The energy forecast for today…
There is the image of the bulldozer, out in the middle of a wide open field. (So many of the images are out in the wide open field, which seems to represents consciousness or potential of life unfolding- that empty palate on which to create all possibilities as the possibilities are shown). The bulldozer represents creating the space for the new to come into our lives and plowing through that which is in our way. This is about letting go of all of the things that we are holding onto and all of the things that we try to do ourselves. This is about realizing that there is something larger than us that is right there, willing and able to lend a hand ( in a huge and far more powerful and effective way than we are capable of at this point), and all we need do is get out of the way.
How many of us get stuck in ‘do it myself’ mode, racking our brains for the how-to’s, and find that we’re only left squirming in ‘know-nots’, beating our heads against the wall, and getting lost in the pain? Those things that you seek, those things that you desire in your life, those things that you have no idea how to bring about or make so- they are none of your business. What I mean by this is that you are not meant to know, you cannot know at this point, and if you can’t figure out how to make it happen it’s because you are in the way of the receiving, you are in the way of letting the way be known.
We hold on so tight and fast to our anger and frustration at life and at what’s not working, happening, or coming to pass. We feel justified and righteous in those emotions. We validate ourselves by telling ourselves that we have every reason to dip (often far too deep) into the negative vibrational heap because it is 'true' that our life is a mess, or we don’t have what we want (that something that without which we will never be happy), or we find justification in the ‘evidence’ of how life refuses to flow. It is us though, that is refusing, that is resisting, that is constricting the Know.
Our emotions are simply indicators that things are out of alignment, not tools for how to get anything done. When we feel overwhelmed, discouraged, angry or despaired about how our lives are working (or not working) it is simply a red blinking light alerting us get out of the way. We take it upon ourselves however to make it right or do something about it even when we have no idea what we’re doing. We freak out and rush in, we react, we step on the gas instead of coming to a complete stop, and we find ourselves continually lost in the maze of confusion that originates from trying to be and do more than we are, in that moment, whihin any given situation.
When the ‘check engine’ light comes on in your car it is not cause for alarm. It simply means that it’s time to give our vehicle over to a qualified source so that the work that needs done can take place. We don’t panic when this warning light goes off, we simply make arrangements for the car to be repaired and go on about our day. We don’t fret about what the car needs, or how it’s going to be fixed, or how we can rise to the task of fixing it ourselves. Yet in our lives when we are alerted that something needs fixed we put ourselves to the task, become overwhelmed or alarmed by it, and create all kinds of negative energy that inhibits us from making any lasting or effective change.
If you don’t know, that’s a sign. It means give it over. When you’re angry- give it over. When you’re overwhelmed- give in. When you have no idea how you’re possibly going to make happen what appears to need be done- get out of the way. By spinning in circle, analyzing the situation, getting trapped by frustration or limitation, we create all kinds of blockages that only create more of the same. We create a wall, a barrier that restricts movement, restricts flow. And this way of being inhibits the true insight, the higher knowing, from lighting the way.
It’s not our job to do it all. It’s only our job to listen, receive the orders from the One above, and take action on them in order to create the lives of our dreams ( which is the same dream the Creator has in store for us). It’s not our job to interpret or analyze or over-think these directives. These are the ways that we’re in the way. These are the ways that we disconnect and impair our ability to receive. This is the indicator that we do not trust Source, or Source's plan for us, that we do not trust in The Way.
How can we get the message, the divine insight or the direction when we’re drowning it out and fogging it up with our mental chatter and rebellion? Yes, our resistance is an inhibition. Think of a child who so adamantly insists on doing something themselves that they are as of yet incapable of doing. Try as they might, and distraught as they become, they will not accomplish the task, no matter how badly they desire to do it for themselves at that point, until they have reached a point where they’re ready to. Eventually the child digresses, moves out of the way, ask for or receives help, and then they go about their day. It is the same for us. We are limited in our capacity as far as we are blocking the assistance that we need in our lives while we continue to create the resistance by holding onto the frustration of not being able to do it ourselves or in our own way.
That giant bulldozer represents the help that is available to us, right now and always. We can try to clear the field, or the obstacles in our lives, by hand, or we can receive the assistance of the big giant piece of equipment that would undoubtedly get the job done in a much more efficient and effective way.
The obstacles we need to clear are the things that inhibit us from moving forward, the things that negate our way, the things that dilute our vision, and the things that distort our faith. Though we are more and more able to clear away what needs to go on our own, the message for today alerts us to the gift that stands before us now, the assistance that is ready and waiting and here to clear and plow through all that blocks us from receiving so that we may flow and be opened and move forward in a much bigger way.
We can climb upon that big ol’ machine and get the job done. We are supported. All we need do is get out of the way of our resistance and allow Creator to light the way. Give it over, get out of the way, let the way be shown. It really is much easier that way.
The other part of the vision was an enormously bright sun shining down upon us. The light is so radiant at this time, and it filters down upon us making it easier for us to distill the darkness, choose higher, and move in a direction that creates lasting change. Pull upon this light. Allow it to rinse away all that has become corroded, stagnant, rusty, and stained. You are the light, and the light shining down upon you is simply a reflection of the light you were born to sustain.
Make use of these powerful energies today to create a life of grace and ease. Allow for that field to be plowed down, for the blockages within you that reflect the blockages and incongruencies, or ‘not workings’ within your life to be bulldozed over so that the space for your dreams and your desires can be made. Let the field be cleared in order that your dreams have a place to grow. Clear the way, and let the way be known. You don’t have to figure it all out yourself. You’ve tried that already. Give it over, give it up, and get out of the way so that the forces greater than you can move through you and their job. Move aside today, listen for the divine instructions which can only be heard when we stop insisting on doing it ourselves. And let the way, shining down upon you in radiant streams of light, be known.
Happy clearing to you! Take a sigh of relief as you let the forces beyond do the heavy lifting and you settle into believing that the way will be shown.
Blessings and light,
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
There is the image of the bulldozer, out in the middle of a wide open field. (So many of the images are out in the wide open field, which seems to represents consciousness or potential of life unfolding- that empty palate on which to create all possibilities as the possibilities are shown). The bulldozer represents creating the space for the new to come into our lives and plowing through that which is in our way. This is about letting go of all of the things that we are holding onto and all of the things that we try to do ourselves. This is about realizing that there is something larger than us that is right there, willing and able to lend a hand ( in a huge and far more powerful and effective way than we are capable of at this point), and all we need do is get out of the way.
How many of us get stuck in ‘do it myself’ mode, racking our brains for the how-to’s, and find that we’re only left squirming in ‘know-nots’, beating our heads against the wall, and getting lost in the pain? Those things that you seek, those things that you desire in your life, those things that you have no idea how to bring about or make so- they are none of your business. What I mean by this is that you are not meant to know, you cannot know at this point, and if you can’t figure out how to make it happen it’s because you are in the way of the receiving, you are in the way of letting the way be known.
We hold on so tight and fast to our anger and frustration at life and at what’s not working, happening, or coming to pass. We feel justified and righteous in those emotions. We validate ourselves by telling ourselves that we have every reason to dip (often far too deep) into the negative vibrational heap because it is 'true' that our life is a mess, or we don’t have what we want (that something that without which we will never be happy), or we find justification in the ‘evidence’ of how life refuses to flow. It is us though, that is refusing, that is resisting, that is constricting the Know.
Our emotions are simply indicators that things are out of alignment, not tools for how to get anything done. When we feel overwhelmed, discouraged, angry or despaired about how our lives are working (or not working) it is simply a red blinking light alerting us get out of the way. We take it upon ourselves however to make it right or do something about it even when we have no idea what we’re doing. We freak out and rush in, we react, we step on the gas instead of coming to a complete stop, and we find ourselves continually lost in the maze of confusion that originates from trying to be and do more than we are, in that moment, whihin any given situation.
When the ‘check engine’ light comes on in your car it is not cause for alarm. It simply means that it’s time to give our vehicle over to a qualified source so that the work that needs done can take place. We don’t panic when this warning light goes off, we simply make arrangements for the car to be repaired and go on about our day. We don’t fret about what the car needs, or how it’s going to be fixed, or how we can rise to the task of fixing it ourselves. Yet in our lives when we are alerted that something needs fixed we put ourselves to the task, become overwhelmed or alarmed by it, and create all kinds of negative energy that inhibits us from making any lasting or effective change.
If you don’t know, that’s a sign. It means give it over. When you’re angry- give it over. When you’re overwhelmed- give in. When you have no idea how you’re possibly going to make happen what appears to need be done- get out of the way. By spinning in circle, analyzing the situation, getting trapped by frustration or limitation, we create all kinds of blockages that only create more of the same. We create a wall, a barrier that restricts movement, restricts flow. And this way of being inhibits the true insight, the higher knowing, from lighting the way.
It’s not our job to do it all. It’s only our job to listen, receive the orders from the One above, and take action on them in order to create the lives of our dreams ( which is the same dream the Creator has in store for us). It’s not our job to interpret or analyze or over-think these directives. These are the ways that we’re in the way. These are the ways that we disconnect and impair our ability to receive. This is the indicator that we do not trust Source, or Source's plan for us, that we do not trust in The Way.
How can we get the message, the divine insight or the direction when we’re drowning it out and fogging it up with our mental chatter and rebellion? Yes, our resistance is an inhibition. Think of a child who so adamantly insists on doing something themselves that they are as of yet incapable of doing. Try as they might, and distraught as they become, they will not accomplish the task, no matter how badly they desire to do it for themselves at that point, until they have reached a point where they’re ready to. Eventually the child digresses, moves out of the way, ask for or receives help, and then they go about their day. It is the same for us. We are limited in our capacity as far as we are blocking the assistance that we need in our lives while we continue to create the resistance by holding onto the frustration of not being able to do it ourselves or in our own way.
That giant bulldozer represents the help that is available to us, right now and always. We can try to clear the field, or the obstacles in our lives, by hand, or we can receive the assistance of the big giant piece of equipment that would undoubtedly get the job done in a much more efficient and effective way.
The obstacles we need to clear are the things that inhibit us from moving forward, the things that negate our way, the things that dilute our vision, and the things that distort our faith. Though we are more and more able to clear away what needs to go on our own, the message for today alerts us to the gift that stands before us now, the assistance that is ready and waiting and here to clear and plow through all that blocks us from receiving so that we may flow and be opened and move forward in a much bigger way.
We can climb upon that big ol’ machine and get the job done. We are supported. All we need do is get out of the way of our resistance and allow Creator to light the way. Give it over, get out of the way, let the way be shown. It really is much easier that way.
The other part of the vision was an enormously bright sun shining down upon us. The light is so radiant at this time, and it filters down upon us making it easier for us to distill the darkness, choose higher, and move in a direction that creates lasting change. Pull upon this light. Allow it to rinse away all that has become corroded, stagnant, rusty, and stained. You are the light, and the light shining down upon you is simply a reflection of the light you were born to sustain.
Make use of these powerful energies today to create a life of grace and ease. Allow for that field to be plowed down, for the blockages within you that reflect the blockages and incongruencies, or ‘not workings’ within your life to be bulldozed over so that the space for your dreams and your desires can be made. Let the field be cleared in order that your dreams have a place to grow. Clear the way, and let the way be known. You don’t have to figure it all out yourself. You’ve tried that already. Give it over, give it up, and get out of the way so that the forces greater than you can move through you and their job. Move aside today, listen for the divine instructions which can only be heard when we stop insisting on doing it ourselves. And let the way, shining down upon you in radiant streams of light, be known.
Happy clearing to you! Take a sigh of relief as you let the forces beyond do the heavy lifting and you settle into believing that the way will be shown.
Blessings and light,
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
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