For some time, I have been receiving, each morning, an overview of the energy of the day- sort of a peek into the potential or the pitfalls that may arise and how to navigate through. Not too long ago, the forecast became visual, and I would receive images of what the energy would be. Though I've been posting this forecast on the Conscious Co-Creating Facebook page for a few weeks now, I though it was time to post it here too. Enjoy!
The energy forecast for today...
A looking glass ( floor-length and ornate, like the one the wicked queen looks into in Snow White). Within the mirror is a swirling vortex of potential. It is fluid. If you were to poke your finger into it, you would feel beyond where the glass was and into another dimension or reality. Within this vortex you can see into the future, or the past, or into the understanding of a certain situation. This is available to you now, as it is always, so that you can see the bigger picture, so that you can see the perfection of who you've been and what you've been through. So you can see the beauty of who you've become because of it. So that you can understand and let go of the things that you're still holding onto and release into the knowing that all is well, all is divine, and all is designed in order that you meet, ultimately, your fullest potential. Can you see into the mirror and sort through the pain, the confusion, and the indecisiveness that may be in your way? Can you look into the mirror and find peace with what Is, in the Now, in the in-between, in the future, and in the before? This is about us realizing that reality is fluid. That it is time to let go of rigidity and become more flexible, more fluid, and in the flow. The looking glass is about seeing beyond what appears to be and into the bigger picture of what IS.
A lot of the stuck-ness and the lack of movement that we have experienced are due to being more often lodged or cemented in our lower chakras. We have been cycling through our issues having to do with lack and imbalance in the areas of survival, pleasure, and power. As long as we remain focused on these areas of lack and within this imbalance we can only see from that perspective. This blocks the energy flow within us and inhibits the flow of possibilities and potential within our lives. Though we may know a lot about these spiritual concepts and may have filtered a lot of consciousness into our lives, how much time are we spending merely talking the talk?
There is a dead-man switch on a bomb. You will see it in movies in the scene where the hero will detonate himself in order that everyone else can escape danger and live. As long as he is holding on tight and pushing down on the switch the bomb remains inactive, but as soon as he lets go it explodes. We are holding onto the dead-man switch by operating from this lower place. We are restricting the flow of life (illustrated by the life that is saved once the hero saves the day by activating the bomb). When we let go, the energy can again flow, and the imbalance that we are creating within our lives can meet the flow, and the parts of ourselves that need saving, can again be renewed and restored to the whole.
A friend of mine was speaking of her visit to China and she said that their culture is based on balance. This is the premise on which they beleive life should be based. But she said that she doesn't even think that they know that the sky is blue because it is blocked by such a thick layer of smog. It appeared, she said, that even though their culture's basis is balance, they don't seem to be achieving it as a way of life, or as a way of being that effects the whole. If you find that you are following your practice and your path and are doing all of the releasing and the clearing and the mindfulness and applying the principles in which you beleive yet your life is presenting a much different picture, your sky is inhibited by a thick layer of smog ( lack of abundance, inability to thrive, thwarted power, lack of pleasure and joy ) then it's time to adjust your current level of focus, grab some stilts, and see from higher ground.
It's important now, if you are finding yourself still stuck and still treading water, to move into your higher chakras and operate from a higher place of perspective. As long as you are moving through life looking from the point of view of the lower chakras, you can only see knee-high. You go through life seeing only half the picture, only from a child's point of view ( your wounded child, most likely), and your perception as well as your potential remain half-hearted and limited.
By moving into the higher chakras now, you will find far more flexibility and fluidity in your life from which the possibility of blue skies can flow, to and fro. Your first chakra survival issues can be balanced by moving into the sixth chakra, where, from the thrid eye you can see that all needs are met. The areas in your life that reflect as imbalances in your second chakra relating to creativity and pleasure will become fruition and joy when you can navigate from the fifth chakra of expression, within the throat. Third chakra power issues find peace when you move into your heart chakra where real power is sourced. From this higher point of view, you can operate from a higher way of being. You reconnect to the source or perfection rather than sourcing your navigation from a tired and tangled point of view. It's time to rise higher and house your higher chakras so that you can move away from the smog-filled skies and light the light shine through. It's time to walk the talk and you can only do that by integrating the balance within you by incorporating and existence based on high-chakra inhabitance.
There is also a watch within the vision that you wear upon your wrist. This watch is special in that when you open the lid that houses the tiny version of the looking glass, you are reminded of the vortex of possibilities within the timeless place of potential. You can tap into this portal through this watch upon your wrist, you can transverse the limitation or the restriction or the lack within your life.
Enter the fluidity and exit the fundamentals that have held you down. There is a whole world beyond which you yourself have created and experienced on some level. Just because you don't see it (due to the smog or knee-high vision) doesn't mean it doesn't exist. All that's needed now is a shift of perspective, and opening to possibility, and a good heaping dose of faith. Your perspective shifts simply by moving into the higher chakras and stepping into the looking glass, or Window of what Is. The looking glass doesn't lie. Look into it and see what it has to tell you about where you're going and where you've been. And allow for the past, present and future of you to merge into the divine perfection of the story of your soul as it continues to unfold.
Higher chakra living, baby! Step into the glass, shift up and clear the way.
Much love and abundance heading your way.
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
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