Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Energy Report for Dec. 6, 2011: The Telescope, The Lens, and The Tiny Path

The energy report for today…

There is a vision of a camera. This is about perception. So the questions on the table for you will be… What filter or lens are you looking through?  Is it serving you?  Is it accurate?  Does it allow for you to take full breath? Observe your perspective and adjust your gaze.  It is time to see through the spiritual eye, to see from a higher and neutral perspective, to see from a higher place.

The next image is a telescope which sends us to a place of observation from a distance.  A place of stepping back and taking rest.  Today is a day of stillness.  It is a day for allowing all of the energy of all of the action and intention we have been putting out there to catch up with us.  Today is a day of pause and really reminding ourselves to take some deep breaths.

It can be so easy, especially this time of year, to get caught up in the hustle and bustle, to get carried away in the craze.  And we can tell ourselves that it is out of necessity or obligation and that’s something to examine in itself, and, perhaps there is truth to that.  We all have things we need to do.  But we must ask ourselves if in times of transition and transformation on a spiritual level ( as we are in now) when we are dislodging and detaching from our old ways, are we perhaps not running away from ourselves or what’s on our plates. Who’s showing up for dinner within the aspects of your being? Are you prepared or overwhelmed to host the parts of you that are coming to the surface to be acknowledged, integrated, and healed?

Hold space for your wounded child or angry teenager or overwhelmed adult within.  Hold the space for grace and love.  Just let it all fall away, what needs to go, while you’re in this place of breath and wait.  Hold the space for what you’ve created and what’s coming as well.  Hold the space for integration and for healing, for clarity, and for a new way of being that brings together all of your parts as you begin to attain the balance within that creates harmony and sovereignty for all of your parts to feel safe. Space holding is a spiritual thing.  It’s not about movement.  Refrain from taking action on much today. Refrain from strain.

The final vision is a stepping-stone path that’s microscopic, too tiny on which to step.  Here in lies the telescope perception.  The path is there and you are on it, but for today, it’s not necessary to take any ‘steps’.

Grace and ease, baby.  Grace and ease.  Fall back and let it all come together through breath and the simple intention of adjusting your perception by cruising on the auto-pilot of faith.

Blessings, friends!

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

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