The energy forecast for today is …
A peek hole. Don’t know if you’ve noticed or not but in the time span between yesterday and today there has been a profound and major shift. The high quotient of love and fear that welled to the surface and welled within the collective heart created a monumental shift in our collective reality that may feel something like being turned inside out or on your head.
As hearts were opened wider, both in the name of love and in the name of releasing grief and fear (inspired by the forced holiday of love which prompts many to look at how love plays out for them, or doesn’t, and creates an undulation of emotional waters within- toward one end of the scale or the other.) Anyway, this cue from the commercialized day of love to ‘be in adoration’, to ‘be romance’, ‘be in relationship' ( and a fairytale one, at that, mind you) causes (unbenounced to the industry, of course) quite a bit of friction within. Yes, there are those who can celebrate their love in sincerity, who can rise to the top of the vibration scale and BE love in greater capacity, and there are those who have achieved the happily-ever-after endings that we are told we should believe. But those who haven’t had quite a bit of unpleasant observation-ing to do. And let’s just say, the tides of emotion that rose because of it created an aftermath that looks something not unlike Ground Zero after 9/11.
Now, there was purpose to it all, no question. The unearthing of all of the ways that we were not loved, all of the ways that we didn’t get the fairytale ending, all of the questioning and doubt over true love, and the general flood of grief of our collective reconnection with the sorrow of our belief in and support of separation (as we mourned the loss of not connecting fully to ourselves, one another, and God)- all of this served the purpose of bringing this emotional weight to the surface so that it could rise beyond the borders of our being and be healed.
There is beauty to chaos. The mushroom cloud of the atomic bomb, to some bystanders was breathtaking. And, it should be noted that Pluto was discovered on the same day of the A-bomb debut. Chaos is part of nature, it's part of natural order, it's an element of the destruction that is par for the course of creation, of evolution, of the natural rhythm of life which is change. And when we can embrace the chaos and the change within our selves and reflected in our world, and welcome the evolution in the midst, we can, despite whatever's happening in a world gone mad, remain sane.
So it would be safe to say that yesterday was a Universal turning point in our evolution, because today has the energy of a day after everything was rocked profoundly, and the settling of all of the pieces is what we’ll now review.
So, there is a fence with a much different scenario on either side. You know the grass is always greener theory? Let’s use that for a bit to fill in the visual. On one side is what appears to be what it would look like after a major catastrophe. Everything is destroyed and a world that once was now lies in scattered pieces on the ground pointing the finger at natures invincibility, and a world that was that can no longer be found. But as you come closer to the fence and peak through the hole that is just at eye’s height, you see the picture of a world that looks like fantasy (because it's your dream). Beyond the fence and through the peek hole is the vision of your own sweet heart’s ultimate reality.
So as you stand in the rubble, in the midst of the chaotic mass, you peer into a possibility that looks like what it would look when you arrive at last. And just in peeking through, you are able to assume the peace of the world beyond and can almost get lost in daydream reality of what it would be like to live there. There’s this potential for the peek hole to pull you in, to grab hold of you and pull you through, on into the other side where you are no longer wondering what it would be like to live in that reality, but that reality becomes you. And this movement through the hole in the fence is felt (depending on how you handle it) in a way that most literally will make or break the you that you are becoming or the you that you once knew.
As we are squeezed through the hole and sucked into the new reality (eye of the needle, anyone?) we feel the pinch. And with the chaos in the air of the shift that has just undone a reality that’s been known, and the reducing factor that applies to being squeezed into something so tiny in proportion to our own size leaves us feeling a bit (!!!) ungrounded and off-center, as the center of yesterday no longer applies.
So if you are having trouble grounding, or feel off kilter at best, know you are just being moved (or more precisely, were already moved in your sleep). And how to steady? Believe. Believe in that world beyond the fence, that greener-grass reality that beckons to your longing soul. And beyond believing, Be. Be the soul that has arrived on the other side of the fence, the one who already lives there in that, in your, ultimate reality that is just a peek hole’s distance away.
When you are wading through the waters of your yesterday wounds that are surmounting as the waves of transformation bid you to forget the way that’s been, enough to buy into the new, believe in the new-ality, in the ownership of a hidden reality that is dawning just beyond the fence. It’s obvious, or it will be soon enough, once the shock wears off, that the old has crumbled and lays amidst the rubble on the ground on which you stand. You can stand in the knee-high rubble and you can mourn the loss of what’s been (or what hasn’t). Just don’t get too stuck there. What does not getting too stuck there look like, it looks like the opposite of owning your pain, and your shame, and your regrets, and your wounds as the totality of who you are. You’ve already done that. Enough. The world beyond is calling. It beckons you to try it on for size, to take it for a spin. So why not? And why not now?
Here’s where people get stuck. They think that that Dream is somewhere off out there in the distance, in the future. They think it is something that they get to have, or be once they become a certain something, or change, or grow. Yet they mourn the distance of this far off thing, distancing it all the more until it is stretched out into the offset chance of never happening. We live in such a ‘right now’ world. We want what we want right now. Yet when it comes stepping into it, into Being it, everyone runs backwards or in the opposite direction, pointing the finger at anyone and anything else they could blame for that thing that isn’t happening or that thing that got away.
Here’s the deal. If you can Believe in your self, the one that gets the girl, the one that lives the dream, the one that is truly happy, and powerful, and content, then you can start to Be that self right now, simply by extracting from the essence of what you know that self to be. So, the next time you are feeling off center, ask yourself ‘What would my future self do?’ Would your future self be solid and clear? Would your future self come from an empowered place? Chances are, you’ve picked a pretty good role model in and of yourself (albeit your future self, but your self, none the less). And though we seem to have trouble believing in our selves in the first place, enough to get to where we're going anyway, this putting your money on You is a powerful way to do (right now) what you'll do eventually anyway. Instead of living in the past (which you're mostly basing your life on in the old realm, live in the future(you) and save the day. How about that for irony?
Act as if. That’s what they call it. And when you begin to Act as if you are strong, you are solid, you are empowered, you are fulfilled, quess what?- You no longer need to search for that thing. You no longer need to figure out how to Become that or how to change. You no longer need to feel bad about yourself for Not being it, and can just start living from that place (NOW) instead.
It may sound preschoolish to enact the pretend, but this is powerful stuff we’re talking about here. Believing is not just for kids. Being isn’t just for show, it’s aligning with what you believe and living from that place- living from the Truth you know. You Know that what’s on the other side of that fence, on the other side of where you are now (though you may have glimpsed beyond) is Yours. You Know that. You just didn’t know how to get there. And all of that not knowing is what results in the giving up of the self and the giving up of the self’s dream. You don’t have to do that anymore, and you don’t have to have all the answers or be perfect to step into the next best. Come as you are. Right now. Without needing to change. Come and explore and experience amidst the beauty and the splendor and the richness of potentiality.
Yes, the old is now in pieces beneath your feet, and the sense of the upheaval is thick still in the air. But truth is, it’s really only just begun, and you have a choice to hang around and watch the madness and the undoing of the done-so-long continue to roll out in the world that was then, or you can strip away the heavy and the hold of the fold of Who You’ve Been, with all of its layers of pain, and make the squeeze through the peephole more manageable, or jump the fence, better yet. Just jump in.
The way forward, the way into the new, requires trying the new on for size. Attaining the magic, requires that you believe in what’s not seen with your eyes. See with your heart, Be from the wisdom of your Higher Self, believe that you can walk, right now, onto the set of the movie you star in where You get to be everything you’ve always dreamed. It’s only a twinkle away. Feel it in your heart, and you’ll find your way through to the you that's been waiting, to the world, just beyond that peep hole in the fence.
Be the change. Embrace it. Breath into it and source that future you. Your destiny is waiting. And when you open to it, full-hearted, you'll know just what to do.
Beleiving in You,
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely
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