There is a distinct pattern playing out at this time, as to the energy of things as they are evolving, or as our consciousness is evolving, rather. And the energy is that of what's being focused upon on the big screen of things.
Two days ago, the energy ‘image’ was that of a black hole. The image was a blank screen with a black hole in the middle of it. The image spoke of the abyss, being swallowed by it (the hole or the abyss), and also of a new territory or awareness on the horizon. This seemed to be about being wiped clean, clearing out (still) what no longer needs to remain in order to advance and move forward in higher and more optimal directions, and creating anew.
Two days ago, the energy ‘image’ was that of a black hole. The image was a blank screen with a black hole in the middle of it. The image spoke of the abyss, being swallowed by it (the hole or the abyss), and also of a new territory or awareness on the horizon. This seemed to be about being wiped clean, clearing out (still) what no longer needs to remain in order to advance and move forward in higher and more optimal directions, and creating anew.
The 'black hole’ energy is disorienting when at play. It creates a sense of being morphed, of being squeezed, of being torn away from what we’ve held onto (tightly) often without seeming warning or judgment. This is not a ‘you have a choice here' moment, as the momentum has been building for some time and is going to have its way with us. The choice lies in how you take it…lying down or standing up. And neither of those is really the ‘right’ one per say. It will be taken as you are, or handled based on where you are in the moment of your evolution. The choice would seem optimal to simply allow and to hunker down (if you will) in your intuitive awareness for what is under way. When you can sink into the ‘knowing’ that you are being ‘rolled over’, that reality is creating/recreating itself in the name of your highest good, no matter how it may appear or seem in the moment, and especially in those instances (like this day, 2/25) when everything was in some way being sucked into a black hole or abyss, which can feel very disorienting (as said before) and no doubt somewhat disconcerting.
We want to have a grasp on our reality. We want control of the process. We want to have say in how it’s going to go. But we do not always ‘know’ what is in our best and highest order, and dare I say, we are still finding our way through and discovering and uncovering the many layers of what has inhibited out progress (ascension) and our Flow. So our choices, no matter how conscious we are or are becoming, do not always reflect our greatest good, by the nature of still, in many, many ways remaining unconscious (it is a process after all. Be patient).
So it is in these times that we must trust in the higher powers that be to roll it all out for us, to make the right moves and manipulate the board on which we are playing out our realities so that we can optimize our next moments of creation. What that means is that we are being gifted (if we can so look at it that way, and looking at it that way is in and of itself a gift) with a little reinforcement and some higher consciousness house cleaning and redecorating that is laying out the scenery to better support us in our forward movement into freedom and peace.
Best advice in these scenarios, move out of the way. Lay low. Stay focused on your heart of hearts and maintaining inner peace. Let go of the need to judge what is happening, or what isn’t. Allow for what is to orchestrate itself further into being, and give thanks that all is lining up exactly as it needs to be in this moment in time for your greatest and highest good. Faithfully, you will recover from the jolting momentum of this time-line which has got us creating at light speed, releasing faster than the consciousness can interpret, and morphing into greater alignment in such accelerated succession that we don’t even know what's real. And…we don’t really need to know, do we? So stay out of the way. Intend alignment and peace. Stay focused on your most coveted desires, as they are creating their way into your awareness stream, and just let what Is Be.
Yesterdays energy ‘image’ was a tiny black dot on a screen. Still having the 'being squeezed through' effect, which has the propensity to create irritation, anger, rage, extreme sensitivity, heightened awareness to pain, discomfort on all of the many levels of being, and a profound sense of un-peace felt as grief, confusion, despair, and wanting to jump (quite literally) out of your skin.
Here again, we faced the huge levels of light flooding our consciousness ( though it appeared mainly unconscious) and therefore much unconsciousness (or darkness, the unknown) coming to the surface to be released. The image of the tiny dot represented a small pinpoint which we are being pulled through as we are being refined, and re-refined in an effort to align us with the right placement of where we need to be in order to most optimally receive. Translation: this is the Universe shaving us down and basically picking us up and out from wherever we’ve remained and ‘relocating us’ on the map of potential so that we can finally receive already, all that we have been gearing up to receive. This is the ‘get out of jail free card’, as we are catapulted into a greater, more advantageous placement of our higher selves, as we are advanced into greater consciousness and ‘delivered from our evils’ at warp speed.
Again, not a high day of comfort, unless, or until, we are able to settle into the knowing or awareness that all of this is happening for our greatest and highest, and beyond that, a profound and deep gratitude for what we are actually receiving. This is a profound and immaculate gift in our evolutionary movement. And though most may experience it as an ‘off day’ or a feeling of being discombobulated, what is happening, in actuality, is our programs are being deleted (in a very literal sense) and we are being wiped clean. This means that we no longer have to operate from stagnant and stale belief systems that keep us tethered to the rock that ties us down. This means that the veil is lifting, radically, and we are being shown things we have never seen.
From this new standpoint, we will be able to discern form a greater perspective, one of actuality. We will be shown, and be able to See, where and how we have held ourselves back, and in many instances, will be astonished at the fact that the very thing we are holding ourselves back from most ( and so very unconsciously) is the very thing we seek.
Here the layers are peeled, and we see the part we are playing in disallowing our highest goals and dreams. Here we see the propelling force, and the dogma of our nature that hinders our progression and keeps us revolving around the same old brimstone with pointed finger. This is evolution at its best. And this is happening in divine speed.
'The three days of rest', it is being called, I am hearing. For what we’re experiencing now, is only half of what we need to propel further into the right alignment and the exponential force of speed which we, until now, have not been conscious of exceeding. So hold onto your hats, and let go of your sense of ‘normal’ as the new and improved Everything is revealed.
And for today’s energy forecast, we have the image of again the blank screen, with a spiraling rainbow in the midst of the midpoint where yesterday was a pin drop and the day before the black hole of repeal. Today's forecast appears to be the Galactic Wheel.
Yeehaw!! This is get-down-and-get-busy time as we are being spun into a new vortex, on a new axis, and roped and rodeo-ed into a whole new ballgame of creation at its best and revolutionary upheaval.
Yes, this is the moment we’ve all waited for, in it’s dawning new day. Here we are given, post-chaos the chance to create anew, to create anything, so think it on through, thoroughly this time, as you are now given the fresh new slate to match up vibrations with desires, intentions with instinct, alignment with optimal view. Think big. Create even bigger. Dream to new proportions without all of the held-back commentary of the yesterdays and of the greater shades of grey. Think inside the box with the spiraling rainbow wheel. Get lost there, in ALL of the possibilities, and even greater possibilities will be revealed. It is a new age indeed. Think that way. Act that way. Live that way. Because there’s no going backward now. It’s new way or the highway. Can ya feel it? 'Cause the pulse has quickened and the timing has been reset. We have jumped the time-line that we were riding on, only a few days ago, and this new one is better by the minute.
Ride it. Ride this wave and take advantage of the ‘B’ word to the ‘nth degree. Yes, you heard it, BELIEVE. Believe it into being. All bets are off. All rules set aside. There’s nothing left to do but recreate and create again, all reservations on the blind side. So blast forward into whatever you Want to Be, whatever You want to See unfolding in your life, Right here and Now. Because it’s yours for the taking, one-hundred-percent guaranteed.
Refresh and Reset button have been set. Hey look, you’re on TV. Yes, you are on screen, and your creation ability has just been upgraded. You’ve got the bundle package, which means, put simply, it's All-inclusive, it’s All taken care of, it’s All underway. It’s all been paid for, negotiated, you’ve received the key.
Let ‘er rip, roar, and thunder. Let the Goddess of Know, and the God of How now reveal…bring it on, make it golden, spin in the spiral and Make Believe.
Be the beleiver and Be the New. It's All You!
Until tomorrow...whereever that brings us...Keep it the New Real!
Be the beleiver and Be the New. It's All You!
Until tomorrow...whereever that brings us...Keep it the New Real!
Copyright © 2012 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely
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