lot for one soul to take. There is comfort in knowing that we are not alone in our evolutionary process and that this is all for the greater good of the Earth and for ourselves, but this is heavy stuff we're working through and it shows. I feel it collectively, we all do, and we carry that, to some degree, as well as our own. And it seems that it's enough just to get through it most days, just to hang in there, do our best and somehow get to the other side of it all.

Today, though, I realized that it's bigger than that. As all of us are swimming through our 'stuff' and trying to find our way, we need to become mindful. I believe that what I foresee is an aftershock of all of the everything that's being felt on such big levels. So many who are 'unaware' are steeped in fear, but lately even those who have become more conscious are so bombarded with what they need to release that the collective radar must be extracting some major ripples into the Universe, or the Earth, or into the collective spectrum that ultimately, or immediately (according to the vision) will play out in the greater scheme of things.

When that crossed my mind today, I realized that I need to take it to a higher level, that I need to be that much more mindful and intentional about my vibrations, about what I choose to buy into, or fall prey to, what I choose to feel. Though I may be feeling intensely, I intend to release rather than hold on to what no longer serves me. I pray for grace in sustaining a connection to the Creator and remaining centered through this transition so that I do not contribute any more than is necessary to the chaos that may well affect the global scene in a myriad of ways. By taking it to another level and allowing the process to unfold, knowing that we are making a major contribution to our world by holding up the vibration, we are creating change on a very deep level. We are setting the stage for what is to come. How we choose to partake is entirely up to us and becoming conscious of the role we want to play and taking responsibility for our part of uplifting the unifying force to a level that could minimize chaos within and without is by far the most noble gesture we could hold ourselves to.

So take heart, and stay centered, and know that you make a difference in a big way. Know that the process you are partaking in is profound and impacting in more ways than you could imagine. What if your purpose was already playing out as you prepared yourself for the mission ahead? When we are aware of our actions, and reactions, and how we choose to find our way through even the toughest of times, our consciousness takes us to another level that will see us through to a higher understanding and a simper way of being that is always (every time) better than we could ever know.

Blessing you,

. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.


The energy of Oneness is becoming something that we can't help but feel a part of. As tragedy and transcendence dance around the globe, we are called to look within and around and Know on the deepest of levels that there is no separation between ourselves and the world around us. WE ARE ONE. And we are beginning to feel it. We are beginning to see the magnitude of our connection and the possibilities that that entails, and it is time, now, to be coming home to one another as we anchor in our Truth and prepare to walk boldly into the light of our destinies.
And as this Oneness envelopes us in it's essence, we can be sure that the time for reunion with our soul families has come. Many are aware that a time would come when we would once again be reunited with the souls that we are so intrinsically interwoven with. And as we have journeyed many a mile alone on our paths in our quest for wisdom, we have longed for the ones that know us like no other. We have longed for the love that only these souls could bestow. We have longed for the embrace, for the comfort, and for the knowing that we are not alone, and that it really doesn't have to be so hard anymore.
Our soul families are just an arms reach away. We have reached the point in our evolution where reunion is dawning. And if we remain aware and open, we will begin to see the ones we left behind finding their way back to us again, as we find our way to them. Open your self to the possibilities, to the synchronicities, to the coincidences, as your family of souls unfold within your realm. Rejoice in knowing that the love will be flowing in unprecedented measures as you and yours reunite in order for your highest callings to be christened and supported. Open your hearts too now, to the possibility that your soul family walks amongst you've encountered already could be kin. Open your hearts to the possibility that every one you meet is part of your soul family, or an extension of it. For in doing so, you open your heart to compassion at its highest level.
Greet each stranger and each one you know as you would a long lost love you've been waiting for. Open your eyes to what you've been missing within them as you've been searching for something else. Know that each one is a gift, offering you a chance to travel further, to love more, to Be in Truth. Honor your brothers, your sisters, as if they were on high.
For we are really are one another. And opening to this is part of what you came to do. Know that in compassion, you are offering peace, love, and joy with surrender. You are healing on the grandest level. You are transcending everything that ever was and ever will be. Oneness is the way forward. Find yourself there, and be free.

Love to you!


. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

Be in The Flow

Be aware of the fiery aspect of the energy coming through at this time. The energy is here to assist you in transmuting and transforming anything and everything that is not currently aligned with your highest purpose. The energy is a gift, but it can easily be misconstrued as overwhelming, as anxiety, and especially as anger, due to the fiery nature of what is flowing at this time. It can be knitted into thought processes that send us spinning into downward spirals when we don’t understand what and why it’s all about. The energy is a force and it is a force that you have power to control. That is the fun along this path, as we lighten our grip on the wheel or our destiny and step away form trying to force what is not, and facilitate instead what is being offered to us with a knowing that it is All for our highest good. It is imperative that you become aware of your power and strength and your ability to redirect any energy into a positive force as you step into a knowing that All is energy and energy simply Is. There is no good or bad, there is only interpretation. With this understanding you can begin to become aware of your choice and your ability to transmute and channel what you are experiencing into a higher vibration. You can choose, in any moment, to redirect the energy flowing through you into a higher version of your Self. Direct the flow into a passion, a creative endeavor, or service to others. It is time now to go beyond our sagas and our stories, at least the ones that are holding us back, and take that energy higher, writing a new improved version based on our imagination and our desires manifest. It is time to step into the role of co-creator of our destiny and know that the Universe is always assisting us in more ways than we can begin to comprehend. What is it you’ve been wanting to create? What is it you’ve been wanting to let go of. Choose now as the moment you embark on that intention. Choose now as the beginning of your adventure, as a stepping out and into your fullest potential. We are no longer victims of circumstance. We are conscious beings. We are as powerful as any force of nature. We are Pure energy. We are an inseperable part of the Flow. Take this knowing forward and choose your moment. Do it differently, because you can, in any moment, in any circumstance, make your reality into whatever you dream it to be. Take advantage of the powerful forces flowing within and around you and Create beauty, inspire acts of kindness, impart wisdom, release limitations. You won’t be sorry. Just use your breath, your knowing, and your intention and give it a try. You are your own healer. You are your greatest inspiration and teacher. Turn now into the vastness of power that lies within and become One with your Truth and your calling. It’s time. Know that you are enveloped in love every step of the way, and that you Are love. You cannot go wrong. Embrace this opportunity and let the next step begin.

Loving you along the way and sharing whatever I may find of value to support you on your path…


. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

Stop that Thought

Every thought has a 'stop' button. Really, it does. It may not seem so, when you're in it, when you're aboard that runaway train of thinking that's taking you far away from your Truth. But everything has an end...even thoughts. And when you find yourself caught up in the reel, and not knowing what to do, feeling trapped and alone and helplessly demised by what's buzzin in your head and ringing through your being- STOP. Get off the train. And refuse to go any further. Refuse to participate. REFRAIN and ABSTAIN. And know that IT is not YOU and YOU are not IT. There is that element of separation and it is at these times that it should be engaged. It is at these times that you should be enraged-not at yourself or anyone else-but at the THOUGHT- at the hold it has over you- at the LOSS of your FREEDOM that's taking place-the LOSS of POWER that's happening- right now -within you, as you give it over to the thought.
Reclaim this moment.
Honor yourself by reflecting on whether this is healthy being or whether you're just caught up in an old pattern that's cycling through once again.
Engage in dignity.
Relinquish oppression.
Stop.- Get busy and get out of your head.
...Your heart is waiting.


. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

In Powered

  (May 11)

Do you know what it means to be fully in your power? Do you know what it means to be in your power at all? I think most of us have no idea. Yet power is part of the equation, part of our Isness, our essence, our reality when we connect to our Truth. Perhaps that's why it's so painful when we refuse to stand in that light, when we continue to play out our dramas, and act out our victimhoods.

I know a thing or two about power, or more so the lack of it. I was abused as a child and though that's not my base-my storyline, or the one I choose to operate by on a regular basis, it affects who I am still, in more ways than I'd like, and it's threaded through my reality and my sense of who I am to some degree, even at this stage of my game, and more so than I would like it to be.
My sense of power was ripped right out from under me at a very young age and though I've grown and healed on many levels and have found my peace with what is and what has been, I see how still my method of operation doesn't match up to the wisdom I've gathered and the spirit I embody, and that discrepancy gets harder and harder to step over as I make my way along my path.

I know each of us have stories and sagas that are intertwined with the great web of why we came to be, and I know that there is strength in surpassing the limits that are set in place when stories paint illusions on our hearts and tell us that we are less, that we will never be more, that we are not who we know ourselves to be, and that there's nothing we can do about it. And I certainly appreciate the gift of adversity for what it teaches us when we dare to find the silver lining and believe that the hole that we've found ourselves in, once again, is, in a bigger sense than we know, the greatest thing that ever happened to us. I believe in all of that, I really do. But knowing what you know and feeling what you feel and somehow bridging that into a way of being that eclipses the lesson and the language of the soul is not quite as easy as it may seem, even when your lively hood is writing about it.

So what do you do to step over, rise higher, become more, in those moments that require you to BE bigger and better and brighter than you even knew yourself to be? What do you do to embrace that ball of power within your belly, just waiting for you to grab on and run full throttle towards your dreams? How do you learn to stand up for yourself when your knee-jerk reaction is to run and hide? How do you become what you know you need to be when you were never taught to be that in the first place?

Is moving put of the place in life that's become too uncomfortable to remain in comparative to the abused wife that needs to garner her strength before she is ready to leave? Is asking yourself to speak your truth when you've spent a lifetime of zipping your mouth and keeping family secrets the same as expecting a three year old to read and write? Is moving slowly in the direction of your intention of inching toward your Truth, forward in your power, enough?

What does it take to come into ones power and align with their truth? Is it love? Is it surrender? Is it compassion for self? Ironically these would all seem like the opposite of power, or the power many of us have understood to be power growing up. I'm beginning to believe that there is much power to be found in humbleness, and in non-attachment to being right, and in quiet knowing. There is incredible power in Love, no doubt, and in allowing, and in trusting that we are taken care of. And all of that is something to hang on to for sure along the way as we reach for more within ourselves, as we strive to become free from the constraints of the illusions and ways of being that never did serve us. And maybe there's power even, in admitting that we are human, and fallible, and just trying to figure it out as we go. But isn't there a balm for that betrayal of self that begins to burn hot when once more we've denied ourselves the light or the love or the whatever it is that we really want or need, simply (and not so simply at all) because we just can't seem to find our way into our own divine power? Then again, if it weren't painful, would we grow?

Looking for your thoughts on power, as we bumble along on the path, hand in hand, soul in soul, one together, finding our way.


. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

Mothering You

On this Mother's Day I;d like to share with you something I'm learning along the way-my gift to you...

I've been being groomed in the art of allowing lately, in the way of giving over, giving up resistance, and getting comfortable with letting everything unfold exactly as it needs to. Not an easy process, even when you've been dipped in it a time or two before. And I've found it's much like the course in surrender that I 'signed up for' a couple of years back, in that it's an onion effect at play, and just when you think you've 'mastered' the lesson and perhaps after being gifted with a little breather to absorb what you've learned, you're submerged once again in the spiritual Earth school of growth.

I suspect I'm not the only one being ever so graciously versed in the fine art of allowing, as consciousness has become even more collective these days (or maybe we're all just more aware of it). And so, I wish to share a few things I've learned along the way about allowing, in hopes that your course, and your journey will in some way be made with greater grace and ease.

First of all, what is allowing, and how does it work. Allowing is surrendering, to a degree, but different. It's a form of surrender with a twist, or maybe a higher octave of it- of letting go of control. Allowing encompasses the ability to step back and let whatever is playing out simply play, simply do it's thing, with the knowledge, or the faith, that it really all is for the highest good. Allowing can be applied to many areas of your life, and especially many areas of your growth. I happen to find it very useful at 'stuck points'-where things don't seem to be gathering the momentum we desire or aren't going in the direction we wish to see them moving, and most especially, when they're not happening fast enough.

Allowing encompasses faith, as it moves us into a place of knowing that everything really will be ok, and that it’s ok to let go. When we set aside our perfect pictures which cause great suffering and are the opposite of accepting; relinquish judgment (which is a lower level emotion and the opposite of freedom); and release resistance, we are then able to get back into a state of allowing. In allowing, all the abundance, freedom, joy, success, prosperity, and happiness we desire can flow to us. In manifesting, this is essential, if we don’t allow for that which we desire to come to us, there is a blockage to the desire manifesting. When we allow what is to simply be, we reinstate our power and rise into a state of Being rather than doing, knowing that we don’t have to do anything to be, and that our resistance to what is only serves to hold us back from what we wish to attain.

There's something very Zen about allowing. It forces us to get out of the way in the form of just being. It takes the constriction and the resistance out of the picture, which in many cases, is the blockage that's causing the 'stuckness' to begin with. Allowing is actually one of the spiritual laws of the Universe, and one that’s often overlooked. In many ways, it’s the ‘missing piece’ to consciously co-creating our reality. Allowing tunes us into the present and to the flow, to the All that Is. It aligns us with our selves and our source and reassures us that there is a rhyme and a reason, but that we don’t need to know what that is in order for the flow to flow and for us to be exactly who we are in this moment.

Allowing is the principle of least action, of no resistance. It will bring absolute freedom in life. In this way of being, we accept that I AM that Which I AM and allow others to be that which they are. We allow what ever Is to Be and watch as circumstances unfold.

Allowing opens you to a state of being that holds no agenda. There is no right or wrong in allowing, only being. In the being is stillness, and in stillness all energy is aligned with the flow. Allowing gives us a chance to step away from what is and at the same time become one with it. There is no need in allowing, to understand why, what or how. There is just the simplicity of the Isness and the acceptance of our being.

When we allow, we shift our consciousness from a state of fear to a state of trust. We become aligned with the still small voice and pull away from the tyrant in our heads. We surrender, when we allow, to a knowing and to a way of being that is the highest state one can reach. Giving over the need, to know, the need to be right, the need to control, and embracing the possibility of what might be. There is no weakness in allowing. Life was not meant to be fought to the bitter end. In allowing is strength, a strength of character, and of spirit, which roots itself in something higher, something bigger, something beyond. Allowing gives us an opportunity to become in tune to what’s within and all around us, without judgment, and gives new perspective a window to emerge.

Allowing sometimes takes and ounce grace and a touch of wisdom. But it is a way to move forward without struggle and without effort, and a way of being that surpasses the incessant ways of the mind to navigate and delegate through illusion.

Being grateful places us in a state of allowing. It opens us the what is right in front of us and tells us there’s no need to look any further. And as we count our blessings we are actually raising our vibration and stabilizing all of the organs within our system. This opens us up to the miracles and blessings that are happening all around us, many of which we may not have even noticed, and sets the stage for more to come.

Another way of allowing is detachment. When we are in a state of detachment, we trust. Trust is to rely completely on spirit. Learning to trust is living in the wisdom of your spirit rather than insecurity and uncertainty. It’s where unlimited opportunities are being created in the now. Detachment also allows you to stay open to allow the Universe to bring even better than you desire.

So, to be one with what is and align with your purpose, allowing is an incredible tool that can take you where you need to be on your path. And most of the time, that’s exactly where you are right now.

Namaste sweet souls.
Keep shinin’ and knowing that even when (especially when) everything seems to be turned upside down or inside out)- All is well and on purpose, and maybe, just maybe, you too, are being schooled in the art of Allowing, or one of the other magnificent tools you’ll need along the way. Be gentle with your spirit and extra kind to your soul, loving You always along the way.

Blessings and Joy,

. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

You May or May Not Be Feeling...

And so we sift through yet another shift. The energy these days is prolific and profound and simply faster and greater than ever before. Many are waking up now without even knowing it, or in most cases, not understanding 'what the hell's' happening to them. Much is happening to them, to us, to all, and I'd like to give a little break down to shed some understanding on what you may or may not be experiencing during these times.

Where to begin-how about the head aches, since I'm feeling one now. These seem to be more common lately, this pressure at the top, sides or front of the head, and even on down into the sinuses. It's an opening, an expanding, and if you focus in a bit, you will notice that that's actually just what it feels like-sorta like your head's going to explode. Rest assured, you're going to stay intact, look beyond the pain- you're going to new levels of understanding and awareness as your crown and third eye chakras open to the infinite energy and love that is pouring in. You may notice that you are filled with ideas, inspirations, clearer thoughts on subjects that previously befounded you, as the new filters in. If you're anything like me, you'll be downloading so fast that you can barely channel it into the 'real world'. Be grateful for these gifts of insight, understanding, and even impulsivity, as you are being aligned with the Universe and your soul purpose. Many are being redirected and reinstituted in areas that they may have formerly forsaken or forgotten about. Stay aware of what your heart is telling you during these times and you won't go wrong. Your heart song, your inner voice, is guiding you ever so subtly, yet very directedly toward what, who, where, and when you need to BE now. Be prepared to drop everything you thought you were supposed to be doing on the drop of a dime. The mantra of late is "Stop. Drop. And roll with the punches, or the rhythm of your soul". It may be confusing at times or even (most definitely) frustrating, but it's a fine tuning in awareness, trust, and listening to your own inner-guidance-which is vital at this time, as you move forward in your evolution and closer to the Light.

Heart expansion is continuing and constant, as we open to the possibilities of who we are and what we wish to bring into this world. You may feel heart palpatations, heart-burn, indigestion, belly growling (as your 3rd and 4th Chakras work through emotional releasing and cleansing)- all in order to usurp anything and everything that no longer serves you and stands in your way of being true to your heart and living from your core. You may be experiencing a flushing out of toxins, on all levels- physical, emotional, mental, as you clean out the closets of your being and prepare for the purity of Truth. Don't be surprised by surprise visits from issues and upsets you thought you'd left behind, as they resurface in order to clear yet another layer and deepen your understanding of their purpose in your life. Compassion is instilled each time we love ourselves through those times of regret, rejection, and resistance. And compassion is the word of the day, the month, the year even, as we become more heart-centered and less reactive to anything and everything that's not supportive of our divine course. And thus, you must ask yourself daily, whenever confronted with discourse or discomfort by way of another or through the doubts or fears from within-does this serve me in the highest and what will be my choice of action? This is a time of becoming clear about intention and solid in integrity. This is a time to choose higher. Raise your vibration, raise your standards, expect more out of life and from yourself when it comes to living in alignment. Presenting are opportunities to come into your own, and BE now who you've always known yourself to be from a higher perspective.

You may be experiencing intense emotions and dramatic life situations as the culmination of the shift into higher vibrations intensifies. Be mindful and take from the Buddist-like energies of the recent full moon to learn and discern in these situations. Many opportunities for growth and empathy are being presented within and around us. It is your choice to contemplate the lessons unfolding or commiserate with what seems to be an unfortunate set of circumstances. Choose higher.

Be kind to yourself during these times and honor the process that is underway. You are a divine being on a grand journey to enlightenment. Your purpose will soon become known to you with more clarity and your place in the scheme of things is almighty. Remember to ground, ground, ground, often and give thanks for the gifts you are receiving and the opportunity to release the heavier aspects that have been anchored within you for more time than you will probably ever know.

Remember, when experiencing discomfort or discontent, that you are growing your wings, and that you are more than ever a divine being having a human experience. TRUST that you will and are being taken care of along every step of the way. In order to fly, we must trust in the wind.
Know that you are not alone, and in the times that you long for comfort, reach inside with the compassion you seek, knowing that your soul brothers and sisters are but an arms reach away. Know that this is a time of releasing old grief and pain revolving around rejection and guilt and we are no longer in need of the protection those forms of armor seemed to provide. We are strong now, and can come from the fire within our core, rather than the pain within our heart, to defend and protect our beingness. It is time to come from honor and inner power and lay down the need to be right, make good, or out-perform. Our intentions count in every moment and as we align with our truth, we will be able to come from a soul place more consistently.

Surely, you've heard much of this before, but due to the intensity of releasing and receiving, it warrants being heard again. Take from this what you will, whatever applies to you at the point you're at now, at a heart level, or a head level-wherever it needs to reach. This is your greatest test for now, to interpret from the heart what best serves you and to come into the full power as the captain of your own ship. Be strong, dear souls. Be love. Be without worry or pain more if not as much as you are with serenity and joy. And allow for your SELVES to come into balance and accord with ALL That IS.

Blessings of Light and Fulfillment!


. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

As Within, So Without

Everything in my home is in complete disarray right now. We are restructuring, reorganizing, getting rid of the many things that don't serve us any longer and making room for the new. This is, of course, exactly what's going on within me as well. I am restructuring. I am receiving, sometimes more than I feel I can even handle in this instant, so, so much information and channeled wisdom that wants to flow into books, and teachings, and writings, and words. And I struggle to keep up with it all, as I go about my day and the things I need to do in the here and now as all of this comes crashing into me, wanting to be birthed into this world and brought forward, This too describes the energy of today and of the lately that we've all been experiencing on one level or another. All of us may not understand this flow or the whys or hows, but we sense something big is happening through us and all around us, and we are so very correct to assume so. This 'flow' of energy is intense, to say the least, and there are many ways in which we can experience it and be effected by it. For two days strait, I felt this all-encompassing vertigo, and I swear I was going to just fall over from it. It took my bearings and made me feel very 'swoony' and much like I was just floating away. I've experienced this before, though not quite to this extent, and I was grateful to be at a point in my journey where I understand these symptoms as spiritual, because otherwise, I might have really felt spooked by what was happening to me. And so, it is my intention to let others know about the energy shifts that are coming through, the messages that are being heard from Mother Earth, and the symptoms they may be experiencing as they too become shifted. This journey is a crazy thing and it's no doubt harder when we feel like we're the ones that are crazy or that we are having serious health issues, or that we're simply very confused, alone or afraid. And it is the fear that I hope to minimize as I walk you through what I'm experiencing, what I've learned, and what hopefully in turn will help you along your way.
Be aware, for all intuitive abilities now are heightening and most likely what you're thinking might be or what you're wondering about is what is. Tap into these thoughts and feelings as knowings and begin to trust in yourself and in what you're receiving. The time for doubt is falling away. Be prepared for everything to quicken; manifesting; time; ability to process info and create what you want to create; magnetizing the people, places, and things that you need in order to bring forward whatever project or endeavor you need to bring forth (or the Universe needs you to bring forth) at this time. Be aware of your ability to multi-task like never before as the energy pours through and finds its way back out in multiple projects and projections. Notice the need to restructure re-integrate, re-organize, pull back, pull out, plug in, as you are being recalibrated for your mission. Follow your instincts and allow yourself to go against the grain for this is the order of the times as our allegiance to our true selves becomes priority. Stay alert, aware, plugged in, and versatile as your purpose unfolds before your eyes, and be prepared for that purpose to change within an instant. We are being conditioned to stand at alert and remain totally unattached to any and all outcome. Of utmost importance is simply the need to hear and follow 'orders'. In a nutshell, tune in to what you're receiving, believe that it's real and true, surrender to it and to all that’s taking place within and around you, and hang on for the ride. That may not sound very magnificent but I can tell you without any doubt whatsoever that what's coming through is nothing short of miraculous! Oh, and one more thing.....you are so not alone, in any of this. We're all along for the ride, know it or not, like it or not, so lets take it to the limit!

Blessings to you all, dear souls!
Until next time,

. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.


As women, we tend to get out of rhythm with that which is sacred. We loose touch with the knowing that is the wisdom of all of the women before us, and the stars and the moon before them. We tend not to notice when it is time to find our way home until we’ve gone too far away to find our way back. We mount the busy schedules of our lives rather than ride the whispering spirit of the wind. We forget about the seasons as they try to remind and direct us. We forsake our knowing as we get wrapped up in logic, or worse, in doubt. Sometimes, it takes the shock of the full moon to reawaken us to our cycles-to the facts of the ebb and the flow of the SHE of this world and beyond. We think we know. We like to believe anyway, that there’s a truth to it all- to all we’ve opened our eyes to. Sometimes, it’s as subtle as a gesture from the one we love, calling us back to a quieter mind. Sometimes, it’s more than that- more than we ever realized was within our grasp. And then, sometimes, we’re so wound, so rattled; that we forget that it all had a meaning, a purpose…until the dust settles. Settles enough that residue of worry about whatever we were busied with has subsided and again we can keep pace with our hearts as they beat an even drum. And the truth of it all, beating inside of us is unchanging-is as steady as an inner rhythm. And sometimes, it’s just waiting for us to catch up with ourselves.

Love and blessings,

. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

The Creed

Today, dear ones, I send you a creed, a doctrine, that perhaps you'd like to follow as you find your way forward on your path. In blessing and love, here are the words you may wish to take to heart as you take flight

I Choose. I choose to step forward. I chose to start anew. I choose to become, more than I have ever been, in every moment. I choose to see the light in the darkness, by recognizing the illusions for what they are. I understand the blessings of adversity and the gift of knowing I am more because of what I've been through. I choose. Because I no longer find it acceptable to remain unconscious. I choose. Because I don't blame my life on someone else's misdeed. I choose. And I am happier for it. I am more. Choosing is my becoming, as it becomes me and I become the All that I am, the All that Is.

I choose to see life as an adventure, calling me to be greater always, calling me Home. I choose to take responsibility for making my dreams come true. And I know that by choosing to be my best Self in every moment, my dreams will follow. I choose to see life through the eyes of a child; to know the wonder and the excitement of what's to come as I allow Life to unfold. I choose to see life through God's eyes, removing the need to suffer, eliminating the attachment to pain, absorbing into oneness.

I choose to know in my heart and to remind my head that I am not alone, that I am part of the gigantic web of life and that it is as much a part of me. I remember my calling. I remember my name. I see that I am a part of something bigger than my self and I know the desire to become all that I can for the sake of what I am a part of. I hear the whispers in my heart and I act on them. I have learned to cultivate those whispers and silence the chatter that comes from a different place instead.

I go forth with my wisdom and knowledge, bringing heaven to Earth, bringing as an act of love. I forgo my search of self as I am already found.
I AM. And there is no other thing.


. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

Divine Knowing

What is divine knowing?

Divine knowing is connecting to your divine source, the Creator, and living through the voice of that wisdom. Divine knowing is finding your way back home and remembering who you are, remembering that YOU are divine, and knowing it. We are, in essence, reconnecting to our true selves. Remembering brings us back into our power; a power that comes from a much stronger connection to our Source and to our higher selves. And as you begin to remember who you are, you realize that it is not your wounded inner child or any other aspect of yourself that evolved from powerlessness. By losing what you thought was your identity, you are returning to your original innocence and to who you really are and were meant to be. As you connect and access divine knowing, you begin to see what's really going on. Raising your vibration to this level allows you to see beyond the veil of illusions. You are no longer then viewing things from mis-perception of your disconnected self. Without the illusions, we can live the way we were intended to live. The Earth was originally created as a playground for experiencing love and joy and creating our greatest desires. We can create whatever we choose when we are free from illusions that were created by lower level mentalities and belief systems (read:fear). Illusions keep us in a box. It may be difficult to let go of illusions because they help us feel secure, but there is so much more security and freedom in the higher realms that we can access through our connection to Source. As more and more of the lower vibrating aspects of ourselves fall away, more and more of who we are at the highest levels begins to emerge and be revealed. Although you may have consciously forgotten who you are, your soul has not. The more you release, the greater rememberance of what your unique and special talents are. Reuniting with the lost and forgotten parts of ourselves makes us feel whole again, in all ways. Wholeness is sacred. All of us on the path seek to become once again whole. Accessing your divine knowing, listening to and following that voice that then becomes your guide, is your portal home, is your holy grail, is your saving grace.

Believe again, in all things magical, for fairy tales are the language of the soul.
Create again a reconnection within yourself that inspires you to shine your brilliance unto the word.
Know agin that you are divine, and divine knowing will begin to unfold.

In Grace,

. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

Living Solid

As we move forward, reaching for our dreams and stretching into our divinity, we have to ask our selves how solid we are at the core. More and more, we are finding our purpose and wanting to bring our gifts forward as we embrace the memories of what we came to do. More and more, we are eclipsing the enlightenment that once was only glimpsed by martyrs and saints. And as we move forward in this powerful omnipotent time of evolution we are confronted with choices.

No matter how spiritually connected or empowered we become, there is still the nature of our human-ness to contend with. There is still the importance and the need to become strong in who we are. And so you must ask yourself along the journey, just how solid are you? Are you able, once you've returned from the ethers of meditation to contend with every day life? Are you capable, once you've connected with your calling or purpose, to then bring your dream forward, effectively, into the world?

Living solid is about gathering the tools that help you to be in this world but not of it. Living solid is about that quiet knowing that doesn't reserve itself only for times and places within your comfort level. Once you know about the stuff you're made of (eternity) and why you're here (to shine your light) you have to become the vessel that can move it forward in a big way.

It's about going within and taking the time to reflect on who you are and what you're willing to allow or not allow in your life as you move forward. It's about finding the strength to stand your ground and draw the line. But first, you have to take the time to discover where you stand and where you end and another begins.

So few of us were raised to understand and operate with a sense of boundaries. Now as we realize that we must live our dreams, we must become solid in who we are so that what we deliver is pure.

Take the time to get to know yourself and define your values. Take the initiative to create and nurture a root system that runs deep and resonates with you above all. Building boundaries is an act of love. It shows yourself and the world that you honor YOU. It stills the chaos that the alternative, the old way, stirs. Gone are the times of allowing others to define us. Gone are the days of being and doing what we're told or what we're supposed to do. Where has it gotten us?

The way home leads you in the direction of love and of possibilities. That love and knowing and limitless reality can all be found within, not without, not out there, but in here. Take the time to reflect and know again who you truly are and what matters to you, because that is all part of becoming solid. That is all part of claiming and living in your power. And your power is what will propel you forth.

Living solid is a way of being. And it deserves your attention now as you recreate your world and move into alignment with healing the planet.

Digest and play with this for a while and then we will consider more tools for becoming and understanding what it means to live solid.

Loving you,

. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

The Journey

I would like to take you on the journey, as I begin to share exerts from my book that's ready to go forth into the world. Here's a little taste.

Mission Statement

Those of us who have chosen to walk the path are on a mission. And as warriors would, we have many battles to fight. Before we even hit the battle ground, most of our struggles are inward, innate, and arguably, the most important-all in order to gather our honor, our wisdom, our insight, and our power, and in order that we may prepare for the hard times to come;the tests, that ultimately will define our true selves and fulfill our destinies.
Those of us that walk the path are chosen. We are driven, by some force beyond us/within us, to overcome and embrace all that we have formerly hidden inside of us that weighs us and inhibits us from allowing the light to shine through. We are utterly absorbed by the pure love that ultimately will surround our whole world.
It is our mission, our duty, to align forces, to unite in allegiance for the common cause through our need for oneness, through our need for peace. The ultimate oneness that binds us will someday surge through the Universe, will someday be taught to children, will someday be.
I have enlisted myself on this path, and I know, as teacher, as healer, as guide, that the steps I shall walk are on my near horizon. I believe, I trust, that all of the wisdom, strength, and courage I will need along the journey already are. I know that in order to teach, one must be taught. In order to guide, I must allow myself to be shown the way. And in order to heal, I must be willing to lick my own wounds and let others wrap their arms around me.
Along the way, I need compassion, faith, foresight, and gratitude.
The todays are my tomorrows, because what I gain, I shall take forward. What I conquer, I shall embrace. And what I embrace, I shall heal.

Honoring you,

. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.