Boundaries are a big theme of the month and one of the big ways that boundaries and limits come into focus is through body awareness. How long can you go, how high, how far, and what do you compromise in between to get there? What’s your performance level in life? What are you priorities? And most important, if you listen real close, or simply pay attention, what is your body telling you? In order to listen, you have to slow down, sometimes to a stop. And from there, you can take inventory again. Boundaries should be a conscious effort, so in order to set them, you have to become conscious of where you being and another ends.
Here are a few key points about body awareness. To be in the body requires that you feel. So many of us escape and go ‘outer-body’ to avoid what’s too painful , too unbareable, too overwhelming for one soul to bare. And that’s natural. What’s problematic is when we reamin there.
We can’t live life from the sidelines and if you’r out of your body, you’re not fully in the game. Here’s the deal; we want to be boundless. We long for that state, and in outer-body it’s a state almost achieved. We come into the body boundless on the day that w’ere born and we seek to sustain that state. That’s what the quest for enlightenment is. But in order to be boundless, we have to learn boundaries, because in the Earth game and in a body, boundaries and freedom are actually one in the same.
Be aware that being too much in the head is not just about spinning, it’s about being carried away with all of those whimsical ideas that are being showered down upon us at this time, as we’re all getting set into place and bringing to body (embodiment) the dreams and the visions that we want ( and are here) to live.
We have to rely on what’s Beyond to carry out some of these task and to put them in place. We are only one body (individually) that’s not boundless (limitless). And as your body may be telling you, if you haven’t gotten this message already, you can’t give what you don’t have to give.
Self care is essential. And if that’s not on your radar, you’ll be directed back to that course corrective now, or sometime in the near future. Because without being solid, without coming fully back into the body, and listening to it and honoring it, and caring for it, you won’t have the strength and the foundation that’s needed to anchor the dreams and the visions in.
You have to make yourself a priority. You deserve that love and compassion and now’s a time where it will become clear into focus whether your going to pay the price for years of neglect and whether you’re going to get the message and pay the dividend.
One of the reasons we fall into the tendency to spread ourselves so thin is that we don’t believe that we are enough. And we think, on some subconscious level, that if we spread out all over the place then that enough-ness quota will be met.
But it only serves to deplete us and split us up in a million directions. And when you’re splintered, that place of center , that grounding into the body, is rather hard to achieve. Pull back in for a bit. Allow for the chips to fall. Take homage in the peace and the serenity that you don’t have to do it All, and that not doing it all is not sin.
You are One body, One soul. And though we speak of boundess-ness often, it’s important to realize that we weren’t meant to do this thing solo. We weren’t meant to be superheroes. We are, afterall, at the end of the day, human. And part of the lessons of limitation is to see where we end and another begins.
This is about passing the torch, allowing for others to help and support us, and receiving the brotherhood and community that will bring our world into balance again. This is the key to achieving our greatest desires and those visions and dreams that so close to the heart we keep.
When we've been do-it-your self-ers, when we've been an 'I can man' for eternity, it's awkward to learn how to step back and allow for the replacements to come in. But like with any good army, there's the awareness that to fight the good fight, and come away victorious, there must be battalions at hand to support and relieve one another, because to accomplish the big tasks it takes more than just a front- line of men.
We live by and for our ideals, but at the cost of our self care. Ideals sometimes get in the way when we are in pursuit of pleasure or on the run from the pain, and it can be easy to get lost in the maze of life that overextends and overcompensates our best intentions. And if gone on for too long breaks us down again.
But sometimes in life, we must be broken, in order to see where we need to recalibrate and strengthen in order to become more solid within.
Live and let live isn't just about releasing each to his own, it's about receiving what Life has to give and letting it in. Let Life. Let it in.
We belong to one another. We are here to serve, to comfort, to connect, to give. And we are put here for that purpose- to help one another to succeed and to help one another remember in those moments that we've forgotten who we've been.
We've been the soul that was chosen to evolve into form this lifetime. And in order to stay in form, we have to question what we're running from and what we're running to and what are our motivations. You have to get grounded in the body in order to set boundaries in the world. By being aware of your limits and your body speak and drawing the lines based on what's within rather than always focusing outward on the other, as if the body (self) doesn't exist.
You Matter. And as you being to beleive that you end questioning whether you're good enough. With out the good enough question at the forefront, you don't have to do/be it All, and the blurred boundaries between you and the others cease to exist. When you no longer carry the shame of not being enough, you can re-enter and live from the body again. It is here that you can join with one another to create boundlessly, without the constant question of boundaries and undefined Oneness that inhibits where and when creation begins.
Begin again. Enter embodiment. Allow for unity to support you on your path. And you will be brought back to a place of free-flow living.
To your creative movement into you and your boundless expression!
P.s. This is a double five day, numerologically, so be aware that is full of the potential for great change. Power to you, sweet souls! Begin again!
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely
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