To everything there is a season, and so it is with the evolution of growth. And as nature is filled with such dichotomy and paradox, so is the university of your soul.
There is a time to allow, but there is also, most absolutely my friends, a time to demand. So on the path, while you may be under the curriculum of a crash course in, say detachment, where you are learning to let God open you wide to the possibilities and you are letting go of your grip of what needs to Be in order for your dreams to unfold, you may be simultaneously being offered a lesson in Not Letting-in standing up for the aspect of yourself that takes no command; the self that reacts to what life’s throwing your way rather than setting limits for what you will and won’t accept.
If this is so for you, you will feel outrage and you will reach a point where you are ready to confront this aspect of your self-of your life-of your way of being. This aspect is the Bullshit Factor. It’s the place where you say “this is bullshit, and I’m not gonna take it anymore.’ This is a healthy place to be, although a dichotomy of peace in a sense, it's you becoming clear enough to take the reigns rather than continuing to be rattled by whichever way life will go.
The Bullshit Factor is most recognizable when anger trumps apathy. It’s a point where you decide that you’re not going to allow your circumstances to control you. You decide that YOU determine what’s allowed and not allowed in your paradigm. You set the limits. When you reach this place you say “No!” with a capital N and you say it loud. You’ve reached your limit with letting life roll over you.
And in this moment, you assume power. In this place you take back the right to decide what happens to you and the right to protect yourself from what is damaging and unwanted. In this place where your fire rises and you become the Phoenix, you see that you can set boundaries within the context of your world and within those boundaries are what you will condone.
Those boundaries may be with another who you’ve allowed to cross the line. They may be with the Universe- as you command direction and comfort in the meanwhile of what you’re waiting for. Or they may be, and ultimately are, with yourself, as you realize that you’ve taken it sitting for too long.
And so you must become clear with this one thing- are you a bi-product of your life? -Are you at the whim of whatever life brings your way? Will you continue to simply react to what comes and goes your way? Or are you the captain of your ship? Are you the one who decides that enough is enough when it’s enough, and will you take the fire that rises in these times as an impetus to stand in your power?
As we plug along in this often times challenging school of life, we seem to have graduated to a new level, and that level includes discernment. In this masters program that we now embark upon, we must choose between the alternating elements of our experience. We are now being asked to know when to allow and when to resist. And sometimes that’s paradoxically simultaneous.
But somehow, at the same time, it becomes easy to know which way to go as we become more solid in our stillness, as we listen to and follow our hearts, and as we trust that we know, even when it doesn’t make any sense.
You know the way. You know your soul. Live in every moment and let it take you where you need to go.
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.
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