Thursday, January 13, 2011


There is evermore a bright light of sacred wisdom that shines from within.  Cultivating this wisdom by relying on inner messages, acting on clear guidance and remaining in the present. This is being, based on receiving the ‘word’ of God and living it.

First you will want to create the space. Bring your awareness into your body.  It’s where the wisdom resides. Pay attention to the areas in your body that are holding the energy, the blockages - the ones that are calling for your attention through aches, pain, or discomfort.  Breathe into them, encouraging and supporting their release. It’s ok to let go now.  You’re ready to move forward.  Restore the energy flow.  Restore fluidity, and enable your transformation by witnessing the miracles of internal wisdom in action.  Create the space for this love-filled juncture by nurturing yourself, by witnessing through awareness and presence, as your body and mind collectively purge the residue and debris, the bi-product of your unhealthy thoughts and deeds.

See the blood flowing, the tension releasing, the harmony of all systems within.  Honor the intuitive regulation process of your beautiful body- celebrate it’s wisdom as you connect with it’s knowing and interpret it’s messages as it re-balances and shifts to a higher perspective and way of being.

Breathe into and release any and all resistance within your body and mind.  Comfort yourself in the knowing that evolution is good, it’s organic.  Mirror nature and allow and trust in the process of cleansing and clearing to unfold.  It takes great energy to maintain all that we are being asked now to release.  Surrender to the wisdom of your soul and give it permission to guide you.  The less you are focused on defining what is, the more space you create for the wisdom to be heard.

The messages of your soul are more pure and unfiltered once you’ve moved out of the way of the process, away from the need to know the outcome, and into greater alignment with what Is through a concentrated and intentional state of presence.  Your thoughts then become directives, and from here, balance is borne as you simply ‘Be’ and go with what you’re led to do according to the inner wisdom.

As you create the stillness, you create the space for consciousness to envelope your way of being.  Then all flows from the center.  Every act and deed is based on it.  No more ‘thought’ as we know it, or decision making or contemplation.  It becomes simplified, and simpler really is an easier way to be.

Forfeit the need to ‘think’ and sort out everything in your head.  Allow for the wisdom to lead you by taking a day off and simply observing what your body and soul does for itself.  It really does know best.

Let yourself be the passenger for a while as spirit takes the lead and informs you of your every next move.  Focus your intent on paying attention to the messages and following through on them.  Your spirit seeks to guide you. Let this be your conscious state, your connection.  Mindfulness is not meant to be secluded to times of solitude and meditation.  It’s meant to be a fluid, moment-to-moment experience in which you live by and through the inner messages that direct you.  And in the silence, in between, alternate with ease as you become acquainted and accustomed to that way of being.

Reexamine your natural state of being, or the one you have become accustomed to.  You may feel that your natural state is that of worry, or need to keep things safe and in perspective by calculating and calibrating and otherwise concentrating on what is necessarily avoided or pursued.  The state of being that has been your way for quite some time is not natural, it is forced.   Though it feels familiar, and at times necessary or important for survival, allow for the possibility that it’s faulty, that it bends the ‘rules’ in a big way in order for certain needs to be met.

Know that it’s possible to meet those needs from a completely different angle and perspective that won’t imprison you in the way of worry or fear and won’t facilitate such a strong need of dependence.  Releasing our need for it to be that way invokes a primal fear of extinction.  But know that it is not your survival that is at stake, but rather your survival mechanisms that support a way of being that has held you back from your potential.  They don’t support you as a being that’s liberated and empowered and free to actualize your highest connection.

These survival mechanisms will tell you that they are vital and necessary but this is all the more reason to connect with your highest truth of your inner wisdom, so that you’ll no longer be misdirected and led astray from your heart based on mentalities of fear.

Open to the possibility that nothing is what it seems and that it’s definitely not what they told you.  Pretend you’re a new-born babe with a fresh perspective, learning for the first time what everything means and that pure consciousness is your teacher.

That innocence is a state of being that clears the slate once you’ve let go of attachment to any one way and you allow for all potentials to unfold, knowing that the Universe accounts for your greatest well being. ( It’s got your back!) It knows better than you do. But only for now, as you too have access to those files.  Your access depends solely on your creation of space to connect with the knowing.  And that space is created by stepping away from and removing your attention from all of the other things you’re focusing on.

Your mind has been like a high-speed super highway and it’s time to bring it back to a slow and simple country road.  Here you can receive the purest thought, and live by that rather than sifting through and mediating so many different directives.

How do you know what the higher self voice is?  You exit the interstate, erase all that’s been, and open to fresh perspective.

How do you quiet the mind?  Do something loving- for yourself or another.  It quiets all the fears an inhibitions and brigs you back to your original state of being.  Notice the space it creates, when you allow it the stillness, the peace.  Cultivate that place by recognizing how effortless it is to operate there.  Let it become your new M.O.  You can, you know.  It is not out of your reach, it just requires a little reorientation.

You are not mistaken in your desire for a life that is less than struggle.  Give up the fight and allow yourself to rest in the arms of pure connection to the Source that seeks to guide you into a simple way of Being.  It all begins with connection to the Source. And it’s followed up with release of any and all things that inhibit it. Refresh your perspective today.  Let yourself become new.  You owe it to you. And then watch how everything becomes different.

Ushering your new year with peace, may you find your light aglow within and bring it forward.

Great love and beautiful blessings,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.  

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