If a thing’s purpose has expired- if an experience or a soul has played its part in our lives and it is time for the relationship to end, how do we let go with grace?
A relationship, or the container that held the space for a lesson or experience to unfold, has served its purpose, yet we find ourselves grieving at the thought of letting go. It’s important to remember that we are all still ever-connected, so it’s not necessarily a separation from another soul, but rather an honoring, or an allowing, of what is. The principals of birth and death apply to relationship, and when we can come to terms with the inevitable process of life, and apply it to all things, we can come to a place of reverence that will allow us to see things from the higher perspective of grace.
Grace removes the blocks of flow. Flow is the course to follow when you wish to live your life with ease. There is comfort in ease, and meaning. Ease means you’ve arrived. And arrival is what you’ve been waiting for.
Now is the perfect time to assume the stance of follower of your heart. Grace is the place where miracles unfold. We’ve waited for the time of miracles abound. We’ve undergone slow and tumultuous changes in order to stand in a place where desire is akin to life experience. All that has ever stood in the way is you-or your perception of you based on what you’ve been told.
Be bold. The time to live by anyone else’s rules has expired. Have no fear in making decisions in moving forward, for your heart won’t steer you wrong. It knows good from bad and right from wrong and it’s one-hundred percent aligned with your greatest good. And goodness is what you’re here to achieve- unscathed by the diplomacy of doubt or guilt and unhindered by the encumbrance of greed for the need to be accepted. Accept yourself, first and foremost. It is you that must spread the love to the you that has been seeking. Seek no more.~ It is within. Transcend the inner critic who mirrors the world abroad and embrace the portal of compassion that is ever flowing to you and only waiting for you to receive. Believe in the you that is waiting~in the you that wants to unfold. For you are the greatest potential and your story waits to be told.
Be there with you in the moment. Be true to you each day. Be kind to yourself when you’d rather be cruel. And be the love that you wish to receive. It is from this place, this way of being that you will begin to walk in grace and your life will begin to flow. It is from this relationship with your self that your perspective will become higher grounded.
All relationships offer us gifts and opportunities, lessons and experiences. Not all relationships are meant to last forever. We are humbled into a place of nonattachment when we walk in grace, when we live from our truth, when we allow for the path to unfold and the pieces to crumble so that we can be built anew. Be grateful for those who have blessed your life and be honest with yourself when it is time to move on. In the state of allowing that is grace, nothing is lost, but our need to hold on. As you learn to open your arms to what is and open your hearts to what’s becoming new, you will see that endings are only openings for what’s waiting and a chance to smile at what you’ve been blessed with through the experience now saying goodbye.
You are choosing higher now. Allow your choices to reflect your greatest desires and honor your truth. When it is time to move on, you will know. Know that. And know that the act of honoring you is the greatest thing you can do. There is nothing selfish about loving you, it only might feel a little foreign to put yourself first for a change. In allowing an ending to end, you are aligning with the divine order of all that is moving in the direction of exactly where you need to be.
Listen closely and be still, as your heart shows you the way.
As you find grace, you will find that it is one of the most powerful, and profound, forces in the Universe, and an imaculate tool for living on purpose.
Blessings abound!
. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.
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