Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Circus Is In Town

Step right up, the circus is in town. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls…You are probably feeling a bit like your own one-man circus right now as you’re integrating more of your truth, learning to operate on a new level, and excavating what needs to go in order for you to go higher.  And though you may have felt at times recently like you’ve been swept into a whirlpool of uncertainty or that you’ve been put through the meat grinder, you may also have noticed that the carousel stops for no one. If it was a question before, it’s becoming clear that the show must go on. And despite the seeming occasional pitfalls or hoops to jump through, perhaps you’re beginning to realize that in a way you can’t always quite put your finger on, it certainly is the greatest show on earth.

And in this great event, the event of a lifetime, you are playing all the roles, performing all of the performances, and in attendance as your own audience. Here are some of the highlights. See where you can recognize yourself.

The Clown: As we become amused by and aware of all of our crazy antics and attachments and embark on outgrowing our habitual ways of doing things (that really never worked to begin with) as well as all of the ways that we’ve hidden from the world and our selves, we can’t help but find the humor as we find the compassion for who we’ve been, what we’ve held onto, and how we’ve handled things. We begin to see the humor in the paradoxes, the ironies, the uncomfortable truths, and in life itself. And we’re finding that sometimes (always) it’s better to laugh at ourselves than to take it all so seriously.  Because in the end, who are we left to contend with anyway, but our own beautiful souls. And the laughter and a smile that comes strait from the our spirit can melt away even the most serious of situations. And as we begin to appreciate and embrace our own crazy unique way of doing things, we begin to soften, and allow our selves to be even more silly, to release the shame of hiding our individuality, and to put on not only a happy face but even a whacky hat and  polka dot pants when we feel like it because the joy of being free now outweighs the comfort of conforming to the ‘norm’.

The Tight-Rope Walker: As we sail between worlds, between two ways of being, and venture out into the unknown, we may find ourselves often walking a tight line and wondering if there is indeed a net below to catch us if we fall. We’re learning to go on faith, to encapsulate courage, and to go out on a limb in order to be more fully in the space of who we truly are and to go beyond the ways that we’ve been. We’re discovering the necessity of balance and the bridge that unfolds once we’ve gained greater leverage in focusing on what really matters and paying attention to what throws us off kilter. We see where we’re going and becoming clear about our intention to get there which is helping us to avert the pit-stops, the distractions, the temptations to fall back into comfortable ways, and the tendency to give up before we get there. We know we’re higher up above all that has been and the thrill of that and of accomplishing such a feat out-shadows the terror of possibilities that we might meet our doom and propels us forward in ways we sometimes can’t even comprehend. Such is faith.  And as long as we walk that rope, we’re sure to get there.

Lions, Tigers, and Bears (oh my!): As we face our shadows and fears, trying not to spook ourselves and maintain some sense of composure and some sense of our selves, we are faced with all of the uglies that we’ve turned from for so long. The funny thing is, once we peak out from behind our hands, we see that what may have once been terrifying really isn’t so bad, it was only looming, only larger than life because of our fears. And as we make friends with these parts and pieces and invite them to stay, we begin to know that we are greater because of them. What would a circus be without all of its wild beast turned tame to perform right before our eyes? And what would your journey be without the challenge of the cultivation of fears into falsehoods, and shadow into light?

Fire Breathers: We are going beyond our common capabilities, possibilities, and expectations. We are stepping in to a realm of doing, being, and living in ways we never quite thought possible. And we’re finding it completely exhilarating. We are stepping into our power, embracing our inner flame, and breathing that fire into our lives in order to bring forth our greatest potential and in order to prove to ourselves ( and the world ) that in the Land of New, there’s nothing that we can’t make happen.

Jugglers and Acrobats: As we learn to accommodate higher and lower selves, inner and outer worlds, and multiple realities and dimensions we are put to the feat of keeping all balls in the air at once while simultaneously flipping backwards. And all of this acrobatic juggling is challenging, at best, yet invigorating as we begin to actually accomplish it. We are so much more than we know. And we’re beginning to see, for the first time, in plain sight, that what we’re made of is spectacular and miraculous, and in all ways pliable. We really can bend that far!  We really did just manage to keep eight balls in the air while balancing a stick on our forehead. And we did it with ease, and there was even some grace in there, and by God, we just might do it all over again, because what’a ya know, we’re good at this, and we Like it!

Freak Show: As we peel back layers of unconscious and get face to face with the sorrow and shame of what’s been too terrible to show to the worlds in the light of day, and as we learn to be comfortable in our own skin, we see that our ‘freakiness’ is worthy of splendor, and that what makes us a little different is what makes us unique to begin with. And as we embrace all of those imperfections and invite them back into the whole, we start to shine out, speak out, branch out for all the world to see what only yesterday was worth hiding, and what tomorrow will be the star of our ever-expanding one-man show.

Ring Leader: As we recognize and step into the role of master of ceremonies, commanding attention where it needs to go, shining the spotlight on what needs to perform on the stage of our lives, and divert our crowded mind from distractions, we begin to know that we are the ones who we need to give our power over to, that the authority of our lives is ours, and that we no longer need follow any other program than the one written in our hearts.

And all of this is playing out simultaneously. There aren’t a lot of intermissions.  Sometimes it’s messy, and loud. And it is, most of the time, for a little while (at least while the show’s in town) a three-ring performance.

By the way, you’re the audience too, as you learn to watch and learn from the stance of observer. You’ve paid for this ticket. You’re here for the show.  Sit back and enjoy. Be marveled. It will be over before you know it. And though you may have your doubts in the moment, you will say when it’s all said and done that this certainly was a show not to be missed.

Remember, it's ALL good. We're here to enjoy. And life wouldn't be life if it wasn't a little crazy sometimes. You're expanding beyond your know, but the spectacular is in the show, so savor it, breathe, and behold the new you and the old are all becoming acquainted, on purpose, so that you can finally shine. Celebrate that!

Savor the experience. Be your All! Take in all that you're finding out you're capable of in these moments. You're the star, baby. Shine on.

To the love of life!

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely. 

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