The energy forecast for today is…
a kaleidoscope of color, a passionate array of opportunities, and a bouquet of fresh new possibilities that are ever-more possible, coming your way. This rainbow of creation is swirling right on through the Great Window of change at this time, coming right through and to you, without any strings or attachments, without any delay. What has not appeared as of yet can be felt, if you open your heart to the connection of what’s on the way.
Can you feel it? Can you feel the kaleidoscope? Can you feel the bouquet of wonder? Can you feel the change? You will be called more and more and prompted to stay tuned to the energy unfolding, to become aware of what is calling to you or what is about, by way of collective and individual vibration. You are being given this invitation now in order that you begin to listen, to feel, to adapt and set your radar to the channel that suits you best so that you can begin to receive and understand what it is you are receiving, in a more conscious and connected way.
The connection was never lost, only the awareness of it. All of you can connect as I do, as anyone can. All of you can tap into and ‘feel’ what is coming our way or what is already within our midst. Now is the time to realign with this inner knowing that is part of your master system, as we are being called back into divine mastery, and reconnecting with your innate inner guidance system is part of the trick that will create more solidity and anchor you further into your core, all the while connecting you more completely (in your awareness anyway, as it was never a connection that could be incomplete) to the Source.
Other openings in these time of the Great Window being flung open wide, are the deeper and almost enchanting connections to be made with other souls who you were destined to reconnect and to delight in the wonder of exploration and play with. This is a magical time indeed. And the most beautiful thing about it is that there’s nothing you need do to make any of it happen at all. All you need ‘do’ at this time, all that is required is that you just open to the possibilities and receive.
It may be a bit incomprehensible that the treasures of the heart could now be so unwittingly swept your way. It may seem dream-like, or almost too good to be true. But isn’t that what you’ve been waiting for? Isn’t that what you ‘knew’ in your heart would and could happen if whatever was in the way of miracles would just hurry on up and get out of the way? The dreamer in you never stopped believing. The child in you never let that magical faith in abundant possibilities die. Perhaps you’ve become a bit shut down to it along the way, a bit cynical over time, as life has worn you down or appeared to be speaking in a language that had no word for the things that were remembered in your heart divine. And that is fine. It only makes for the magical recreation of what Is that is available to you now that much more sublime.
Other sunshine moments perched at the sill of the Window of Openings now are dream opportunities in career or calling by the way of synchronicities and out-of-the blue hunches and encounters. Take nothing lightly that presents as a way forward. Do not dismiss what is being offered to you on a golden plate. Do not regard however, with much time, interest, or energy, the droth that is coming to the surface to be cleared away.
In this time of upsweep with its chaotic and unstablized energy, it could be easy to be lost in the lower vibrations of what is on its way out, of what is being evicted from your system, as well as the projections and mirrors of it coming your way. Focus on the promise of the new day. Focus (very intentionally) on what is coming your way in the form of positive outreach, in the shape of golden eggs. Focus on opportunities to create, to explore, and to play.
Open to the rainbows and the winds of change that are creating new horizons and new avenues of cosmically ordained plateaus for reaching new levels of greatness, of reinvention, and a whole array of colorful possibilities for you to behold and set your life into a cycle of change. All of this is happening F.O.R. you, so let the happening do what it may and get on out of the way for a while. Trusting in the magic, trusting in your heart to make manifest your deepest and truest desires (some of which you may not even be aware of but that dwell in your heart just the same.)
This is a time of great happenings. This is a time of dreams dreamed. This is a time of proportionate possibilities unfolding right before our eyes, right within our lives, right beneath and through the Window of Change. So, release all expectations. Let the recalibration process continue to update. This is a time of unfolding so be willing to open wide and let in, breathe deep and let it all begin. What’s happening is beyond you yet IS you, is interchangeably interconnected and inseparable from your Is-ness, it’s just that perhaps you’d forgotten of these essences or in the walk of life thought you’d gotten carried in another direction or lost connection with these aspects along the way.
Your dreams have not been lost, nor have your brothers and sisters with whom you’ve come to play. All of those bits and pieces are finding their way back to you now, as you are finding your way to them. Delight in the enchantment of what is spiraling your way. Celebrate and give thanks in the knowing of what is now becoming manifest so that life can become a playground, so that you can become a master, so that joy can become your mainframe.
The Window is open. Feel the breeze. Connect with ease. And let the new day begin.
(ANd remember, what is unfolding may look NOTHING like what you had imagined for your self or for your life, and that is OK...right? Trust in the magic and the plan that Spirit has in store for you and no matter how many times you have to remind yourself, continue to get out of your own way, so that The Way can be known. You don't have to know what that looks like yet, or what any of it means. This is a lesson in trust and you will be rewarded greatly for your efforts in handing it over and through your intention to change (ie. let go).
Be blessed. Be abundant. Be open. Be The Way.
In Loving Grace,
Copyright © 2012 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely
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