Friday, December 23, 2011

Energy Forecast for Dec.23, 2011~ The Faucet and The Drain

The vision for today is that of a drain, a drain pipe, a drain at the bottom of the sink, where all that needs released is be directed to flow. Consciousness flows down as Divine light, as if flowing from a faucet in the sky, flowing down directly toward the drain. On either side of the flow of water/light are angels, directing the light, directing the flow, prodding and pocking it when it flitters off in either direction, ensuring that it reaches the drain, that it is released, that it does not pool. (note that this is the third day of correlating energy from above and energy from below working together)

Your job yesterday was to receive.  Today it is to release. Receive though, in tandem the assistance available to you for this clearing as you are moved into grand alignment. No matter what is coming up or going down for you today, to the best of your ability, just Be. Resist the urge to grab onto any thoughts or judgments, resist any desire to remain attached to what needs to go (flow).

When we get in the way of the Conscious stream and the divine flow of light, flowing (very) purposefully and intentionally in the direction of release today, we cause it to puddle and pool. Water equals emotion. Puddles and pools equal blocks and stagnation. You may feel frozen as you witness what is flowing toward the drain, but remain the witness, remain frozen if you must, if that’s what helps you stay out of the way. Let the job be done for you. Feel the peace of the presence of light.  Feel into your heart and stay there as you stay out of your head and out of the way.

When we contemplate and analyze what is needing to be let go of and released (all that is not in alignment with our truth and our joy), we create the pooling and the puddles that make us stuck. We create suffering and ailments. We create lack of joy. It’s impossible to be present while drowning, or even splashing in the pools. Our presence is required in this process as we are being moved into alignment, and we very literally are today as the angels and guides very actively become involved, ensuring the path of release and purification. Resist the urge to grab onto any thoughts or judgments, resist any desire to remain attached to what needs to go (flow).

There is a large and rather strong guide watching over the operation. He is taking this job, this supervision, very seriously.  He means business. What goes today (down that drain), what is surrendered and released, has been long and coming. You might perhaps feel the release within your body as this cleansing takes place. You may feel discomfort in areas where blockages lie and are coming unhinged.  You may feel it in your charkas as they are being open and cleansed. Breathe into those spots with love and the clarity of intention that you no longer wish to hold onto that which is blocking you from your light. It is time to let go.  And on a deep level you know this.  You know it is time to make so this transition and quit restricting the flow.

Stay open.  Allow for the release.  Feel the comfort and the support, the guidance, of the beloved beings here to assist you. The doorway remains open today. Set your sights on walking through, into the night of the discovery of your soul, into the heart land of recovery, where you can rest in the knowing that all of those miles trekked were never in vein. Allow for the healing, this blessing of light flowing in, that all needs may be met through the cleansing and removal of that which gets in your way of receiving, of being, of connecting to the Flow.

You are blessed.  You are beautiful. You are bountiful. Be in peace today.  And let all that needs to be surrendered simply go.

Blessings and light,

 Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.   

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