Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Energy of April~ Expansion!

April is the month of opportunity, be it come as new thoughts, greater possibilities, or surprise encounters. The theme for this month is expansion- not just in options but in who and how you’ve been, and who you’ve allowed yourself to be.  So it’s about going beyond where you’ve been, challenging yourself to do it different and break out of the mold and release the old in exchange for the new.

There’s always a replacement model.  Perhaps, (more than likely) the version of you that you’ve tried out thus far is dated and used and there’s no more room for excuses to be big and robust.  Rise in the energy of expansion that prevails this month and perforates through the next coming stages and levels of the rest of this year.

As each month offers us an opportunity to become intimate with selective charkas ( this month being the 4th, or heart chakra), it also provides us, in the wings of the beginning and the ending for the month, with an eclipse of the previous and upcoming work that was/will be highlighted in the proceeding and forthcoming chakras.

So with March’s theme of power/joy/control, we were given many windows in which to peak at our relationship with those aspects and how well we relate to them in our lives. We will be given the first week and a half of so of April to continue to glimpse our power struggles and measure how far we have climbed on the ladder of evolution with those matters.

Since April highlights the heart chakra, which interrelates love (when in balance) and fear (when imbalanced), we will begin to understand on a deeper level how well we connect with our selves and others and where our disconnections keep us from fully living the life we love.

What fears stand in the way and keep us polarized or separate from the tribe and the ones we love or from being love?  What beliefs do you hold true that interfere with loving more fully and inhibit you from opening wide?  With the third chakra eclipsing aspects, you will also review what stands in the way of your joy and empowerment when it comes to following your heart and what fear-based foundations propel you to force or control life rather than listening to the wisdom of your heart and letting it flow.

With the underlying energy of expansion this month, you will find yourself tolerating less of the inhibiting or barbaric behaviors that auto-pilot or unconscious living has conditioned you to believe was normal, from your self and others, though this will be balanced by greater levels of compassion and softening that allows for coming together in deeper ways.  You wil also be pleasantly surprised by the momentum of transformation which radically alters previous long-held ways of operation and beliefs that kept you stuck and held you down (most likely aspects that inhibited your relationship to yourself and others, and more likely issues that have dominated you, and your clan (ancestors) for generations) that were so residual and resistant that you thought you’d never be able to shift or unplug from them (and Lord knows you’ve tried!)

Another aspect to pay particular attention to (and understanding of this will greatly assist you in encompassing empowerment and love- or the combo of the two, compassion, the great melter of ice that keeps us, and our hearts, frozen) is the awareness of the Black Moon Lilith.  The Black Moon Lilith holds within its consciousness all that is hidden.  That would encompass our deep dark secrets, our skeletons, and our unmentionables, our unvisited potential- but also, the ‘sunken treasures’ that store within them the truest gems of our soul as well as the blueprint to our most authentic expression of Self.

How can we love fully when we feel that there are parts of us that we must hide?  How can we Live fully when we don’t really know what’s inside?  With the fear of facing this – the Dark Moon aspect of our selves, we will never truly know, unless we allow ourselves to go beyond the terror of the unknown within the depths in order to encompass the element of surprise that’s unleashed once the darkest corners are exposed?

Be prepared for unquenchable hunger in every imaginable sense as the passion within you longs to be quenched, relished, and realized.

Passion is found, and expressed or exuded, in a number of ways.  And this month, it’ll show up (right alongside Lilith), wild and hedonistic, in the areas of sex/romance, food (and drink), rage and other unbridled or forbidden emotions, and ranting- or expression without abandon.

And this is a good thing.  After decades of repression, Lilith takes the helm to lead you out of the contained, rational, pre-portioned overly suppressed dogma for living passed down through your ancestors and full-blown ahead into the glory of what it really means to live.

A word of caution this month: Lilith takes no prisoners, so be watchful of your words, thoughtful in your actions, and intentional about where you allow your meandering and sure-to-be-provoked irritations and frustrations to lead you.  After all, even though you are wanting to allow all of these repressed and long-suffering aspects of yours out to play and allowing for fuller expression of You is what you’re being called to do right now (in what will surely be an expansion of self as Lilith chimes in), we are also learning to cultivate within our lives a greater sense of compassion and responsibility for how our actions affect the whole.

So though you may feel limitless as expansion unfolds and tout the beleif that no rules appy, where you tred, and who you effect in the process, matters.  We are outgrowing our Oedipus stage, our ‘me-me-me-me-ness”, our egocentricity.  And we are learning to open to others and be considerate and respectful of them in a greater way (fourth chakra, heart values).  So it is your job to temper your evolving and emerging (or reborn) Lilith with the mindfulness of your evolving heart-centered comprehension of Oneness and your resolve to mature and be responsible for not only how you effect others but how you effect you (or at the very least, become aware or conscious of the fact that you do).

Loving fully means embracing all of your parts (no exceptions) and everyone else’s.  it’s about acceptance and allowing for your self to be shown a new way.  As we step trhough this exhilarating month of expansion, we will be given ample opportunities to see what’s been lying under the surface, what we’ve shielded our eyes (and our hearts) from, and where we have left to grow- in all areas of love.

Welcome the lessons, and the gifts, of Lilith as she shines her light on our hearts and crawls out from the depths of the ages.  Primal everything (behavior, emotion, reactions, thoughts) will be experienced a we release the generations of ancestors who were taught (and in some ways forced) to withhold their most decadent and provocative authentic natures. Relish in the reinstated Bohemian Lesse-Fare as expression reigns over oppression/repression and the deeper aspects of our beings are exposed and brought to the world to see.

Remember that it’s beneath the hidden parts of our selves that the truest force lies.  There hides the beauty of our most unique selves and the treasure we’ve kept locked away within closed or guarded hearts for all of eternity.

Let the siren song of mermaid Lilith take you deep so that you can excavate the wonders of you from the waters of your being and let the expansive heart energy of this month lend you the courage to shine bright and express robust.

Let your passions run wild with you as you unleash your greatest longings.  And I have a feeling you’ll be pleasantly surprised as you attempt to expand responsibly, that that fear you’ve held onto- the one that’s really gotten in the way- the one about someone (or yourself) being hurt if your really let your self be seen- you'' see that you can handle it- and beyond that, you can handle more than you dreamed. You've grown. You've expanded, already. You are more and you know how to Be out there without it treading on anyone else's toes. You know that Being for you isn't selfish, it's sublime. You know that it is our right, and our honor, to thrive in this way. You are no longer a child who needs constant guidance and direction in order to get it right.  You know what to do, and you are mature enough to be sure that you can maneuver in the world sans the notion of sin or the need to contain all of your 'uglies'. In owning your 'uglies' you come into your own and it's there that the All of you can begin to express in a much, much more powerful way.

This is a time of the young and the old mingling as all of your worlds collide.  So on your mark, get ready, ‘cuz you are about to take a reamarkable trip inside.  And better yet, as the month winds down and we eclipse the fifth chakra elements of Creation- not only will you be showing off your excavations for all to see, you’ll begin wielding your magic wand to bring forth what you couldn’t before you un-sunk the treasures from the deep.

It’s a magic month of wonder and surprise. Dive in and strive for fully expressed and you’ll experience it best. Be you, most fully, and in everything- be Love.

Love, wonder, and grace,

Copyright © 2012 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

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