When you find it difficult to surrender, or to know when to surrender and when to take initiative, think of the Serenity Prayer.
~Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can
and the wisdom to know the difference.~
Now apply this to your way of being in the way of how you maneuver through your life. Apply this to what you act on, and what you give over. Apply this to your ability to created in tandem with the Universe as you soften into a knowing of when to allow and when to make happen. And as you envelope this into your knowing, you will become more conscious of where you are and where you need to grow. For as you expand, and encompass the cosmic tools, you will become more of who you came to be. And along the way, when you are feeling adrift, know that you are only being gifted with the chance to shift into who you need to be, in the fullest, in order to live the life of your dreams.
You are being groomed in the art of conscious co-creating, which means no longer can you do it all yourself, nor can you Creator do it all for you. You have to become conscious of what you’re doing, of your method of operation, of the base from which the rest of what you do is streaming.
And in becoming conscious, you need to become responsible for choosing-no longer drifting through life driven by unconscious beliefs and repeating the same lessons only to get nowhere but in circles. It is time to become pro-active- to live on purpose. And for that, you must become aware.
The more you do this, the more empowered you become. The more empowered- the more free, and alive. This is what you long for. This is the life of which you dream- a life of freedom and flexibility. And it is you that must push forward to become that, to become free. You do this by choosing higher. You do that by becoming aware.
Awareness, or being a conscious observer, is the place to start. It all begins and ends with awareness, which is another word for consciousness. And when this becomes pure, it becomes a more optimal place to create. From the pure knowing, you can expand into greatness-the grandness of who you are.
In grandness, you align not only with the Power of Creation, but with the ease of it. It becomes something that you simply are, and that you do, rather than a quest. At that point, the quest for The Way is over, the seeking has ended, because you have been found and in finding you, you are born again, with all of the attributes of new life; the innocence, the grace, the pure love, the divinity. In this rebirth, you conceive the ability to live from this place, from a place of conscious co-creating.
Allow for the birth of you to transpire and be blessed on your journey into fullness.
Gracefully yours,
. Copyright © 2010-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.
ONEderFull, BEaYOUtyFull Words of LOVE's Wisdom!!
ReplyDeleteThank YOU Rhonda for sharing in the AWEsome reflection of WE that IS the YOU, YOU have CHOSEn to ALLOW BE for the BEnefit of ALL of WE!
A guiding, shining Light of emanating, radiating LOVE, a BEacon to ALL to join and share within the experience of our Miraculous, Creating BEingness....a graceFull invitation I openly receive and share most generously with ALL of WE!
BLISSedly BE Sweet Earth Angel Goddess
to our HIGHest HAPPYness, ALL of WE, Co-Creating BlissFully in our eternal NOW.
Radiating LOVE
Rhonda Sheryl Lipstein