Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Energy Forecast for Feb 29th~ A Preveiw of March: The Month of Balancing

The mantra for the month is BE.  That’s it.  That’s all.  Just BE.  How does that feel to everyone? To some( Most? Many?) the idea of relaxing is anything but.  Yes, we all long for that, we want to just take it easy, to vacation, to unwind, but the reality is that we feel that we can’t. We feel that if we don’t go on working, if we don’t Push to make it all happen, then it won’t.  We Think that we need to struggle to survive.  To most that looks like forcing.  Forcing ourselves, forcing life, forcing others. But force is such an unnatural way to be.

With M.O.’s of manipulation or coercion, how can we expect that the beauty and joy of life that is intended for us, the fruit of our labor, that which we seek- how does that really flow? How can it be that rough would beget smooth, that control would emit freedom, that imbalance would bring about the harmony? It makes no sense.  Yet we continue on this way, living form a place of ‘needing to make happen’ of ‘do it ourselves’ and this place really leaves no room for compatibility with peace.

The month of March brings with it the lessons of the third Chakra which have to do with power, identity, and will.  When imbalanced, we believe (we come from a place of or are grounded a way of thinking which creates our reality) that we must excerpt force, retrieve power, dominate or manipulate our surroundings, and ‘create’ our world from a limited place of know-how, all on our own accord.  (Third chakra is about independence after all so there is that inherent wanting to do it our way and do it by ourselves, whcih ultimately comes back to bite us when we see that part of the reason we are here is to co-exist and to co-create).

When in balance (which is what we seek, and what this month intends to steer us towards), we allow, we live and let live, and we are comfortable enough in our own power that we are able to just Be. When in balance, we live in the knowing that we are the co-creators of our lives and we know what that means. What that means is that our wills are merged with the will of God and in tandem create and receive.

We are not the only receivers on the line. We are here to give to Creation, we are here to serve.  And in service to Creation and Creator (and therefore also own ourselves as part of The All) we give from the core of who we are, we enable our gifts to come on line, we source our needs from the unlimited abundance of the Universe, and we proceed to live from a place of Trust, of Faith, and of Glory in WHO WE ARE, as children of God, who are not in constant need of anything at all, but are provided for and loved and embraced by the All and the Everything in all ways.

Part of the balancing process in the third chakra, and what you will witness this month, has to do with accomplishment. We base our self worth on what we are able to achieve.  If you do not feel like you have accomplished much in life or you do not feel like you have the power to create what you desire you will loose faith- in yourself, in God, in the potential of life.  And in order to achieve, we feel we must DO. We must 'Make Happen'. We must succeed. The hierarchy of our system points to so many mixed message about how one is to bring prosperity into their lives and this adds to the confusion within our gut. We know, on some level that we are supposed to ask and receive. We know somewhere inside that all we have to do is believe. Yet we have been taught that we must work hard to get to where we’re going, that life is struggle, that life is about work and not play. And these messages are conflicting to our minds and our souls and the conflicts play out in our everyday.

We must know joy in order to believe it’s possible. Without the belief in joy, we can’t really have all of those things that we seek. We want these things that we think would bring us joy ( if only I had…(?), then I would be happy), hence the source of our seeking, and our striving, and our attempts to overpower what in us is ‘weak’ so that we can conquer what we need to have in order to be pleased. But joy is not about conquering or overpowering and if we don’t believe in joy then how can we have the thing that we thing joy will bring?

Joy is a virtue. It’s what happens when we allow for life and let life in. What’s called for this month is to step back and get out of the way so that we can see how we’re over dominating our lives with control or manipulation or force (imbalance) and be shown a much easier way to BE. When we can learn to trust then we can allow for life to take care of us and we can believe that all of our needs will be met by someone other than we.

If your needs were not met as a child, it can be hard to switch over into a place of trust in the Unknown, in a loving and all providing Universe.  And it will be exceedingly challenging to let go of the wheel and See that even if you find it hard to believe, even if you have been neglected or abandoned in the past, you are still looked after and tended to, you are still loved, you are still worthy, and none of that is dependent on what you do or don’t do- it’s free. The love of the Universe is not conditional, like the love you may have been raised on, and that is the difference here, and that is the difference this month that you will be asked to open up to so that you can stop trying so hard to win approval, to get what you deserve or desire, and just settle into the softness and the beauty of who you are and BE. Be who you are, by the way, not what you think you need to be in order to get love, get needs met, or succeed.

Haven’t you worked and tried hard enough already?  Aren’t you tired of the struggle and the strain? You know the answer to this deep within your heart, and can feel it within your belly as well, as you are faced with the truth of who you are and asked to let go of the truth you’ve believed in so that you can at last fall into line with an existence that isn’t based on proving yourself or producing, but rather on loving you, exactly as you are, right here and now, and setting everyone and everything else free.

Creating from our hearts is quite different than creating from a mentality of competing. It is not us against them or who has to one-up another in order to get to where they’re going, in order to succeed.  It is one for all and all for one, it is love thy brother as thy self, it is live and let Be.  There’s no need to focus our attention on the outcome (and on everyone else for that matter) in order to get what we want.  We don’t have to fight so hard anymore.  We have to soften and love.  When our goal becomes living from a place of joy, out of love, with only the expectation of being at peace, a lot of pressure is released. (Not at first maybe as we learn to let go of old ways and settle into a life where we are not clenching the wheel). 

But as we settle into the Knowing that the old way is just wearing us out and not really getting us anywhere anyway, we can roll over into the possibility that it’s ok to let go, and that everything is going to be alright ( if not better), and that it’s not our Job to make everything happen anyway.  We’re just playing God when we do that, and not a very good version of Him either, in fact, we’re really just getting in the way of letting happen what we want to happen when we’re trying to do it all ourselves or do it only Our way. So maybe someone up there really does Know better than we may know (or think we know anyway).

The thing about knowing is it’s over-rated. What we think we know could change on any given day. We don’t need to know anyway, since what we’re here to do in the first place is play.  What do you need to know to play? Expectations (the need for certainty of outcomes) only stand to get in our way. It’s one thing to go for excellence, but it’s an entirely different thing all together to allow for things to happen only in one certain way.

Step back from using your will as the force that makes things happen in life and redirect it to guide you into alignment with where your focus needs to be. It takes discipline and determination (more virtues) to stay the course of keeping your focus on the fruition of your desires rather than the details of how they manifest, but in the end, it’s far more effective and offers a much bigger gamut of what those outcomes could turn out to be.

Soften and forgive this month as you come into alignment with where you’re going and where you’ve been.  Who you are and what you thought you were made of may look a whole lot different in thirty-one days if you allow for a shift of perspective about how to operate in life.  And when you make it a fifty-fifty, a collaboration with the Universe, rather than a one-man show and force of will, you will be pleasantly surprised by the ease and flow, not to mention the cornerstone synchronicities (little pats on the back from the Universe) that show you that you are finding your way to the wisdom and the peace of Power in balance and the abundance of life lived through play and from the art of letting go.

To ease, grace, and joy!

Let the games begin!

Blessings and love and Namaste,

*For your won personal March forecast, contact me at Get powered up so you can live your highest and recreate your game.

 Copyright © 2012 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely

The Energy Update for Feb. 28, 2012- The Pentacle of Flow Through an Exlusive Point of Focus

The pentacle of energy flow is becoming very geometric and precise.  There is an almost exact formula being presented to us now that mediates The Way to be in alignment and Be In Joy. This formula is presented geometrically to show the perfection of it.  It is a science that is being downloaded now, or shown through vision, that is navigating The Way, and showing us that by doing it this way, we can find our place of peace.

Perhaps there is no room for error, and the vision is so exact because the element of chaos is becoming so grand and the need to be in alignment in order to ‘weather the storm’ is greater than possibly ever before. This is The Way to remain in center throughout the chaos that is unfolding.

No matter really, what we are being shown at this time is as follows.

Yesterday I was shown the coming together of the three elements of the days prior.  The black hole, the pin-point, and the rainbow whirling vortex became  a geometric cone. The circumference at the bottom being the black hole (symbolizing Creation).  The pinpoint at the top being us, the spec of light of creation, as well as our point of focus on Creation, almost as mantra or meditation throughout the day, as necessity to create the flow we need to be in alignment for the greater part of the time. Within the inner aspect of the cone, from the bottom to the top, is the spiraling vortex, is what is being created, is potentiality, and all possibilities, spinning towards us, and from us, Creator and creating exchanging the vastness of potentiality.

The cone represents being ever more present in our awareness and ever more diligent in our focus on what is of utmost importance.  And what is of utmost importance is our alignment with Source.  So the focus would be us, ( the pinpoint) giving it up, giving it over, giving into whatever is in store for us, whatever Creator has in mind for us, whatever is for our greater and highest good. It is a surrender, and a worship, in the way of not bowing to or serving other gods.  The other gods we have served in the past are our own interpretation of what we think we need to be/have/do; what society has told us we need to be/have/do; our ego’s expectations and limitations; and any other distraction that takes us away form that focus, from that faith, from that Knowing that what Creator has designed and has in store for us is Exactly what is most high for our abundantly beautiful and clarevesent souls.

The belief in that, without falter, is what the geometric shape implies. That there is no other thing.  That everything outside of that, outside of that relationship between creator and self is irrelevant.  It is a point of focus that is obsolete to anything and everything else; a giving over so complete and unfaltering that it is perfection. It is a relationship that is completely devoid of untrust and of question that there could/should/would be any other thing.

And in between the vast unknown of the greatness of the All and the pinpoint of light that is the I Am (us) is the spiral of multicolored dimensions of ALL that is possible within that realm of belief.  In other words, everything we were meant to experience, all that we are here to receive, to learn, to encompass, to become- all of it lies between that point of focus. Now, by concentrating solely on the higher, by lifting our gaze and exclusively focusing on (or having complete faith in) Creator, like a baby bird looking to its mother for nourishment, knowing without question that it will be fed, waiting anxiously and eagerly and faithfully for that worm which will ‘fill’ it, which will satisfy it’s need to be filled, by lifting our gaze and elevating our faith in that way, that all other distractions and points of worship fall away, we are then put into a place of alignment that Allows for us to receive all that was intended for us, and with so much more grace and ease than can otherwise be experienced when we are distracted by what lies beyond the cone.

There is powerful potential within this paradigm. Within it is All possibilities.  Within it is Everything, all that you have ever desired or dreamed, is There, within this vortex, within this point of focus.  And all you need do is open up and receive.  Like the crown chakra opening to the Universe, opening to the All. And in this, you are afforded the simplicity of not needing to figure it out, not needing to make it happen, not needing to be or do anything, other than who and what you are.

 If you’ve forgotten who and what you are, and that’s easy to do when we are focused on how we’re going to make things happen, then all you need do is refocus your attention Up into the eithers, up from and through the point of your heart to the loving, wondrous, all-giving Source of All that Is, and let be.

Live and let Be.  What does that mean here.  That means you live, you be, with ease, with grace, with faith, with belief, that your course has Already been navigated, your provisions have already been made, you are Taken Care Of Already. And you let Be what that looks like, how that plays out, in whatever time-line or fashion or means it may be.

Relax. Play. Breathe. You really don’t have to do any more than that for this now. And leave the next now to the Source. You can be guided in this way, because your point of focus is not scattered and you are not weighed down by the worry or the stress of how you are going to survive.  We are not here to figure out how to become what we need to be in order to achieve.  We are here to live and to breathe, to settle into life and live the wonder that is all around us.  We are here to enjoy, to experience, to receive- the abundance and the beauty that is all around and Be One with what Is.

If you can get to that place, you’re golden.  You already are, but there, you’ll know this, and you’ll feel this, and you’ll live from this place in bliss and joy and the contentment that you are taken care of, that Source’s got your back, and that what is available and what is unfolding is far beyond the highest expectations you could ever dream.

I’ll save today’s forecast for another post so that you can digest this one.

Enjoy your day, and go in peace.

Love and Joy,

Copyright © 2012 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Energy Pattern of Feb. 25-27, 2012 The Black Hole, The Pin Prick, and The Rainbow Wheel

There is a distinct pattern playing out at this time, as to the energy of things as they are evolving, or as our consciousness is evolving, rather. And the energy is that of what's being focused upon on the big screen of things. 

Two days ago, the energy ‘image’ was that of a black hole.  The image was a blank screen with a black hole in the middle of it.  The image spoke of the abyss, being swallowed by it  (the hole or the abyss), and also of a new territory or awareness on the horizon.  This seemed to be about being wiped clean, clearing out (still) what no longer needs to remain in order to advance and move forward in higher and more optimal directions, and creating anew.  

The 'black hole’ energy is disorienting when at play.  It creates a sense of being morphed, of being squeezed, of being torn away from what we’ve held onto (tightly) often without seeming warning or judgment.  This is not a ‘you have a choice here' moment, as the momentum has been building for some time and is going to have its way with us.  The choice lies in how you take it…lying down or standing up.  And neither of those is really the ‘right’ one per say.  It will be taken as you are, or handled based on where you are in the moment of your evolution.  The choice would seem optimal to simply allow and to hunker down  (if you will) in your intuitive awareness for what is under way.  When you can sink into the ‘knowing’ that you are being ‘rolled over’, that reality is creating/recreating itself in the name of your highest good, no matter how it may appear or seem in the moment, and especially in those instances (like this day, 2/25) when everything was in some way being sucked into a black hole or abyss, which can feel very disorienting (as said before) and no doubt somewhat disconcerting. 

We want to have a grasp on our reality.  We want control of the process. We want to have say in how it’s going to go.  But we do not always ‘know’ what is in our best and highest order, and dare I say, we are still finding our way through and discovering and uncovering the many layers of what has inhibited out progress (ascension) and our Flow. So our choices, no matter how conscious we are or are becoming, do not always reflect our greatest good, by the nature of still, in many, many ways remaining unconscious (it is a process after all. Be patient).

So it is in these times that we must trust in the higher powers that be to roll it all out for us, to make the right moves and manipulate the board on which we are playing out our realities so that we can optimize our next moments of creation. What that means is that we are being gifted (if we can so look at it that way, and looking at it that way is in and of itself a gift) with a  little reinforcement and some higher consciousness house cleaning and redecorating that is laying out the scenery to better support us in our forward movement into freedom and peace.

Best advice in these scenarios, move out of the way.  Lay low.  Stay focused on your heart of hearts and maintaining inner peace.  Let go of the need to judge what is happening, or what isn’t.  Allow for what is to orchestrate itself further into being, and give thanks that all is lining up exactly as it needs to be in this moment in time for your greatest and highest good. Faithfully, you will recover from the jolting momentum of this time-line which has got us creating at light speed, releasing faster than the consciousness can interpret, and morphing into greater alignment in such accelerated succession that we don’t even know what's real.  And…we don’t really need to know, do we? So stay out of the way.  Intend alignment and peace.  Stay focused on your most coveted desires, as they are creating their way into your awareness stream, and just let what Is Be.

Yesterdays energy ‘image’ was a tiny black dot on a screen. Still having the 'being squeezed through' effect, which has the propensity to create irritation, anger, rage, extreme sensitivity, heightened awareness to pain, discomfort on all of the many levels of being, and a profound sense of un-peace felt as grief, confusion, despair, and wanting to jump (quite literally) out of your skin.  

Here again, we faced the huge levels of light flooding our consciousness ( though it appeared mainly unconscious) and therefore much unconsciousness (or darkness, the unknown) coming to the surface to be released.  The image of the tiny dot represented a small pinpoint which we are being pulled through as we are being refined, and re-refined in an effort to align us with the right placement of where we need to be in order to most optimally receive.  Translation: this is the Universe shaving us down and basically picking us up and out from wherever we’ve remained and ‘relocating us’ on the map of potential so that we can finally receive already, all that we have been gearing up to receive.  This is the ‘get out of jail free card’, as we are catapulted into a greater, more advantageous placement of our higher selves, as we are advanced into greater consciousness and ‘delivered from our evils’ at warp speed.  

Again, not a high day of comfort, unless, or until, we are able to settle into the knowing or awareness that all of this is happening for our greatest and highest, and beyond that, a profound and deep gratitude for what we are actually receiving.  This is a profound and immaculate gift in our evolutionary movement.  And though most may experience it as an ‘off day’ or a feeling of being discombobulated, what is happening, in actuality, is our programs are being deleted (in a very literal sense) and we are being wiped clean.  This means that we no longer have to operate from stagnant and stale belief systems that keep us tethered to the rock that ties us down.  This means that the veil is lifting, radically, and we are being shown things we have never seen. 

From this new standpoint, we will be able to discern form a greater perspective, one of actuality.  We will be shown, and be able to See, where and how we have held ourselves back, and in many instances, will be astonished at the fact that the very thing we are holding ourselves back from most ( and so very unconsciously) is the very thing we seek. 

Here the layers are peeled, and we see the part we are playing in disallowing our highest goals and dreams.  Here we see the propelling force, and the dogma of our nature that hinders our progression and keeps us revolving around the same old brimstone with pointed finger. This is evolution at its best. And this is happening in divine speed.

'The three days of rest', it is being called, I am hearing.  For what we’re experiencing now, is only half of what we need to propel further into the right alignment and the exponential force of speed which we, until now, have not been conscious of exceeding. So hold onto your hats, and let go of your sense of ‘normal’ as the new and improved Everything is revealed.

And for today’s energy forecast, we have the image of again the blank screen, with a spiraling rainbow in the midst of the midpoint where yesterday was a pin drop and the day before the black hole of repeal. Today's forecast appears to be the Galactic Wheel.

Yeehaw!! This is get-down-and-get-busy time as we are being spun into a new vortex, on a new axis, and roped and rodeo-ed into a whole new ballgame of creation at its best and revolutionary upheaval.

Yes, this is the moment we’ve all waited for, in it’s dawning new day. Here we are given, post-chaos the chance to create anew, to create anything, so think it on through, thoroughly this time, as you are now given the fresh new slate to match up vibrations with desires, intentions with instinct, alignment with optimal view. Think big.  Create even bigger.  Dream to new proportions without all of the held-back commentary of the yesterdays and of the greater shades of grey. Think inside the box with the spiraling rainbow wheel. Get lost there, in ALL of the possibilities, and even greater possibilities will be revealed.  It is a new age indeed.  Think that way.  Act that way.  Live that way. Because there’s no going backward now.  It’s new way or the highway.  Can ya feel it?  'Cause the pulse has quickened and the timing has been reset.  We have jumped the time-line that we were riding on, only a few days ago, and this new one is better by the minute.

Ride it.  Ride this wave and take advantage of the ‘B’ word to the ‘nth degree. Yes, you heard it, BELIEVE.  Believe it into being.  All bets are off.  All rules set aside. There’s nothing left to do but recreate and create again, all reservations on the blind side.  So blast forward into whatever you Want to Be, whatever You want to See unfolding in your life, Right here and Now. Because it’s yours for the taking, one-hundred-percent guaranteed.

Refresh and Reset button have been set. Hey look, you’re on TV.  Yes, you are on screen, and your creation ability has just been upgraded.  You’ve got the bundle package, which means, put simply, it's All-inclusive, it’s All taken care of, it’s All underway. It’s all been paid for, negotiated, you’ve received the key.

Let ‘er rip, roar, and thunder. Let the Goddess of Know, and the God of How now reveal…bring it on, make it golden, spin in the spiral and Make Believe.

Be the beleiver and Be the New. It's All You!

Until tomorrow...whereever that brings us...Keep it the New Real!


 Copyright © 2012 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Energy Forecast for Feb. 24, 2012~ Keleidoscope Through The Window of Change

The energy forecast for today is…

a kaleidoscope of color, a passionate array of opportunities, and a bouquet of fresh new possibilities that are ever-more possible, coming your way.  This rainbow of creation is swirling right on through the Great Window of change at this time, coming right through and to you, without any strings or attachments, without any delay. What has not appeared as of yet can be felt, if you open your heart to the connection of what’s on the way.

Can you feel it? Can you feel the kaleidoscope?  Can you feel the bouquet of wonder?  Can you feel the change?  You will be called more and more and prompted to stay tuned to the energy unfolding, to become aware of what is calling to you or what is about, by way of collective and individual vibration. You are being given this invitation now in order that you begin to listen, to feel, to adapt and set your radar to the channel that suits you best so that you can begin to receive and understand what it is you are receiving, in a more conscious and connected way.

The connection was never lost, only the awareness of it.  All of you can connect as I do, as anyone can.  All of you can tap into and ‘feel’ what is coming our way or what is already within our midst.  Now is the time to realign with this inner knowing that is part of your master system, as we are being called back into divine mastery, and reconnecting with your innate inner guidance system is part of the trick that will create more solidity and anchor you further into your core, all the while connecting you more completely (in your awareness anyway, as it was never a connection that could be incomplete) to the Source.

Other openings in these time of the Great Window being flung open wide, are the deeper and almost enchanting connections to be made with other souls who you were destined to reconnect and to delight in the wonder of exploration and play with.  This is a magical time indeed.  And the most beautiful thing about it is that there’s nothing you need do to make any of it happen at all.  All you need ‘do’ at this time, all that is required is that you just open to the possibilities and receive.

It may be a bit incomprehensible that the treasures of the heart could now be so unwittingly swept your way.  It may seem dream-like, or almost too good to be true.  But isn’t that what you’ve been waiting for?  Isn’t that what you ‘knew’ in your heart would and could happen if whatever was in the way of miracles would just hurry on up and get out of the way?  The dreamer in you never stopped believing.  The child in you never let that magical faith in abundant possibilities die.  Perhaps you’ve become a bit shut down to it along the way, a bit cynical over time, as life has worn you down or appeared to be speaking in a language that had no word for the things that were remembered in your heart divine.  And that is fine.  It only makes for the magical recreation of what Is that is available to you now that much more sublime.

Other sunshine moments perched at the sill of the Window of Openings now are dream opportunities in career or calling by the way of synchronicities and out-of-the blue hunches and encounters. Take nothing lightly that presents as a way forward.  Do not dismiss what is being offered to you on a golden plate.  Do not regard however, with much time, interest, or energy, the droth that is coming to the surface to be cleared away.

In this time of upsweep with its chaotic and unstablized energy, it could be easy to be lost in the lower vibrations of what is on its way out, of what is being evicted from your system, as well as the projections and mirrors of it coming your way.  Focus on the promise of the new day.  Focus (very intentionally) on what is coming your way in the form of positive outreach, in the shape of golden eggs.  Focus on opportunities to create, to explore, and to play.

Open to the rainbows and the winds of change that are creating new horizons and new avenues of cosmically ordained plateaus for reaching new levels of greatness, of reinvention, and a whole array of colorful possibilities for you to behold and set your life into a cycle of change.  All of this is happening F.O.R. you, so let the happening do what it may and get on out of the way for a while. Trusting in the magic, trusting in your heart to make manifest your deepest and truest desires (some of which you may not even be aware of but that dwell in your heart just the same.)

This is a time of great happenings. This is a time of dreams dreamed.  This is a time of proportionate possibilities unfolding right before our eyes, right within our lives, right beneath and through the Window of Change.  So, release all expectations.  Let the recalibration process continue to update.  This is a time of unfolding so be willing to open wide and let in, breathe deep and let it all begin.  What’s happening is beyond you yet IS you, is interchangeably interconnected and inseparable from your Is-ness, it’s just that perhaps you’d forgotten of these essences or in the walk of life thought you’d gotten carried in another direction or lost connection with these aspects along the way.

Your dreams have not been lost, nor have your brothers and sisters with whom you’ve come to play.  All of those bits and pieces are finding their way back to you now, as you are finding your way to them. Delight in the enchantment of what is spiraling your way.  Celebrate and give thanks in the knowing of what is now becoming manifest so that life can become a playground, so that you can become a master, so that joy can become your mainframe.

The Window is open.  Feel the breeze.  Connect with ease.  And let the new day begin.

(ANd remember, what is unfolding may look NOTHING like what you had imagined for your self or for your life, and that is OK...right? Trust in the magic and the plan that Spirit has in store for you and no matter how many times you have to remind yourself, continue to get out of your own way, so that The Way can be known. You don't have to know what that looks like yet, or what any of it means. This is a lesson in trust and you will be rewarded greatly for your efforts in handing it over and through your intention to change (ie. let go).

Be blessed. Be abundant. Be open. Be The Way.

In Loving Grace,

 Copyright © 2012 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Energy Forecast for The Week of Feb. 16-23, 2012~ The Orbit of Evolution

Round and round and round we go.  Where we stop, nobody knows.
The energy ‘theme’ and vision I’ve gotten for the last week, while enjoying(?) my own crazy ride, has been Transition, with a picture of a turnpike, racetrack, or oblong runway.

I would not go so far as to call it a circle, it is definitely more of an oval that we are traveling upon currently through this space in time, as we are being stretched out in more than one direction. But the cyclical nature of our ‘ride’ applies as we are turned and carried around and around, through the past and into the future, visiting all angles, and then circling (ovaling) around again, making sure no aspect is left unturned or undefined. We are being shaken AND stirred as we are made manifest into the what, the how, the who, and the why of Where we need to be in this moment. If you have gotten good, or better, at giving over the wheel of (perceived) control as of late, you may have noticed that you were never in control in the first place! (and you may have even begun to come to peace with that, but…)

This is a stark realization when we have spent so much of our lives and invested much of our time and energy into the false reality of censorship of our existence. The Helm has called in for replacements within the last week however and has Course Corrected our navigational skills in a BIIIIIIIIIIGGG way, so as not to leave room for any misinterpretations as to where we need to be surfing from in this instant. In other words, you have been “moved’ into alignment with where you need to be over the last week or days of late, and how you got there may look like any number of things ranging from a ride on the ark out of and away from the rain of change to waking from a dream and not really knowing what day it is.

If this isn’t speaking to you, perhaps you are one of the 5% who has no inkling of any of this on their radar and your movement into the Now Zone of where you need to be went unrequited. To you, I say, good tidings, as you have prevailed in remaining unconscious to the shift of the wave that came to sweep up the rest of us and bring us two-by-two to the other shore. Who knew that evolution was so selective? I would have considered myself to be on the ‘already on the other side’ list and not in need of such a sobering kick in the patootee, but alas, our self-filtering abilities may well get the best of us and fool us into thinking that we are far further along than nature knows best. All with the best of regards intentions were the events of late that have swung us through the pendulum of time and into the groove of where (there’s that word again) we are Now needing to Be in order to be our best representation of Self…for what we're in store for now, and what that is, I don't know as of yet. But of this, I am sure. We have gone through the wash, rinse, and dry cycle, very purposefully in order that we may be clearer, cleansed, and centered in the exact alignment of where we are NOW, for the next events to be most pivotal for our further awakening and exponent evolution.

Ok, I’m even losing myself now.  Let’s see if I can backtrack a bit in order to make sense of this. The circle, or the oblong track (which eerily resembles the orbit of a planet) the oval in which we are rounding the bin is necessary for our onward progression in this time as it is allowing for us to ‘go back’ and pick up any pieces we have left behind.  Now that may look like falling into the bittersweet memories of the past gone by.  That may look like a good dip into questioning our intentions.  That may appear in the form of exacting the lesson out of repetitive behaviors and of situations dastardly in need of release and forgiveness.  Looping back may appear to be a complete waste of time, dizzying all the while, but it serves the higher purpose, if done correctly (more on that soon)... it serves the powerful purpose of reconnecting with all of the pieces and parts that along the way we have left behind.

Every time we become heavily entwined in something, whether it’s an event or an other, every time we become highly invested in it emotionally, a piece of us has the potential to become severed.  Now if there are situations from our past that are still lingering as regrets, as unsettled, as resentments or needing to be put to rest.  If there is ANYTHING that is still coming up for review from your past or has been brought to the surface for question over the last week (aptly named purge fest) then chances are, there are parts and pieces of you that, like orbiting matter, are in need of being brought back into your energy field to be cleansed, realigned, and reset.

You cannot function as a whole, as a solid being, when there are parts and pieces of you all over the place.  When you are lost in memory, have not come to peace with others or with past events, when you are unable to put something behind you, part of the deal is that pieces of you have been left unkempt.  So take the time now, if you have not been prompted to do so already, to reclaim your aspects ( the parts of you that have been left behind).  Make sure to wash them clean with the white and golden light and then have them recalibrate into alignment with the You that you are now.

You have been looping around (for what may have seemed like random musing) into your past in order that you may complete those experiences by re-salvaging the parts of you that have been left out in orbit.  You cannot go on with your pieces left behind (karma).  In order to get to the next level of where you want to go, you have to find the grace to pull the tethers of what you have been attached to, let go of what is not yours and atone with what is your own.  To complete the wheel of karma in these instances, you are being inspired to call on the grace of forgiveness which sets you free of the need to continually loop de loop and will propel you into an eventual even course.

So as you are stretched to one side of ‘the loop’ in order to reclaim the cleansed aspects of your adage, you are also swung in the opposing direction of your future, where you are squeezed into a recognition of what you can no longer afford to hold onto if you are to advance from the past.  So you rotate from the past, magnetizing (hopefully) what was left behind while simultaneously cutting the ties to that which you need no longer prescribe.  And as quickly as you are brought around the bin, you are swept into the future aspect of the greater-alignment of you which has learned already to roll with the tide and allow for life and has no biding in the war for manipulation of what Is (perception) or what Needs to Be (the illusion of control).  And in this futuristic angle of the oblong course, you are chiseled and pressurized and catapulted into the reality of The Knowing that you are merely and simply along for the ride.

So in this Transitionary phase (though I would certainly call it a more evolutionary phase than we’ve been through in the past), it may be hard to discern if you are in fact going forward or back.  It may be of challenge to be certain if you are moving or intact. Dizzying as it may be, it is an art form in motion as we are recreated in The Image of the All Powerful so that our Great Innate Powerful-ness we can alas find, conform to, and finally enact.

How can we create from a shattered place?  How can we do anything when we are only half-best and in pieces?  And when we have existed in scattered bits for so long, with parts of us in this place or in that, we were never capable of standing in our power-form at the capacity of creator-hood that we were meant for, because our strength was strewn all over the place, looking after all of these pieces scattered in the future and the past.

So around the bin we have gone, and perfect storms we have survived. The tornado of change has whirled us around and within the orbit of time, of our undoing and our recollection of self in a purposefully planned effort to facilitate wholeness and put us on the map of evolution so that at this Exact moment we could stand in wait of …..what will entwine with our energy in this that.

The long of the short: You have been in the process of reclaiming pieces (assimilating wholeness), cutting chords (forgiveness), releasing control (surrender), and being shaped into EXACTLY the One that you are meant to be in this current now so that you could move from this place with greater grace and ease and be set free from the burden and harrowing edge of the past. 

Today and tomorrow feel like the final lap that will set us into motion of ‘the course’ in which we have been set. There will be ‘word’ from ‘Headquarters’ as to what our missions and endeavors over the next forty-eight hours will be as of yet. Life today will not look like life tomorrow.  And if we are keen on awareness into what we are evolving into, if we are sensitive to these subtle (yet not always gentle or quiet nuances), we may become privy to the understanding of where we are headed next.

Here’s a clue. It most likely will look like nothing we had in mind, and will resemble everything that will be revisited from a dream or dreams we’ve had over the nights of this weeks past.

Happy Transitioning to you!!!
Sink into the new aliveness of the reborn you, and stay tuned for an even crazier ride in the days of next!

Peace Prevails though, know that, and know that this is all in the name of Course Correct. After all, Creator knows best!

Loving you!

In grace,

 Copyright © 2012 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Energy Forecast for Feb.15, 2012~ The Peek Hole, The Mushroom Cloud, and Be-lieve

The energy forecast for today is …

A peek hole. Don’t know if you’ve noticed or not but in the time span between yesterday and today there has been a profound and major shift.  The high quotient of love and fear that welled to the surface and welled within the collective heart created a monumental shift in our collective reality that may feel something like being turned inside out or on your head.

As hearts were opened wider, both in the name of love and in the name of releasing grief and fear (inspired by the forced holiday of love which prompts many to look at how love plays out for them, or doesn’t, and creates an undulation of emotional waters within- toward one end of the scale or the other.) Anyway, this cue from the commercialized day of love to ‘be in adoration’, to ‘be romance’, ‘be in relationship' ( and a fairytale one, at that, mind you) causes (unbenounced to the industry, of course) quite a bit of friction within. Yes, there are those who can celebrate their love in sincerity, who can rise to the top of the vibration scale and BE love in greater capacity, and there are those who have achieved the happily-ever-after endings that we are told we should believe. But those who haven’t had quite a bit of unpleasant observation-ing to do.  And let’s just say, the tides of emotion that rose because of it created an aftermath that looks something not unlike Ground Zero after 9/11.

Now, there was purpose to it all, no question. The unearthing of all of the ways that we were not loved, all of the ways that we didn’t get the fairytale ending, all of the questioning and doubt over true love, and the general flood of grief of our collective reconnection with the sorrow of our belief in and support of separation (as we mourned the loss of not connecting fully to ourselves, one another, and God)- all of this served the purpose of bringing this emotional weight to the surface so that it could rise beyond the borders of our being and be healed. 

There is beauty to chaos. The mushroom cloud of the atomic bomb, to some bystanders was breathtaking. And, it should be noted that Pluto was discovered on the same day of the A-bomb debut. Chaos is part of nature, it's part of natural order, it's an element of the destruction that is par for the course of creation, of evolution, of the natural rhythm of life which is change. And when we can embrace the chaos and the change within our selves and reflected in our world, and welcome the evolution in the midst, we can, despite whatever's happening in a world gone mad, remain sane.

So it would be safe to say that yesterday was a Universal turning point in our evolution, because today has the energy of a day after everything was rocked profoundly, and the settling of all of the pieces is what we’ll now review.

So, there is a fence with a much different scenario on either side. You know the grass is always greener theory? Let’s use that for a bit to fill in the visual. On one side is what appears to be what it would look like after a major catastrophe. Everything is destroyed and a world that once was now lies in scattered pieces on the ground pointing the finger at natures invincibility, and a world that was that can no longer be found. But as you come closer to the fence and peak through the hole that is just at eye’s height, you see the picture of a world that looks like fantasy (because it's your dream). Beyond the fence and through the peek hole is the vision of your own sweet heart’s ultimate reality.

So as you stand in the rubble, in the midst of the chaotic mass, you peer into a possibility that looks like what it would look when you arrive at last. And just in peeking through, you are able to assume the peace of the world beyond and can almost get lost in daydream reality of what it would be like to live there. There’s this potential for the peek hole to pull you in, to grab hold of you and pull you through, on into the other side where you are no longer wondering what it would be like to live in that reality, but that reality becomes you. And this movement through the hole in the fence is felt (depending on how you handle it) in a way that most literally will make or break the you that you are becoming or the you that you once knew.

As we are squeezed through the hole and sucked into the new reality (eye of the needle, anyone?) we feel the pinch. And with the chaos in the air of the shift that has just undone a reality that’s been known, and the reducing  factor that applies to being squeezed into something so tiny in proportion to our own size leaves us feeling a bit (!!!) ungrounded and off-center, as the center of yesterday no longer applies.

So if you are having trouble grounding, or feel off kilter at best, know you are just being moved (or more precisely, were already moved in your sleep). And how to steady?  Believe.  Believe in that world beyond the fence, that greener-grass reality that beckons to your longing soul. And beyond believing, Be.  Be the soul that has arrived on the other side of the fence, the one who already lives there in that, in your, ultimate reality that is just a peek hole’s distance away.

When you are wading through the waters of your yesterday wounds that are surmounting as the waves of transformation bid you to forget the way that’s been, enough to buy into the new, believe in the new-ality, in the ownership of a hidden reality that is dawning just beyond the fence.  It’s obvious, or it will be soon enough, once the shock wears off, that the old has crumbled and lays amidst the rubble on the ground on which you stand. You can stand in the knee-high rubble and you can mourn the loss of what’s been (or what hasn’t). Just don’t get too stuck there. What does not getting too stuck there look like, it looks like the opposite of owning your pain, and your shame, and your regrets, and your wounds as the totality of who you are. You’ve already done that. Enough. The world beyond is calling. It beckons you to try it on for size, to take it for a spin. So why not? And why not now?

Here’s where people get stuck.  They think that that Dream is somewhere off out there in the distance, in the future.  They think it is something that they get to have, or be once they become a certain something, or change, or grow. Yet they mourn the distance of this far off thing, distancing it all the more until it is stretched out into the offset chance of never happening. We live in such a ‘right now’ world. We want what we want right now. Yet when it comes stepping into it, into Being it, everyone runs backwards or in the opposite direction, pointing the finger at anyone and anything else they could blame for that thing that isn’t happening or that thing that got away.

Here’s the deal. If you can Believe in your self, the one that gets the girl, the one that lives the dream, the one that is truly happy, and powerful, and content, then you can start to Be that self right now, simply by extracting from the essence of what you know that self to be.  So, the next time you are feeling off center, ask yourself  ‘What would my future self do?’ Would your future self be solid and clear?  Would your future self come from an empowered place?  Chances are, you’ve picked a pretty good role model in and of yourself (albeit your future self, but your self, none the less). And though we seem to have trouble believing in our selves in the first place, enough to get to where we're going anyway, this putting your money on You is a powerful way to do (right now) what you'll do eventually anyway. Instead of living in the past (which you're mostly basing your life on in the old realm, live in the future(you) and save the day. How about that for irony?

Act as if. That’s what they call it. And when you begin to Act as if you are strong, you are solid, you are empowered, you are fulfilled, quess what?- You no longer need to search for that thing.  You no longer need to figure out how to Become that or how to change.  You no longer need to feel bad about yourself for Not being it, and can just start living from that place (NOW) instead.

It may sound preschoolish to enact the pretend, but this is powerful stuff we’re talking about here. Believing is not just for kids. Being isn’t just for show, it’s aligning with what you believe and living from that place- living from the Truth you know.  You Know that what’s on the other side of that fence, on the other side of where you are now (though you may have glimpsed beyond) is Yours. You Know that. You just didn’t know how to get there. And all of that not knowing is what results in the giving up of the self and the giving up of the self’s dream. You don’t have to do that anymore, and you don’t have to have all the answers or be perfect to step into the next best. Come as you are.  Right now.  Without needing to change. Come and explore and experience amidst the beauty and the splendor and the richness of potentiality.

Yes, the old is now in pieces beneath your feet, and the sense of the upheaval is thick still in the air. But truth is, it’s really only just begun, and you have a choice to hang around and watch the madness and the undoing of the done-so-long continue to roll out in the world that was then, or you can strip away the heavy and the hold of the fold of Who You’ve Been, with all of its layers of pain, and make the squeeze through the peephole more manageable, or jump the fence, better yet. Just jump in.

The way forward, the way into the new, requires trying the new on for size. Attaining the magic, requires that you believe in what’s not seen with your eyes. See with your heart, Be from the wisdom of your Higher Self, believe that you can walk, right now, onto the set of the movie you star in where You get to be everything you’ve always dreamed. It’s only a twinkle away.  Feel it in your heart, and you’ll find your way through to the you that's been waiting, to the world, just beyond that peep hole in the fence.

Be the change. Embrace it. Breath into it and source that future you.  Your destiny is waiting. And when you open to it, full-hearted, you'll know just what to do.

Beleiving in You,

 Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Energy Forecast for Feb.14, 2012~ The Marhmallow, The Spiral Staircase, and The Waterlily ~Did I love? Did I matter? Did I live?~

The energy forecast for today is …

Marshmallow.  Soften.  Soften to the love that is all around and within you. Become a conduit of it.  Become an antennae.  If even for today, if just for a little bit, allow for yourself to become saturated enough in love that you unquestionably emit it.  Radiate it from your core. Soar.  Be the vessel. Let it come through you and to you and envision the possibility of it flowing, heart to heart, soul to soul,  in never-ending abundance .

You may be feeling a great heart opening today as you tap into this holiday in honor of love and heart celebration.  You may be buoyed by the force of the collective love vibration as it echoes through the land.  Allow for the heart openings that present as you’re inspired to feel fuller and deeper amore and expand your gratitude for the loved ones with whom you’ve been blessed.

You may, as well, be feeling the grief (individual and/or collective) of all the love that’s gone wrong.  This gone-wrong love may be your own story and it may be a piece of the human experience- a humanity that for the most part has focused more on the priority to protect the heart at all costs than the perpensity of love prevails.  Allow for the grief to wash through, to be embraced, and to be put to rest.  There are stories and emotions within you that still hold a lot of weight and honoring their presence not only soothes  (on some level, through accepting and recognition) your aching heart, it gives you a chance to reflect.  And in this reflection, you may find that these stories and their weight are something you wish to leave behind.  For the priority of stepping up and stepping into a higher vibration of none other than love keeps a’callin’, and even though that grief is knockin’, it’s time to get these priorities strait.  Let love in.  It’s not a sin.  It’s a saving grace.  And if you sail on the ship of love, your heart will be set free.  You no longer need to stay locked inside, away from the wonder of ‘feel’.  For, to open and let your heart song take flight is a gift to the world revealed.

And in this month that’s all about relationships, you’re going to see how you are in relation to others.  You’re going to get a real clear glimpse of where you’ve allowed yourself to expand (heart wise) and will be zoomed in for (uncomfortable?) microscopic examination of where you’ve fallen back into retreat.

As you’re walking in the waters of emotion that invariably pool when and where relationships are concerned (or any matter of the heart, for that matter), you can let your life (or your experience) be watered down by the vivid examples of where you fall short (from reaching your potential love quota) or you can choose to let those ways of being expire and let the emotion of what it means to not be connected inspire you to rise beyond what's kept you separate.

Like the water lily, allow your roots, your base, to be the emotional inspiration of wanting to experience love deeper, and allow for that wanting to be your impetus rather than your demise or the means for your defeat.

It’s all too easy to look towards your relationship as the cause of your love-less effect.  But the root of the matter is never an other, it’s your basis for remaining closed or protected that keeps you off set.

To go beyond where you’ve been, you have to leave the past behind.  The past, in love, only serves to bind.  And if it’s deeper love you seek, you’ve got to go beyond the position of ‘weak’.  You are a powerful being whose capacity for love is sublime. Open to this and great joy you will find.

If, however, you’ve lost that lovin’ feeling and you’re thinking more about endings than beginnings or running away rather than into a certain someone’s arms at this time, realize that it is the pain that’s been lugged around that you’re running from because the weight of the pain is to great to bare. There’s a lot of grief in not loving, in not opening fully.  And if you’re honest with yourself in reflection, you will penetrate a not-so comfortable truth about the capacity with which you’ve allowed yourself to be love. The pain of who we are (shame) coupled with the pain of restrain (withholding love/separation), topped with the cherry of our intrinsic and most basic need to be on both the receiving and the giving end of love is a mound that’s hard to mount, less overcome and release.  But being with it, holding compassion for our losses, our shortcomings, and our pain, and enveloping it all in the fold of unconditional allowing creates a flow of grace that sustains the plateau to the higher plane.

To be or not to be love, that is the question. Or is it? Is it possible to be love and not love all within the same breath?  Is it possible to be both tapped in and disconnected? Is it possible to open yet be closed? In our human form and state of constant evolution, we are both, yet neither exclusively. We are male and female.  We are rising and falling. We are lost and found.  We are dying and reborn within each moment of time. And so, our capacity for experiencing love, our capacity to be stretched is ever shifting and expanding as we meet each day with its opportunities to grow beyond where we’ve been and connect further with who we truly are. And in the deeper connection with self, we discover how to connect more fully with another.

What gets in the way of being able to walk the talk of the spiritual concepts that we know, what keeps us from being able to Live them is what we’ve lived.  We base everything on what we’ve known.  It’s human nature. It’s part of our programming.  But unless and until we decide to upgrade to a newer version of human, where protocol for Life is no longer based on past experiences but on the total trust of the unfolding and what will evolve in the now, we are destined to create an unsettling fate. As long as we’re living based on the past, we can’t really create the future, we just keep repeating more of what’s been.

So how to move on and move upward and into upgraded version of You? You need to let go. It’s really about choice. What’s more important, being right or being in alignment with your Truth?  

Big difference.  Being right is about being in fear.  Being in Truth is about loving yourself enough to evolve and live from that place.  Being right is about proving. Being in Truth is about honoring a knowing.  Being right is about questioning.  Being in Truth is about belief.  So you see how this will set us up for a fall, this need to prove, to base your life on evidence that you’re going to get hurt again, that it’s not safe to trust, that the world is an unfair place.  And you know that buying into that paradigm, the one you’ve bought into for too long, induces a state of helplessness and despair that makes living not really worth living anyway.  It makes living dying, and it’s a testimony to defeat. To put it another way, you can’t Be beyond until you reach into your heart and find something more.

When you become exalted enough to go beyond that, at the risk of falling, at the risk of being betrayed, without the need for guarantees, you open up to the windfall of possibilities that have been waiting for you to play into their field.  Do you get that? Do you sense that on some level, because it’s true. There is a whole new reality out there just waiting for the day that you set down the ‘truth’ that you’ve been fed and taste the freedom on the other side of fear.

And it is at that point that our relationships become whole-hearted and loving.  It is in that moment that our dreams are fulfilled. It is when and only if we say yes to the magic and the miracle that has no bias in proof, that simply Is, that we begin to truly live.

The spiral staircase we are upon leads us higher into the potential of unrequetted divine love.  All the twists and turns of the upward climb are about the untangling we have to do along the way.  Let yourself be unwound and your heart will be found.  There is no more powerful you than the you that knows love.

As alluring and compelling as the barbwire trellises of self-protection are, set down your sword and offer a rose instead.  You don’t have to fight so hard for your life, for your love, for your honor, for your everything.  Flee from fear and love instead.  You know you want to.  Even though you’re scared, you long to open up to the world, to another, and let all that reciprical love in.

And when you do, when you open upwithout reserve, without contingency or hesitation, you will find purpose in love, as yo’ve found purpose in the hidden identity of self-protect.  And you will see how your love matters and you will see what love begets.

If the three most important questions when you die (or in life) are ‘Did I love?’, ‘Did I matter?’ and ‘Did I live?’, what would your score be on that test? If that’s what we’re here to do and we know we’re the ones in our own way (be honest) then the only thing left to think about is 'What's more important than you busting into the most brilliant and boyant version of the YOU that there is?'

Sit with that.  For a while.  And when you’re done arguing with yourself and defending your defense, go get your love on, go get your life, and become the matter that makes the mark and the difference.

Enough said.
Love, sweet Love to all and everyone!

And in the name of Valentine's Day, I'm now offering a special on Reconnection Sessions. Connect deeper with self or another and get to the heart of what's keeping that love at bay. Treat yourself, or a loved one. And in the name of love, the offer's valid until the end of February. Make the shift. Give the gift of love today. 

Be abundant and be blessed!

In loving grace,

 Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely