Friday, December 16, 2011

Track-Back Forecasts for Dec. 11 - Dec. 15 The Deep, The Parting of The Seas, Living the Gift, The tunnel and the Tightrope, and Mushrooms and Daisies

Energy Forecast for 12/11/11~The Deep

Down below at the bottom of the ocean, lies a treasure.
You are being called to the deep today, to the depths of your being, to the core of your emotions, to delve within the traverses of your psyche. Guarding the treasure, and holding the key,  is Davey Jones or Blue Beard, either way a scary sight. In the eyes of this ancient and ominous being is what you are called to look into. As dreadful as that may seem, all you have to do is come close enough and look, and then you will receive the key. So this is about going deep into the depths of emotion, being rocked by some stuff you either didn’t know was there or thought you had come to terms with, facing it, and receiving the key to moving beyond, at last, and being free. There are always treasures buried beneath the shadows of our deep. And though it may seem like more than you could face when the depths call you under, you are stronger now, and you are ready to receive. Take the key. Grab hold of the treasure. You can gather to you and behold all that lies beneath.  You are everything you need to be to face up to whatever’s been hidden there. Don’t run away from the ‘ugly’. Stand tall. Be brave. Find strength. It is time now to embrace the everything, whether scary or coveted, that lies within you, and gather it into wholeness, so that with full breath and wide open heart you can proceed.

Energy Forecast for 12/12/11 ~The Parting of The Sea

Love the continuance here, from the day before, even more so than on any other of the posts. Enjoy!)
The seas are parted where the treasure (and the pirate) once lied, and where you yesterday adventured. The parting of the seas is an act of faith. But you are brought to dry land today, as you ride the wings of faith, emerge anew, and bring your treasure back from the underworld so that you can activate its bejeweled wonders and live the glory of triumphantly facing (and surviving) the deep. A round trip heroes journey. There and back in a little over a day.

And you are offered three exit routes on this adventure. You may rise in a bubble (carried by grace).  You can be carried by a mermaid ( the siren who calls us to the underworld in order that we may come into closer contact with our intrinsic nature), or you can simply walk the path of dry land through the parted sea, standing on stronger legs, knowing that you can survive anything now that you have faced the deep.

Energy Forecast for 12/13/11~Live the Gifts and Take Reprieve

Bring forth the gifts today that have been excavated and honor yourself for the work you have done over the last few days.  The full moon/eclipse energy has been potent and today offers a day of reprieve if you can allow for the recognition of what you have conquered ( even if it felt like you only got through by the skin of your teeth).  Much releasing has occurred. Old fears and unwanted baggage left behind, no longer haunting you. Come back to the surface now, take a big breathe, and let out a big sigh of relief.

Energy Forecast for 12/14/11 ~The Tunnel, The Tightrope and The Trapeze

You are being asked today to go beyond any negativity or obstacle that may be presenting in your life today, beyond any heaviness or inhibition and perform, with great balance and flexibility anyway. This is about making it and shaking despite whatever's happening, because this is boot-camp, and life is training, and sometimes, it's just got to be that way. Choosing the goal over the obstacle here, remember. So, the tunnel is about crawling through tight spaces, flying below the radar of what may appear to be directly falling on your head, and knowing that you'll come out the other side. 

The Tightrope is about balance and intention. It's about knowing that 'ya there's this stuff coming up, or old ways that your plowing under, and life can be intense, and this is hard work, but ya know what- there's still all the everything else that needs looking after and ya can't just ball up in your hole and hide away' (in a nutshell). So, also this would definitely be about responsibility, rising above, and making it great.

And the trapeze is about being deft, being bold, going with the swing of things, riding in the wind, and allowing yourself to truly bend (when necessary) to what life has to offer and what you truly have to give. You will be surprised how much talent and umph you actually possess. Perform with confidence today, no mater what's happening within or around you. Just do it and you'll see how durable and capable, and magnificent (even, and especially, under pressure) you truly are indeed.

Energy Forecast for 12/15/11~Garden of Daisies, a Higher Perspective

There you are, tiny as a bug, standing beneath a bed of daisies, looking up. You know that life is looking up too, on some level, but tiny as you are below this patch of giant daisies, the possibilities and the upside of the daisies are hard to see. This is about shifting perspective to allow for the lighter side, and to see that big growth is happening, all around and within, but sometimes when your right in the midst of it, it’s hard to see.

Today, we are also offered the vision of mushrooms. Get up on those toadstools and see from higher ground. Alternately, perch below them when you feel you need the protection from what may be showering all around. An umbrella is offered, an angelic intervention to shelter you from the storm.  Know that you are guided and protected and most importantly, assisted, on this path, and that sometimes, no matter how things may look from where you stand, you just need to know that not all skies are grey and that there has got to, and always is, a better way.

Hope you enjoyed the track-backs. Measure it against your past few days and see how it applied or contrasted. Thank you all for coming along on this journey with me.  It is truly and honor to receive and share this messages and I hope that you all are benefiting from them as much as I am!

Blessed day!
 Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.   

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