Thursday, August 30, 2012

Compassion With Self and The Power of Mistakes

You can do no wrong. You are always only learning and growing. That’s what it’s all about, lessons and growth.  Nothing is ever ‘wrong’.  It is only an interpretation. When you release yourself from this way of seeing you are able to fall into the art of appreciation and envelop great compassion, for you begin to see life as a journey, not as an undertaking, and you can nestle into the safety of no longer being fearful of making a mistake.

Do you see how this would take you higher, would take you under the wave when it is riding too high for you to entrust it to take you to the shore? Do you see how this would allow you to move forward, in all circumstances, rather than being paralyzed by the fear of defeat?  Trust it then, this law of order that allows for you to be constantly becoming, this law that takes you to the next place, that is derived from the constant shifts and the ebb and flow of evolution. Change is the game. It is what IS. But one thing must remain constant. And the consistency can become your state (of mind).

Change is our keeper, and within it lies what is safe, for no thing can exist without evolving. To be alive is to seek growth, to allow for it, to thrive on it, to let it shift you and make you complete. An absence of growth is certain death. Life seeks change and knows that it is equivalent to order. You must follow after it’s proddings or suffer the cost of resistance which is always suffering and pain.

Have compassion for yourself through your journey.  Be your biggest support system, your most powerful ally, your most attentive and enthusiastic cheerleader and you will find that your confidence in you and your faith in bringing your dreams to reality will begin to expand.

Recognize all of the good, all of the wonderful you are making, all of the wonderful that you Are.  And restore your faith in your vision of the future as  you unlock your hidden potential by allowing it to come forth in its own way, on its own time, falling tripping and stumbling ever so preciously on.

Like a toddler who is learning to speak, like a small child who is trying something for the first time, you are ‘trying’ and ‘learning’ something new as you re-awaken, as you are ‘remembering’ your Truth.

And as proud parents, we try to capture those moments, those milestones, and savor them within our hearts.  Be that loving appreciation of you as you move into newness.  Be that compassion that guides and encourages you forward and let go of needing to condemn or criticize your self (or another) for making a mistake.

Mistakes are real, but in a completely different sense. Mis-takes are chances to do over because in the moments where we have made choices that have led us ‘astray’ we are given the chance to re-take or to re-interpret the situation so that we can see it from a higher-vision state.  In other words, our perception of the situation, or our ‘take’ on it, is out of alignment with our highest self.  And in every moment we are given the chance and many opportunities to adjust our ‘view’, to re-adjust our thinking, as a child re-adjusts his footing as he learns to walk and continues to move forward. As an artist adjusts the hues of his pain in order to create the vision within his imagination so that he can better represent the message of his soul as he brings it forward.  It is this tuning into and continually retuning and turning into our selves that we are found and our truest expressions of self are then born.

And it is in the process of learning to walk that a child becomes acquainted with his Self. It is in these times of learning that he discovers who he Is, what he’s made of.  And in that knowing, in that trusting of himself, he gains the confidence that he’s got what it takes to proceed.  And in that process, he becomes more in touch with his determination and with his strength and learns to push on, and to continue to rediscover just how he needs to move in order to accomplish his motive and succeed.

And it is in the discovery process of creating that an artist learns to Feel into his vision, to connect further and deeper with his higher self, with the part of him that is directing the shape of the art.

An artist must listen closely to what his soul is spelling, to its whispers, and to the aspects of the art, of the creation he is meant to bring to life.  And as he tunes into the channel of information that guides him, as he relaxes into the musings of his soul with abandon, leaving behind the fear of making a mistake, knowing that he can trust in his guidance, he becomes One with the art he creates.

And it is so with all of us on out journeys, as we find our way and follow our own footsteps back to ourselves. We fulfill our potential with each step we make, and with each step we create.

Do not fear that any step could possibly be a mistake, for it will restrict your process and inhibit your ability to create.  It will stop you cold if you let it, and can deaden you, as well as deafen you, to the guidance in which you will find the strength and support that you seek.

An artist creates from his heart.  And when he allows himself to fold into that space that is sometimes hidden or elusive, to loose himself in the making, in the process of creating, he is taken to the sacred space of his Truth.

Truth knows not right from wrong. It is not linear.  It is not based on the concept of right or wrong. It is grounded in soul-ness. And the soul knows only that which is love. Truth cannot be changed, it simply is and that is why it is referred to as your center because it always is what it is and always will be.

In the process of creating, you connect with your self, with your truth, because you are a creator, so you are coming back to your center, your core, and nothing feels more peaceful or more powerful than residing in that place.  That is why the art of creating is considered a spiritual practice.  It resigns us to surrender to that space, to the Creator, to the essence of our soul.

Go there.  Go there often.  And remember what it is like to be there, to feel there.  Remember what it means to be in that space.  And as you become more familiar, you become more and more able to bring that vibration out into your life on all occasions.  And the more you do, the more you are able to stabilize it and become grounded in that state, the more you begin to realize that it is not only for the ‘artist’ per se to experience this divine connection, it is for all of us.  For all of life and every experience is your canvas.  And every creation, every word, every intention, every thought that you choose, every endeavor, can be experienced through the spirit of who you are.  And everything becomes that much more sacred as you remember that life is the art that you create.

Fight the urge to become the victim, of your critical self-talk, of your circumstances.  Be the hero, the one who saves you and whisks you away on the gallant white horse.  Ride off into the sunset of your ‘happily ever after’ on the wings of love, because you saving you from the throes of your mind, from the fear of making mistakes is an act of greatness and most definitely one of the highest gestures of love you can make.

Your most profound work of art in this life could very well be the product of your greatest 'mistake'. So don't take it all so seriously, because you never know the biggest picture of what is evolving and you will evolve much more peacefully when you are able to step back and allow for the process without the need for judgement and with the grace to unfold at your own pace. Your process is your own, completely unique to you, and it is as sacred as each step you make. Be gentle with you as you learn to walk again, as you remember how to paint. You are the artist, continually recreating yourself.  And every great artist knows that art a 'mistake' is only the birth of a chance to recreate.

Create with wonder. Create with joy. And remember that you are the beauty you wish to bring to your canvas, your life, it is through reconnecting with your spirit that you remember the art of what it means to create.

Blessed love and miracles on the horizon!

Loving you and loving all of your mistakes,

 Copyright © 2012 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

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