Wednesday, August 29, 2012


To all of you beautiful souls out there who have been following and are still following my musings and blog, I would like to thank you for journeying with me and for the beauty of the souls that you are. I have been on a journey all its own lately and hope to return shortly.  Life has its way of detours and many new twists and turns, but faith inherits the knowing that all of life's quests, planned or unintended, lead us exactly to the place we need to and are meant to be.  And each and every one of those experiences shape us into the reminder of who we truly are, and really, at the core, always have been. 

I toast the whirlwinds of experience and the places they take us that we might otherwise have never known.  And I applaud the brave souls who choose to see beyond the fears of what any experience may provoke and into the eyes of their sacred souls as they are stretched and prodded to grow alongside the ever-changing universe as it evolves in its own right.  It takes courage and strength to Become the All that we Are, to grow into it, and over-ride the urge to remain the same for the sake of comfort and the sureness of what is known.  And it takes faith; faith in the unknown-that it will lead you into the most inspired terrain; faith in you to walk the mountains and the valleys and swim the seas; and faith in a force far bigger than you (that is you) to pick up the pieces and guide you along the way.

And that is what Conscious Co-Creating is all about.  It's about becoming aware of the freedom inherent in knowing that we, in our confined state, in our made-small state, cannot do it alone.  For we are not alone.  We are One.  And when we open to that Oneness, to the Truth, we are propelled into an evolutionary state of purpose and power, the kind of power that comes from rising beyond the troubles and the suffering that ensue when we are attempting to do it all on our own. We are not alone. We are not separate. And letting go, forgiving, forgetting our separateness unites us with the wholeness that we desire.

Faith and imagination are, by far, your most powerful tools.  They will take you places far beyond where you've been or where you've allowed yourself to go.  And though you cannot touch them, they are anything but illusory.  They are anchors and cornerstones and the propellers that restore the insight of your intuition and the visions you came to 'make real'. 

Step forward, if only in your mind, leaning on the spirit of Belief and the creativity of the child within.  Paint your world, live life as art, in abandon, and allow for every step, every breath, to be a prayer. The art of living is breathing into your experience, into your potential, and allowing the rest to unfold. Allowing it to be untold, until the next moment, or when it arrives, and settling into the presence of what your Is is. No matter what is shifting or changing or in chaos within or around you, when you Know yourself as an anchor, nothing can rock your boat. Be still, dear ones, and let the strength come through you to be who you came to be, to do what you're called to do, to live your life on fire, in the way that only you can because there's no other you. And have faith in the knowing that everything is exactly as it needs to be, always, and that your stillness will guide you farther than your busied mind, and your love of self is more sacred than any other reward that you seek.

This is the longest vacation I have taken from Conscious Co-Creating since its birth, as my awareness and creativity have taken me elsewhere, as I have been restored and renewed.  I have found that when I am 'off-line' for a while and not channeling or receiving those guided messages to deliver via the written form that my guide source is changing, sort of like tuning the channel on the radio, and when the time is right, I will be plugged into the next best most aligned guide post that will then be delivered to you.
So stay tuned, I sense I'll be coming back on line soon, with new guidance and musings to assist you in aligning to the highest you. I welcome any questions or comments about what you may be experiencing at this time, on this leg of your trip, and any inquiries or suggestions you may wish me to post about regarding the transitions and tail winds we're all riding upon.

All the best to you sweet ones!

Feel free to contact me at   and see what's new or you're welcome to leave your message here.
I look forward to connecting with you.

Blessings of light,

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