What to do when you still just can’t decide what to do? Here are some tips from the Source…
Take a time out. Take some time with you away from the situation. It’s ok to put it down for a while and come back later. If you do, you’ll come back fresh and ready to see things from a new perspective. Give your self a break and let God do the heavy lifting for a change.
Be Guided. Listen. Be still and you’ll receive the guidance about what’s really going on. It may not be what you think. We’re all on our own soul journey, so keep in mind that lots of aspects are at play, on your path as well as others.
Be Inspired. Refresh yourself with something that comforts your sense of what’s important. This will give you a sense of strength, remind you what really counts, and give you more solid ground to operate on.
Release. Set it free and see if it comes back to you. Honor the other for all they’ve been and done for you and bless them in love. Then let whatever needs to be BE.
Be grounded. Get solid in your Truth and set some boundaries. Know that boundary-setting is an act of love of self, and that those who love you will respect the lines you draw. Let those who don’t fall away, and let the relationship be redefined by who you are now and where you are going, rather than where you have been. If it’s stretchable, it’s sustainable. If not, better broken now than later anyway.
Lighten Up. We don’t realize how much of a weight worry is. When we’re overly concerned with how someone will react to who we are or what we choose, we are placing undue burden on ourselves. When we release the perimeters we’ve placed around our Truth and come from a place of I AM, we can allow our authenticity to dictate who will stay and who will go. If it’s not a match-if someone can’t contend with our Truth-then the barometer has been set and the relationship will either wither or grow.
FLY. Haven’t your wings been clipped long enough? Time to exert wiggle room and shake it out. Making room for you in your life just may mean that the space old relationships used to hold now needs to be used for the larger-version reflection of you.
In expansion there is constant shift. Relationships are no exception. Let it roll and be prepared to welcome a more custom-fit array of playmates and companions, which may show up as new friends or may come through in the inspired-by-you-to-expand old.
In Peace,
. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.
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