The energy forecast for today is...
A wide open mouth symbolizing expression, without reserve. Too long, for too many this has meant the silent scream. Now it’s intention is to prod us into communication, into creation through expression, into finding our way back to whole again.
Without our voice, who are we? Our indistinguishable and most individual voice is unique to who we are. Yet we hide behind a lesser version, a meeker stance, of who we are, of what we desire, and ultimately, of what we represent.
To rise to a place where we are able to shine in full glory, or at least, without any holding back, express- is an order that’s been too tall for too long, and its overdue date has had us in expiration for the length long told of life, unmistaken for authenticity unexpressed.
Who we are and who we came to be cannot be argued with but within our heads. In our hearts, we have always known, though have surrendered, our truest of true for the likes of the you’s that might not like us if we dare express.
Now the clarion call is for us to sound as we open our mouths, and our hearts and clear those clogged up throat chakras, as we begin to give it a go and give it our best. We will be raspy-voiced and rusty at first, but the effort won’t go unnoted as we find our footing, and our soul song, and share it with the world, tell it to the mountaintops, and create a greater opening for our dreams manifest.
Who we are and what we came to do are the same in a different note of one thing. Without expressing our gifts, and our sacredness and our truth, then our identity and our integrity are not taking part in full reality.
To become, to go beyond what we’ve subscribed to and to audit no longer our intention or our elation though the dichotomy of division is what we are being called to.
Do you hear the call? Have you listened? What siren sound will alert you to your post and drop the mouth wide in preparation for the message to depart. What amount of soul sombering will impress upon you the NEED for action in spirit, through the divine grace of the All of the Everything, will it come from your lips or will the words go unspoken, and the smile on your face merely be a token of appreciation for what you think you’re supposed to be, say, do?
It’s up to you. But in the end, will you be able to say that you did, or will that be one more thing that you just didn’t get around to?
Speak your truth. Give your gift. Be your essence, out loud.
Today is your time, and tomorrow is your chance to look back in honor and in gratefulness for the opening of your heart on a wider scale and the opportunity to say what you came into this world to say.
Be Blessed. Be abundant. Be in your glory. Be that NOW.
Loving grace,
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely
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