When we find ourselves swimming through the Ocean of Life, sometimes riding waves, other times going under, we need to become aware of the collectiveness of the energy within the ocean of who we are and how it all contributes.
Many times it’s been said that it’s hard to maintain that connection to the Divine when the waters are turbulent and rough. We feel a reaction within to the energies flowing through and we feel harder hit when we sense the disconnection from our Source.
We find ourselves being tossed through the waves of consciousness, longing for solid ground and stability, or just the resolution of finally reaching a plateau. And as we reach up to the sky, arms outstretched beyond the wave, crying for rescue and relief, or just even some sense of balance, we forget the forgotten. We look out rather than within. And the lifeboat of Truth escapes us.
In order to maintain balance as we sail our ships out in to the sea of consciousness, we must remain aware of our inner alignment and the focus necessary to achieve the levels and plateaus we’re trying to achieve.
Much talk is centered around Christ Consciousness and it’s flow. The possibilities within that realm are endless, But the key to living in that reality is maintaining balance within the lower realms, within all of our energy centers. The key is to be in this world but not of it.
Many stretch to be the ‘not of it’ part while forsaking the ‘still in it’ part. We wonder how we can be so spiritually evolved in one moment and so primaly entrenched in the next. To dance through the waves of the Ocean, we have to bridge the gaps of the worlds within or else be perpetually tossed by the unpredictability of the sea.
In ascension, as we’re rising in consciousness and connecting with our Divine potential and the Eternal All That Is, we will continually be submerged into lower levels of consciousness until those levels are attended to.
This is to get our attention. This is to alert us to the need to balance in an area that has become offset, We tend to think of doubts, fears, insecurities, or anxieties that arise-along with the plethora of triggers- as inconvenient and incompatible to the higher-self-place we are trying to achieve. But in these times when we’re faced with these disturbances, we need go within to the red-light locations and tend to what needs fixed. It’s not off your path to be working on your stuff, it’s part of it.
When security issues are on the rise, and our lowest level chakra is out of whack, what can we do to bring comfort? What basic needs need met? When life has lost its luster, or we want to run away, or satiate those inner hungers in a big way, how can we treat ourselves to more pleasure? As we notice bursts of rage and irritation disturbing our peace, how can we attend to our core chakra desire for control and inner stability?
Observing that imbalances arising in our lives are indicators of areas within that are off kilter helps us bring awareness back to the inside job that it always truly is. We need not be tossed randomly about in the waves of consciousness as we strive to BE in a grander way. We need only bring consciousness to the waves within and Be with them as they call out to us, so that the grand can become more consistent and the way more smooth.
Through balance, you will find your way.
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.
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