Round and round and round we go. Where we stop, nobody knows.
The energy ‘theme’ and vision I’ve gotten for the last week, while enjoying(?) my own crazy ride, has been Transition, with a picture of a turnpike, racetrack, or oblong runway.
I would not go so far as to call it a circle, it is definitely more of an oval that we are traveling upon currently through this space in time, as we are being stretched out in more than one direction. But the cyclical nature of our ‘ride’ applies as we are turned and carried around and around, through the past and into the future, visiting all angles, and then circling (ovaling) around again, making sure no aspect is left unturned or undefined. We are being shaken AND stirred as we are made manifest into the what, the how, the who, and the why of Where we need to be in this moment. If you have gotten good, or better, at giving over the wheel of (perceived) control as of late, you may have noticed that you were never in control in the first place! (and you may have even begun to come to peace with that, but…)
This is a stark realization when we have spent so much of our lives and invested much of our time and energy into the false reality of censorship of our existence. The Helm has called in for replacements within the last week however and has Course Corrected our navigational skills in a BIIIIIIIIIIGGG way, so as not to leave room for any misinterpretations as to where we need to be surfing from in this instant. In other words, you have been “moved’ into alignment with where you need to be over the last week or days of late, and how you got there may look like any number of things ranging from a ride on the ark out of and away from the rain of change to waking from a dream and not really knowing what day it is.
If this isn’t speaking to you, perhaps you are one of the 5% who has no inkling of any of this on their radar and your movement into the Now Zone of where you need to be went unrequited. To you, I say, good tidings, as you have prevailed in remaining unconscious to the shift of the wave that came to sweep up the rest of us and bring us two-by-two to the other shore. Who knew that evolution was so selective? I would have considered myself to be on the ‘already on the other side’ list and not in need of such a sobering kick in the patootee, but alas, our self-filtering abilities may well get the best of us and fool us into thinking that we are far further along than nature knows best. All with the best of regards intentions were the events of late that have swung us through the pendulum of time and into the groove of where (there’s that word again) we are Now needing to Be in order to be our best representation of Self…for what we're in store for now, and what that is, I don't know as of yet. But of this, I am sure. We have gone through the wash, rinse, and dry cycle, very purposefully in order that we may be clearer, cleansed, and centered in the exact alignment of where we are NOW, for the next events to be most pivotal for our further awakening and exponent evolution.
Ok, I’m even losing myself now. Let’s see if I can backtrack a bit in order to make sense of this. The circle, or the oblong track (which eerily resembles the orbit of a planet) the oval in which we are rounding the bin is necessary for our onward progression in this time as it is allowing for us to ‘go back’ and pick up any pieces we have left behind. Now that may look like falling into the bittersweet memories of the past gone by. That may look like a good dip into questioning our intentions. That may appear in the form of exacting the lesson out of repetitive behaviors and of situations dastardly in need of release and forgiveness. Looping back may appear to be a complete waste of time, dizzying all the while, but it serves the higher purpose, if done correctly (more on that soon)... it serves the powerful purpose of reconnecting with all of the pieces and parts that along the way we have left behind.
Every time we become heavily entwined in something, whether it’s an event or an other, every time we become highly invested in it emotionally, a piece of us has the potential to become severed. Now if there are situations from our past that are still lingering as regrets, as unsettled, as resentments or needing to be put to rest. If there is ANYTHING that is still coming up for review from your past or has been brought to the surface for question over the last week (aptly named purge fest) then chances are, there are parts and pieces of you that, like orbiting matter, are in need of being brought back into your energy field to be cleansed, realigned, and reset.
You cannot function as a whole, as a solid being, when there are parts and pieces of you all over the place. When you are lost in memory, have not come to peace with others or with past events, when you are unable to put something behind you, part of the deal is that pieces of you have been left unkempt. So take the time now, if you have not been prompted to do so already, to reclaim your aspects ( the parts of you that have been left behind). Make sure to wash them clean with the white and golden light and then have them recalibrate into alignment with the You that you are now.
You have been looping around (for what may have seemed like random musing) into your past in order that you may complete those experiences by re-salvaging the parts of you that have been left out in orbit. You cannot go on with your pieces left behind (karma). In order to get to the next level of where you want to go, you have to find the grace to pull the tethers of what you have been attached to, let go of what is not yours and atone with what is your own. To complete the wheel of karma in these instances, you are being inspired to call on the grace of forgiveness which sets you free of the need to continually loop de loop and will propel you into an eventual even course.
So as you are stretched to one side of ‘the loop’ in order to reclaim the cleansed aspects of your adage, you are also swung in the opposing direction of your future, where you are squeezed into a recognition of what you can no longer afford to hold onto if you are to advance from the past. So you rotate from the past, magnetizing (hopefully) what was left behind while simultaneously cutting the ties to that which you need no longer prescribe. And as quickly as you are brought around the bin, you are swept into the future aspect of the greater-alignment of you which has learned already to roll with the tide and allow for life and has no biding in the war for manipulation of what Is (perception) or what Needs to Be (the illusion of control). And in this futuristic angle of the oblong course, you are chiseled and pressurized and catapulted into the reality of The Knowing that you are merely and simply along for the ride.
So in this Transitionary phase (though I would certainly call it a more evolutionary phase than we’ve been through in the past), it may be hard to discern if you are in fact going forward or back. It may be of challenge to be certain if you are moving or intact. Dizzying as it may be, it is an art form in motion as we are recreated in The Image of the All Powerful so that our Great Innate Powerful-ness we can alas find, conform to, and finally enact.
How can we create from a shattered place? How can we do anything when we are only half-best and in pieces? And when we have existed in scattered bits for so long, with parts of us in this place or in that, we were never capable of standing in our power-form at the capacity of creator-hood that we were meant for, because our strength was strewn all over the place, looking after all of these pieces scattered in the future and the past.
So around the bin we have gone, and perfect storms we have survived. The tornado of change has whirled us around and within the orbit of time, of our undoing and our recollection of self in a purposefully planned effort to facilitate wholeness and put us on the map of evolution so that at this Exact moment we could stand in wait of …..what will entwine with our energy in this that.
The long of the short: You have been in the process of reclaiming pieces (assimilating wholeness), cutting chords (forgiveness), releasing control (surrender), and being shaped into EXACTLY the One that you are meant to be in this current now so that you could move from this place with greater grace and ease and be set free from the burden and harrowing edge of the past.
Today and tomorrow feel like the final lap that will set us into motion of ‘the course’ in which we have been set. There will be ‘word’ from ‘Headquarters’ as to what our missions and endeavors over the next forty-eight hours will be as of yet. Life today will not look like life tomorrow. And if we are keen on awareness into what we are evolving into, if we are sensitive to these subtle (yet not always gentle or quiet nuances), we may become privy to the understanding of where we are headed next.
Here’s a clue. It most likely will look like nothing we had in mind, and will resemble everything that will be revisited from a dream or dreams we’ve had over the nights of this weeks past.
Happy Transitioning to you!!!
Sink into the new aliveness of the reborn you, and stay tuned for an even crazier ride in the days of next!
Peace Prevails though, know that, and know that this is all in the name of Course Correct. After all, Creator knows best!
Loving you!
In grace,
Copyright © 2012 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely
Copyright © 2012 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely
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