The Energy forecast for this week and right now is...
Water fountain, waterfall. As you well know, if you’ve been following the blog, water is aaaaaaaaaaallllllll about emotion. And we are going to see lots of emotion spilling up and over the brim. This is about clearing and cleansing and leaving no crevice or crack un-cleansed.
There is also a huge water serpent rearing it’s rounded body to the surface of the sea. This is about those ‘ugglies’ coming to the surface to be seen. This is also a very powerful symbol of rebirth, as the serpent denotes the rise of life after death, the everlasting cycle of life, death, and rebirth again. Often you will see this in symbolism, as the serpent eating it’s tail. This is simply a rendition of the ‘unending’ of ending but beginning again. We are doing the same, in our process as we un-end, or undulate through our waves of e-motion that calls for us to rise and fall, that calls for us to flow with and ride the rhythm and rhyme of life.
And so, you will be seeing lots of cause for confirmation and correction, as your path opens doorways for you to SEE ever clearer into the 'why' and the 'how' and the 'what' of all that you no longer need to bring forward on the path (ball and chain). And what may appear to be awful or shocking as you glimpse it’s unveiling is a gift in disguise because it is doing it’s blessed job of showing you were you stop the flow, where You stop living in life, where you show up as less, and therefore what you need to put to an end. This is about digging up the bones and sitting with them. Skeletons in the closet fall free to make room for a new wardrobe, not one that will hide the bones of the past but that will adorn the all of you that has been kept in check.
There are many themes at play going back to Oedipus and animus, going back to father/daughter, mother/son and how we got to be the me that we are and what we’re still living now based on what we perceived then. So this has to do with martyrdom (no doubt, fo’ sho') and it has to do with power through the aggression of silence ( a favorite martyrdom trick). It has to do with placing the hand of balance and power, or rather the unbalance of, in the realm of disparity and victim-hood.This has to do with what we learned by what we witnessed rather than what we were told. This is about role-responsiveness, carrying on and out the models that were played out for us by our authority figures, the ones that taught us what it means to be a wife, or a woman, or a wife, or a child, or a father, or a husband, or a man.
This is about healing the wounds that ‘made us’…and seeing into a window of how they became the wounds by witnessing ourselves living them out again, and again. It may appear shocking to see that we have fallen prey or still subscribe to some of the notions or misgivings that we do, but if we didn’t, if we weren’t still, then we would be free already of the chains that have bound us to the bottom of the boat still afloat at sea.
To some degree, we are still out there, still chasing these ghosts, or adhering to their haunting melody. We are still our father’s daughters and our mother’s sons, and we are still very much in pursuit of liberty.
How much we are watered down is in direct proportion to the watered down projection that we witnessed as a kid. So if your mother was a patron to stepping down to your father’s power or your father got booted out of his lion den, then you will play into the tendency to reenact and replay the scenes of powerlessness and victim to power-stripping, again and again and again. Until you see fit, or find way, to shift that energy spectrum that was passed onto you like a torch, to carry forward or put out and therefore bringing that energy cycle of power-abuse to an end. This is about balancing the male and female within, as we too must find and negotiate a healthier sliding scale to operate from which isn't based on keeping score, maintaining power(by way of control), or keeping one end down so the other can 'win'.
There is a lot of emotion tied up and entangled in loss of power. This energy is multi-flamed, meaning it has many tiers and many levels of contention and like the waves of the sea, it will rise and fall in a rhythmic secession until the calm of the sea returns again. When the serpent rises, it’s intention IS to rock the boat, to quake the waves, to bring to the surface that which wishes to go to sleep again. We will want to turn a tired eye on the ‘issue’ at hand; the one that is tried but true, the one that sticks to our underbelly, the one that has been our maker in the sense of our weathered wounds. We will cry out in the night about how we’ve ‘done the work’ to surmount and rise above this crashing wave that seeks to (once again) carry us into the deep. But if the wave comes a’crashin’ it’s here again because we have Not, in fact, reached the shore, we are still adrift at sea with the one we wish would flee, with the serpent in his ugly glory and the emotional undulating that we wish would go back to sleep. Put simply: if that serpent comes knockin’, there’s still work to do, and you don’t get to go to la-la land with this turbulence still in your system, unless you choose to ride this rocky ship back out to sea again.
The shore is in sight, you can see it. And the energy of this time supports us in that we are suspended in a sense of a dream-like state. So we have the advantage of facing the monsters in our sleep and dancing through the mine-field of our inner-most dimensions with the distancing affect of a fog-like buffer, that separates us from the need to be so rattled by the deep-sea diving that’s in effect, and therefore, we have greater potential to be set free.
See what you are being shown. Witness it. Let it show you where you have allowed for limitation in your life, where it’s still playing out in continuation, and WHY (here’s the big biggie that we’re being afforded the glimpse). Why is a powerful question when surfing the psyche. It holds the proverbial key (the preverbal one too, as many of our core ‘quake’ experiences we don’t even have words for, yet the why is the ‘what’ that we seek).
Now, as the veil is parting, we will See, and see clearly, the answers to our long-held questions of why and in this we are given our free pass to escape the land of non-power, the dungeon of un-expression, the barricade of needs-not-met, the stranded perception of helplessness, and the never-ending cold feet. 'Free at last' the battle cry calls, only there’s no battle this time, we’re just given the key, in a gesture of peace, for all of the generations and the lifetimes spent in exile of truest self wave goodbye from the shores of the marooned island, wishing us well, and wanting for us to succeed on the journey into redemption, as we sail the ship of freedom across the too long troubled waters of our underworlds that were theirs as well and we hightail it into un-chartered terrain, letting the blue sea of life take us away this time, in the direction of the sunset, in the direction of the trues ME.
Yes, our ancestors, and all of the spirit within all of the lives we’ve lived, have conspired to cast us away to sea so that we may SEE it all ever so clearly, but they have cast us with a safety net. There is almost no way to fall, or to drown, in this rescue mission. We are promised security in our awakening, which entails encapsuling the truth, unveiling the wisdom, surmounting the lies, and recovering our bearings, so that we no longer continue to live a life of regret or 'why me'.
The ghosts of our pasts are alive within us as long as we sustain, or cling onto, the energy of what they represent. We are not the lump sum of all of our failed rescue-mission attempts. We have discovered what we were able to at each turn or the bin. We have ingested what our bellies could hold with each lesson that was brought forward in the name of ‘repent’. We are who we are because of it, not despite it, but we are more than that yet. We are the victory of the last standing soldier, the one who got out alive, the one who did it in this life-time, the one who rose above the water, turned the tides, and made and example out of the beast that had left us for dead.
And so, I say to you, rise high to meet the scaled serpent. Stand solid along the sea-legged journey ahead. This time and this energy is here to support you. Your insight and your wisdom that you’ve gathered along the way will nourish you. Let it serve you. You have everything you need, and then some, to be victorious in this mission of ‘rescue you from the depths’. It is time to come home, at long last, from your travels at sea, and I beckon you to bring with you the trophy of courage for having faced the once un-faceable, and not only living to tell about it, but living, for the fist time, in a very long time, a life of full-throttle truth, unbound dreams, and greater peace and contentment than the eye can see.
You are your everlasting goodness. Quench your thirsty lips with the wet of your deepest knowing. Know again what you were meant to beleive. For the I AM of the You is still waiting. And the love that you've sought to bring forth into your world is forever free.
Be YOU. Go Beyond. Rise to meet the sea.
Bon voyage, dear souls in waiting. May the wait be over and your spirits be set free.
Ever blessed, in grace and ease,
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely
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