Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Energy Forecast for Dec. 21, 2011~ Swiss Cheese

The energy forecast for today…

It is very important to ground right now. With all of these powerful energies coming through in the name of transformation through the Solstice and new moon, you want to keep rooted in order to anchor in the light.  Visualize the roots growing down from your base, into the ground, and anchoring deeply into the earth. As you do, you may notice that there is a convolution that occurs. Normally the roots would travel to the core of the earth to be anchored, but today, as your roots reach toward the ground they are enveloped by the earth itself. The earth is reaching up to you today and gathering you in, in order to provide you with the warmth and nurturing that you need. It is like mud, folding in around your roots, pulling you in and anchoring you in the wisdom and the warmth of the Mother, entwining your roots deep down into her core so that you can feel, and experience, and know on a core level, that you are supported, that through Her you are strengthened, and in her you are received, unconditionally and ever more. As mother, She is always there for you, always providing the platform and the foundation for you to stand tall and walk forward into the sunset of your dreams. Today, though, she gathers you in, brings you to her breast and nourishes you with all of the nutrients that you need to grow sturdy and strong and beautiful as you continue to reach up toward your potential under the guidance of the rays of light. Like with a flower, she fills you with everything you need to be sustained and thrive. All you need do is let down your roots and touch the earth through the intention of grounding and She will lovingly gather you in.

And once you are filled with the nurturance and the warmth, and the strength of the Mother, bring back your energy up and out through the top of your head, as you reach for the sky. There is  a fire-hose force of light directed at all that need be washed away.  Allow yourself to be washed clean and bathed in the light.  Allow for the clearing so that you can receive the benefits of the energy coming through to assist you in this transformation of choosing higher and choosing love over fear. And bringing that light and love in and anchoring it into your heart, notice that your heart is now fitted with wings. It is time to fly. Rise above the distraction and the distortion of your mind and follow the star that guides you to the Christ within.  There is a portal in your heart, as it connects with your third eye- it is a window into your potentiality. It is a diamond light, shining the way, and guiding you into a vast new world of possibility. Stay open to the light, to the love, to the wisdom, as it reaches you, as you clear the way, and allow for the way to be cleared, while holding the space for all that is out of resonance to be healed.  Allow for the gaps to be filled and for the radiance to shine in.

Which brings me to the symbol of guidance for today’s energy forecast. Today’s image is Swiss cheese.  That’s right, the veil is thinning, but now there are holes in it. The light is shining through and we can no longer look at things the same.  We can no longer go to all the same places, even though the veil remains, to some degree, and due to our attachments, we will try. But there is not the same voltage behind our victim-consciousness and our stories that have held us down and kept the light at bay. Let the light in, even if just through the holes for now. Know that it is shining through, that it is there, that it is Truth, that it is the You that you’ve been waiting for, and you will find your way to the other side of the veil. You will find your way sooner than later. And the more you can concentrate on the light, the less the veil will inhibit you.

The other symbol for the day is the pine tree. Evergreen and sturdy, it reminds us that we can be strong during this time of darkness (the season of going within), and you can withstand the cold of winter (as you cocoon into transformation), making way for the rebirth, birthing your gifts and your consciousness, bringing to the light of day the You that’s waited to shine through.

So, in a nut shell, ground, open to the light, see what’s shining through the veil, and find the strength within.

Blessings and light,

 Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.   

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