(The following is an interpretation of the energy forecast I receive each day. It is and overview of the energy for the day ahead. At first, when I began channeling this information, it was a sense or a feeling of what the day would hold, of its potential, and of how to best maneuver through it in an empowered way. Then it became a vision. I see the pictures and symbols of what is unfolding that signify the opportunities present within the energy of the day and the wisdom it holds when we open to it. I have found them to be extremely accurate, insightful and beneficial, which is why I wish to share them with you here. Feel free to log back on the past energy reports as they all hold very valuable wisdom and energy that can be applied to your experience today. And stay tuned for a new energy report each day. Enjoy!)
The vision…
The vision…
There is a train-track crossroads, two train tracks that intersect. There is a turtle moving slowly along one of the tracks. A train comes (supersonic), and smash, the turtle is dead. Afterward, it is as if nothing happened. The train is gone. The turtle is dead. And there is peace There are bunnies and squirrels running around and over the track, the birds are chirping, and life continues on in what appears to be a quiet, beautiful and peaceful blue-sky day. There is a funnel cloud coming down toward the track with it’s pinpoint directed squarely at you. The funnel reaches up into the sky and crests into a bank of clouds, a bed of soft fluffy white ones, and within them is a giant heart. This is about receiving Universal love and wisdom to direct you in your choices and to direct your day. In the distance, on the horizon, as far as the eye can see is a tidal wave approaching ( water=emotion). But due to the size of it and the span it covers, I would say it’s collective in nature, global, or perhaps it’s here to wash away a very set-in-stone emotional block, belief, or habit that’s inhibiting us in a major way in our lives from moving forward, and simply has no business staying.
When I received this, I shunned it because it seemed violent, confusing and intense. But how often in life do we do the same when we interpret that what’s happening is bad or wrong or not to our taste? What happened in the vision happened and then it was over and there was peace. It was life taking it’s course. There was the death of what was ready to go and then life continuing on its way. Life can be that way for you too, but we get caught up too much in the judgment or the interpretation or the denial of what’s presenting, rejecting it and running away, rather than witnessing it and devouring or allowing the message and wisdom to create a space where we can be transformed.
There is so much power to today’s energy and to today’s report. There is a lot of symbolism here and this vision is rich, so stick with me here, while I break it down for you ( in other words, this is going to be long, but well worth it if you give it your time). The turtle represents the slow and steady, staying the plotted course. We have tended toward thinking that this is the way. We think, in life, that there are things that we must endure or plot through because there is a ‘process’ to them, or that there is only one path to get to where we’re going, and that it is in that way of approaching this area of our lives or on that path that we must remain, however resentful or begrudging of it we may be when it’s not working, happening fast enough, or seeming to pay off. We think that the way we’re doing it is ‘the way’ even when it’s clear, based on the results we’re getting, that this way isn’t and won’t work. This keeps us rigid as we hold tight to do it (life) a certain way. It makes us inflexible, and drained of energy (as we’re resisting the obvious fact that it’s not working, and the notion that there is in fact a better course at bay.) The train is coming down that track to devour whatever is in its way. What needs to go is goin’, regardless of if we let it. You can move or you can stay.
If we were the bunny or the squirrel, we could have jumped off of the path and out of the way because we would be nimble and quick. We could respond to the danger coming our way and (here’s the important part!) get out of the way. The turtle is not nimble and has no reaction time. It cannot avoid the dangers up ahead or jump out of the way. It is fixed and slow. It is committed to its path, even though its path holds the devastation of being destroyed. It is trusting in the way, but only the way it knows. Or it is trusting that it will be delivered from ‘the train’, that the work of moving will be done for it, and that it doesn’t need to learn or acquire the reflexes required to be actively involved with life and change. It is set in stone ( the shell). And in this it looses the ability to See clearly, to avoid the pitfalls, and to adjust to the rhythm of what’s moving its way because it is so absorbed by its own perception of what is rather than being able to See from a higher way.
We tend to do this in life when we inadvertently ( or very purposely ) ‘give it over’, when in fact the thing to give is ours to take. What I mean by this is that there are things we need to take responsibility for. And our responsibility in this case, is taking the responsibility for moving, in a much bigger way. There is a giant tornado and a tidal wave of energy coming through today and they are about to transform you in a very big way. How you choose to work with this energy will depend on your awareness of it, the consciousness you bring to it, and in a more profound way than ever, it will depend on faith.
The course need not be slow and methodical. (And for the third day in a row, we are rethinking ‘slow’). Allowing for the change to happen or the way to be revealed or unfold in time is not what’s advised here. In order to Be the change, you have to become it. And you have to let the change (the force of God as well as your objective) become you. And so in order to get to where you need to go, you have to step up and make it so. There is an urgency here, a boiling point, a no-time-to-wait-around-for-the-resurrection. Save yourself by heeding the train. And there are powerful forces blowing through today, right now, at supersonic speed, to assist you, to do it FOR you, and bring you to the desired point of choice?
Where are the areas in your life that you desire change but haven’t been able to make it flow? There are times when we are stuck that we ‘give it over’, but here we must examine where we have given it over that it needs to be owned. There are shifts that require your will, your own inner adjustment and alignment, that aren’t so much about God taking over, but rather about you taking responsibility and doing it another way. This is about alignment with The Will. The supersonic train came through and Bam, it was gone. These things in your life that need action can be handled in that split second reaction time if you alter your perspective, own them, rise to what is calling, and take action (through movement), and let nature take its course. Let God become you by you getting out of the way.
Be the change. Don’t restrict it. Step up now instead of falling for the notion that there must be a delay. Tap into that universal love and let it charge you, change you, Be you. And as the waters of the river rise to tital wave force, engage that power to order transformation Now, in this moment, instead of putting it off for another day.
The energy of change can throw you off of your vortex as you’re being shifted at a core level in order to create the new. You may find it challenging to be centered, but it is not your center or your source that is being shifted, it is your foundation that is being rocked. Perhaps you thought you were on solid ground and building, but the energy of today is here to expose your fault lines and show you that it must be another way. Rather than being rigid like the shell of the turtle or resistant to the idea of giving up what you’ve been holding onto or the notion of what you think is good, let that heart in the clouds come into you now in order that you will find the courage and the knowing to heed the train.
What you’re being shifted away from (or not, your choice) no longer serves you, as much as you thought it did. And as your foundation is rocked out right from under you, you can expect to feel a little ( or a whole lot) disoriented, disheveled, and even a good healthy dose of dismay. There is a horror in seeing the truth sometimes, especially when it is deep and core, and mostly when it requires change. You will recognize this in the reflections and mirrors of others as they present with irritability, agitation, confusion, unrest, and even rage. We like to hold tight to what we believe in. We like to be right, and we like to think that we know the way. Resistance to the titanic wave of change to the this proportion (as mentioned today) can makes you feel crazy, can make you depressed. Choose a higher order and the potential will be the sunshine rather than the rain.
The energy of titanic transformation today tells it different, helps us to see how our method isn’t serving us and shows us really clearly where we need to get out of the way. When a natural disaster hits we cannot go up against it, we can not overpower it through our wills, we simply need to head the warnings ( if there are any), be prepared, and get out of its way.
In order to truly come out on top today and survive these energies of change, be decisive, be direct, take control (of your mind and your emotions). Be disciplined, and refrain from drama, victim-hood, overly identifying with what’s happening ( to you or anyone else), and most importantly have faith. What’s happening is FOR you. And it is happening regardless of whether or not you agree that is should be. This truly is a profound and miraculous blessing. Do you think those characters in the biblical stories though so when they were undergoing one of God’s powerful psuenomies of faith-building proportion? Well, if you haven’t notices, things have gotten rather biblical lately and it absolutely has everything to do with faith. Be strong. Be the train (supersonic) and plow on through. The course is set. The tracks are laid. Today is a crossroad. Today is a day of change. And on the table is your way of being, your consciousness, and very much so, your day-to-day.
Within the vision was the dichotomy of choice. There is the carnage of the turtle, but alternately is the melodic bunny, birds and squirrels playing with life and enjoying the beautiful day. There is the pin-point tornado, but at the peak of it, as it reaches to the sky, enveloping the puffy white clouds is the heart of the universe and the force of great love (which ultimately is The Way). There is the massive tidal wave that spans the entire distance of the earth, but within it is the possibility to get taken down or washed clean.
It is a choice today and a pivotal choosing. Here is the question: are you plotting the course or are you letting the course plot you? Open up to the ginormous possibility to be completely transformed today in a very important and large area of your life (if not the entire thing!). let it make you new or let it make you crazy. Let it be the train that passes on through or let it be the force that brings you down. Let it be destruction or let it be that thing that came through to create anew.
Call on grace today. Call on the angels. Call on faith. This is a tidal wave cresendoing through in order that you can get there faster, in order that you can be there now. Slow and steady doesn’t win the race. The rules and the game have changed. You are meant to flow with grace and ease through life and today’s challenges are no exception. You can rise to meet the water, you can see eye to eye with the heart at the top of the finger of God pointing downward into the areas of your life that need change. You can hop along in the meadows under the blue sky next the to track of the train of life. You can be the force, you can be the power, you can be the change. But all of this requires that you merge with the will of God, pay attention to the wisdom as it washes over you, and allow for change.
Be made new today. Rise to the force. You are ready now, as overwhelming as it may seem, and you ARE, truly, The Way.
I think I've said enough for now, but one more thing... Be inwardly still, get excited! This is not the wrath of God, this is the miracle, this is the rapture, this is the christening, this is about inner movement and trusting The Way. Be transformed, let it take you. Allow for the new order to rush through you as you open up to Seeing from a much higher perspective, fueled by love and faith, and forgo becoming for Being the Way.
Love ya!
Here's to the New You and Blue-sky days!
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