The energy forecast for today is …
Marshmallow. Soften. Soften to the love that is all around and within you. Become a conduit of it. Become an antennae. If even for today, if just for a little bit, allow for yourself to become saturated enough in love that you unquestionably emit it. Radiate it from your core. Soar. Be the vessel. Let it come through you and to you and envision the possibility of it flowing, heart to heart, soul to soul, in never-ending abundance .
You may be feeling a great heart opening today as you tap into this holiday in honor of love and heart celebration. You may be buoyed by the force of the collective love vibration as it echoes through the land. Allow for the heart openings that present as you’re inspired to feel fuller and deeper amore and expand your gratitude for the loved ones with whom you’ve been blessed.
You may, as well, be feeling the grief (individual and/or collective) of all the love that’s gone wrong. This gone-wrong love may be your own story and it may be a piece of the human experience- a humanity that for the most part has focused more on the priority to protect the heart at all costs than the perpensity of love prevails. Allow for the grief to wash through, to be embraced, and to be put to rest. There are stories and emotions within you that still hold a lot of weight and honoring their presence not only soothes (on some level, through accepting and recognition) your aching heart, it gives you a chance to reflect. And in this reflection, you may find that these stories and their weight are something you wish to leave behind. For the priority of stepping up and stepping into a higher vibration of none other than love keeps a’callin’, and even though that grief is knockin’, it’s time to get these priorities strait. Let love in. It’s not a sin. It’s a saving grace. And if you sail on the ship of love, your heart will be set free. You no longer need to stay locked inside, away from the wonder of ‘feel’. For, to open and let your heart song take flight is a gift to the world revealed.
And in this month that’s all about relationships, you’re going to see how you are in relation to others. You’re going to get a real clear glimpse of where you’ve allowed yourself to expand (heart wise) and will be zoomed in for (uncomfortable?) microscopic examination of where you’ve fallen back into retreat.
As you’re walking in the waters of emotion that invariably pool when and where relationships are concerned (or any matter of the heart, for that matter), you can let your life (or your experience) be watered down by the vivid examples of where you fall short (from reaching your potential love quota) or you can choose to let those ways of being expire and let the emotion of what it means to not be connected inspire you to rise beyond what's kept you separate.
Like the water lily, allow your roots, your base, to be the emotional inspiration of wanting to experience love deeper, and allow for that wanting to be your impetus rather than your demise or the means for your defeat.
It’s all too easy to look towards your relationship as the cause of your love-less effect. But the root of the matter is never an other, it’s your basis for remaining closed or protected that keeps you off set.
To go beyond where you’ve been, you have to leave the past behind. The past, in love, only serves to bind. And if it’s deeper love you seek, you’ve got to go beyond the position of ‘weak’. You are a powerful being whose capacity for love is sublime. Open to this and great joy you will find.
If, however, you’ve lost that lovin’ feeling and you’re thinking more about endings than beginnings or running away rather than into a certain someone’s arms at this time, realize that it is the pain that’s been lugged around that you’re running from because the weight of the pain is to great to bare. There’s a lot of grief in not loving, in not opening fully. And if you’re honest with yourself in reflection, you will penetrate a not-so comfortable truth about the capacity with which you’ve allowed yourself to be love. The pain of who we are (shame) coupled with the pain of restrain (withholding love/separation), topped with the cherry of our intrinsic and most basic need to be on both the receiving and the giving end of love is a mound that’s hard to mount, less overcome and release. But being with it, holding compassion for our losses, our shortcomings, and our pain, and enveloping it all in the fold of unconditional allowing creates a flow of grace that sustains the plateau to the higher plane.
To be or not to be love, that is the question. Or is it? Is it possible to be love and not love all within the same breath? Is it possible to be both tapped in and disconnected? Is it possible to open yet be closed? In our human form and state of constant evolution, we are both, yet neither exclusively. We are male and female. We are rising and falling. We are lost and found. We are dying and reborn within each moment of time. And so, our capacity for experiencing love, our capacity to be stretched is ever shifting and expanding as we meet each day with its opportunities to grow beyond where we’ve been and connect further with who we truly are. And in the deeper connection with self, we discover how to connect more fully with another.
What gets in the way of being able to walk the talk of the spiritual concepts that we know, what keeps us from being able to Live them is what we’ve lived. We base everything on what we’ve known. It’s human nature. It’s part of our programming. But unless and until we decide to upgrade to a newer version of human, where protocol for Life is no longer based on past experiences but on the total trust of the unfolding and what will evolve in the now, we are destined to create an unsettling fate. As long as we’re living based on the past, we can’t really create the future, we just keep repeating more of what’s been.
So how to move on and move upward and into upgraded version of You? You need to let go. It’s really about choice. What’s more important, being right or being in alignment with your Truth?
Big difference. Being right is about being in fear. Being in Truth is about loving yourself enough to evolve and live from that place. Being right is about proving. Being in Truth is about honoring a knowing. Being right is about questioning. Being in Truth is about belief. So you see how this will set us up for a fall, this need to prove, to base your life on evidence that you’re going to get hurt again, that it’s not safe to trust, that the world is an unfair place. And you know that buying into that paradigm, the one you’ve bought into for too long, induces a state of helplessness and despair that makes living not really worth living anyway. It makes living dying, and it’s a testimony to defeat. To put it another way, you can’t Be beyond until you reach into your heart and find something more.
When you become exalted enough to go beyond that, at the risk of falling, at the risk of being betrayed, without the need for guarantees, you open up to the windfall of possibilities that have been waiting for you to play into their field. Do you get that? Do you sense that on some level, because it’s true. There is a whole new reality out there just waiting for the day that you set down the ‘truth’ that you’ve been fed and taste the freedom on the other side of fear.
And it is at that point that our relationships become whole-hearted and loving. It is in that moment that our dreams are fulfilled. It is when and only if we say yes to the magic and the miracle that has no bias in proof, that simply Is, that we begin to truly live.
The spiral staircase we are upon leads us higher into the potential of unrequetted divine love. All the twists and turns of the upward climb are about the untangling we have to do along the way. Let yourself be unwound and your heart will be found. There is no more powerful you than the you that knows love.
As alluring and compelling as the barbwire trellises of self-protection are, set down your sword and offer a rose instead. You don’t have to fight so hard for your life, for your love, for your honor, for your everything. Flee from fear and love instead. You know you want to. Even though you’re scared, you long to open up to the world, to another, and let all that reciprical love in.
And when you do, when you open upwithout reserve, without contingency or hesitation, you will find purpose in love, as yo’ve found purpose in the hidden identity of self-protect. And you will see how your love matters and you will see what love begets.
If the three most important questions when you die (or in life) are ‘Did I love?’, ‘Did I matter?’ and ‘Did I live?’, what would your score be on that test? If that’s what we’re here to do and we know we’re the ones in our own way (be honest) then the only thing left to think about is 'What's more important than you busting into the most brilliant and boyant version of the YOU that there is?'
Sit with that. For a while. And when you’re done arguing with yourself and defending your defense, go get your love on, go get your life, and become the matter that makes the mark and the difference.
Enough said.
Love, sweet Love to all and everyone!
And in the name of Valentine's Day, I'm now offering a special on Reconnection Sessions. Connect deeper with self or another and get to the heart of what's keeping that love at bay. Treat yourself, or a loved one. And in the name of love, the offer's valid until the end of February. Make the shift. Give the gift of love today.
Be abundant and be blessed!
In loving grace,
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely
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