The snow plow shows up today to confirm ( as if we didn’t already know) that we are surely, and fully, in the process of transformation, but even more so- transmutation. Yes, we are clearing giant trees from our path as we pave a new way (oh Mama, are we ever!) but take notice and be mindful of the flowers that are in and along the way too. When we dismantle ourselves in order to get to the core and the essence, we are left with a thousand pieces. But these pieces need not all be thrown away. In fact, some of them are very worthy of keeping. So, as you go deeper and are excavating and transmutating your Self, pay attention and be aware of the gems that you are mining too. All of those pieces that are falling to the floor need to be sorted, so that when you put yourself back together again, Humpty Dumpty, you will have the sustainable assets that will keep you from falling down again. You get to choose what to keep and what to throw.
So, the energy of today asks us to be evermore conscious and mindful as we plow through our defenses, walls, and limitations. It asks us to See the divine in who we are and to gather up the pieces that we want to keep ( the good stuff, and the stuff we may have seen as bad but is more just us not accepting ourselves for who and what we are). We are challenged to take things to a whole new level. This process of elimination is not just about clearing out, it is about weeding. Be conscious not to weed the flowers (the funky, the fabulous, and the beauty of who you are). Be mindful that this is a conscious process, that consciousness is necessary here, and that in bringing your presence to the table, or to the path, you will be able to see the good that is there, that has been there, that is in you, and that you can( and by all means, should) bring it forward as you move ahead.
Next up is a rotten tomato. ( I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried! I am forever amused at the images I receive here. This one puzzled me for a bit, but here’s what I came up with for the translation….)
So, tomatoes, once they rot, are an awful mess- not something you want to contend with. But tomatoes, when used before they go bad, make terrific salads and salsa. They have great potential, if used in a timely manner, and that’s what this symbol represents. Potential is wasted too often, or put on a shelf to be tapped into at a later date. We may not think of potential as having an expiration date, but who here couldn’t say that they’ve felt (or are feeling) the dreadfully painful effects of letting their potential go to waste? The energy for today warns us to be mindful of the clock that is ticking, the potential that can spoil if left unused or neglected, and the messy results of not utilizing the gifts we’ve all been given to share and to celebrate.
The energy of potential that is born within us grows stagnant when it is not put to use. This energy becomes blockages within our bodies. It becomes tension, it becomes frustration, it becomes grief. Don’t let that energy spoil within you. Make the salsa, and get the rewards of potential released.
Make the best of your day (truly, in all senses of the way). Be mindful. Follow your intentions. Look for the diamonds. And create the path you dream of, despite what's in your way. You've got the snow plow to back ya. You've got awareness of the potential for expiration. You've got everything you truly need, right there in your heart ( or your back pocket). So make it happen. Make it great. And make it truly You-nique!
Blessings of Grace,
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
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