You have the power, and the presence, and the peace within you to rise to a level of consciousness that completely exfoliates all of these things.
There is a white rabbit (consciousness) . It’s surrounded by snow (purity). Within the belly (power and will) of the rabbit is a globe of awareness. It is lit up for you to see. Beyond the rabbit, to the left, is a rabbit-hole that is filled with light (finding refuge in the arms of the unknown and in the light of Creator).
The rabbit is the one who leads Alice into the underworld. At first this strange world appears mysterious and dark, but it also is filled with magical wonder and surprise. In this world, reality is questioned. None of the ordinary rules apply. Somehow though, Alice is able to keep the faith that she will conquer whatever challenges arise along her path and comes to realize that she is far stronger and valuable than she once believed. She discovers that she is ‘the one’ who all of Wonderland has been waiting for to restore balance and de-thrown the twisted queen.
The queen, also known in other fairy tales as the evil step-mother is the one who fills us with stories that should be left untold. It is these stories that condemn us to a life of less and a life of misery, and it is time for a new story to unfold.
Within the belly of the white rabbit lies the mystery of the story that you’ve been telling (and living) that has stood in the way of living powerful and living bold. Bring in the snow of purity and wash that belly clean. Wipe away the reflection of what you are not and envision the story that you long to be. Now hold strong to the picture within the belly, within your mind, within your heart that tells the truth of the beauty of who you are and holds the space that is filled with treasures of gold.
The truth is what lies beneath the world created by that critical voice in your head. It is high time that that queen’s rule comes to an end. And you are the one to restore balance by holding the space for the underworld (wonderland) to be inhabited, and by resurfacing with a new identity. As your story comes into consciousness, as you look into the crystal ball within that rabbit’s belly, there’s the potential to become horrified by what you see. Know that the rabbi also symbolizes fertility of consciousness and offers the pliability of being able to rise above the story that needs to fall ( and all of the emotions that come with it). Snow is about what is new, what is being birthed. And the rabbit, in the sense of fertility, dies. (third day of rabbit symbolism, so take heed). Death is the prerequisite for rebirth. In order to be made new and restored to your own natural wonder, you must be willing to let this aspect of you that shrouds your trueness finally come to the surface so that you can rest in peace. You are ready for compassion, you are ready for tenderness, you are ready for receiving, you are ready for wonder, and you are most certainly ready for the glory of who you are to unfold. No more hiding behind the shrapnel. Execute the new plan that puts you in the seat of belief that you are MORE than the story, that you are strong enough to overcome it, and that within that letting go is peace.
As you stare into the looking glass of consciousness today and witness your soon to be forgotten saga, stand firm in the resolve that you are not it. Seeing is not believing. Just because you feel, or think, or see, or believe does not make it so. You no longer have to get bowled under by your journey as you uncover and dissolve it’s hidden truths. You have the power, and the presence, and the peace within you to rise to a level of consciousness that completely exfoliates all of these things.
The rabbit, in the woods is still as it discerns which move to next take. It puts out its receptors and feels through whatever’s taking place within its surroundings and remains neutral until it feels that it is safe. Be the white rabbit. Remain still, as all of the underworld comes up to meet you, allow for your consciousness to sustain you and light the way. There is plenty coming out of hiding with the full moon/eclipse tomorrow and anchoring into neutrality and Universal consciousness now is a way to sustain your bearings while simultaneously allowing the energy of transformation break through those walls and chains.
The rabbit’s face is expressionless, it is neutral. Whatever is happening holds no specific meaning, it just IS, and it doesn’t need to be any other way. Within the eye of the rabbit is consciousness, is the Universe, is all potentiality, is The Way. See through the eye of the rabbit into a world so vast that it minimizing any sorrow or pain.
Beyond the rabbit is the hole, filled with light. It is bright consciousness. It represents the unknown, yet it also represents what is safe. Find refuge in the hole of Light this day when you don’t feel the safety of stillness or you find struggle in the mirror of what is rising from the beneath. But know that we don’t have to get swallowed by our shadows anymore. There is a new way. That potential is here and it is within you. Become not your troubles, but open your arms and your eyes to the sky and let the shackles of story dissolve into the great beyond, into the arms of the Mother who holds the space for all to be healed.
Beyond the rabbit, in the skies above the land of snow, are the Northern Lights. They represent the great potential and the wonder of what is Universal. Look to those skies today as your stories are cast aside and your consciousness locks in with a way of wonder and a new-found sense of peace.
You are not your story. You carry within you the linage of stories passed down from soul upon soul, yet part of the handing down was in faith that one day there would be the release. The torch has been passed and it is up to you now to do the honors and break the chains that have kept you from truly being able to envision a new life, that have kept you from truly being able to See. The stories that bind you have also come to set you free.
Be the rabbit (consciousness, neutrality). Be the release (rebirth and faith in the unseen). Let the power of the beyond become greater than your need to stay weak ( and that’s what we become when we are bound by our stories ). Be the Northern Lights ( vast potential ). Become one with the Universal energy today and be the peace.
Shake it down, my brothers and sisters. Let the stories move over and make room for you, at last, to finally find your groove!
Blessed day,
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
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