Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Life as a Teacher, Guilt as a Guide

In every moment, from the lessons that are presenting themselves, we have the opportunity to learn, to grow, and to become more.  Often we get lost in the translation.  We get caught up in the roles the players are playing or the scenery or the stage, forsaking the wisdom, the pearl, as we focus instead on the shell that encompasses it.

I invite you to open to the lessons that are unfolding before you.  I ask that you speak to the guilt, or the worry, the anger, the pain, that may arise in your day and ask it to tell you its story.

If guilt is replaying itself in your head, understand that it is simply sorrow over should-haves and it is trying to get your attention in order to show you where you have given away your power or as insight into where you are on your soul scale of growth and how much you’ve matched up to your scale of priorities.

If we step away from, without forsaking, the details and the emotion long enough we can catch the glimpse of wisdom that’s broadcasting into awareness. And from this place of renewed perspective, can we become grateful and cleansed by the knowing that we got it-we caught that fly ball- and we can move forward in the game.

 We can have fun in this game if we step back a bit and play decoder of messages with the curiosity and the abandon of a child, rather than the serious contemplation of adulthood that carries us away from our truth, making hearts heavy and minds spinning dizzy.

Play the game.  Don’t work it.  Exude the spirit of inquisitiveness and creative master.  Step away from the grind of what’s speaking to you when it becomes incessant and hear what it has to say.  The feelings are just bleep on your radar-here to get your attention, to alert you to the lesson at hand or gone by.

Retract your anger or resentment of another or a situation and focus full-heartedly at the soul-speak of the wisdom being revealed. Focus within, with love, and know that you are being guided.  When you become conscious of the power of perspective, you can choose to see what’s happening in your world as one of life’s great lessons propelling you forward, or you can remain unconscious and see it as a calamity.

You can change your game in this moment and decide that you are an active participant, playing on purpose, deciding at will, and determined to win.  Your prize is wholeness and peace of mind, and the perspective of those who achieve. 

Are you ready for greatness?  Get your game on, and delete defeat.

In honor of you,

. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

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