As the new year has dawned, so has the momentum to move forward. For those that find themselves at the peak of a crossroad, know that the most conscious of choices are those that are made lovingly with your heart’s agenda, rather than the consummation of your head. Know that the wisdom in creating positive choices is always within you, and remember that change creates uncertainty o purpose. It wants us to forget a bit of what we know in order to open up to a grander view.
This is an excerpt from a reading I did recently for a dear soul, and she has so graciously agreed to have it shared, as it offers great insight for many on their paths at this time. Take from it what you will, and know that, by far, the greatest mistake is being afraid to make one in the first place. Much love and happy New Year!!
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There are many paths laid out before you, and none of them is the ‘right’ one to behold. The energy of the lesson at hand is not about making the right choice, it’s about allowing yourself to make a mistake You would go round and round in a circle a million times, circling a question, rather than making the wrong choice. This is what confines you- your fear of falling (from the graces), your fear of failing, of making a mistake. There’s great rigidity that surrounds your heart as you fail to embrace your humanness. And the course of many lifetimes plays out simultaneously (carrying the great burden of pain and grief) as you search for redemption, for meaning of life with wanted spiritual, yes with pseudo-spirituality, in your pursuit of peace. You are wanting to graduate from this way of being, from this repetitive cycle of search and destroy.
But the riddle’s gone wrong, in your search to perceive and abandonment runs deep as you chase away despair in your decision making- questioning why you must do it alone and who will catch you if you fall. The pressure is high to succeed. It’s your perspective that needs shifting in order to further your quest. It is not the answer that’s important, but the questions in which you believe. Try to separate yourself from you wounding- generational and several lifetimes worth. Doing it this way- the ‘right’ way with great emphasis you’ve placed. Open to the possibility that there is no ‘right’ way, and that encroaching on the wrong does not mean you will be defeated.
It’s not so much for you about the flight, right now, as it is the fall. Setting all perfectionistic tendencies aside, allow yourself to do the forbidden and color outside the lines. Let yourself make a mistake. Without this option, you cut yourself off from instinct and the ability to choose. It is your humanness, above all, that need be embraced. It is a love for self that must fill your agenda, that must weigh in over self mastery. It is you that must pick your self up off the ground when you have faltered, and your own unconditional love that will be the balm for your wounded knee. You cannot move forward, and have not for many lifetimes, because you cling to the impervious, to the vision of greatness that excludes any chance of mistake.
Mistakes are pivotal rungs on the ladder of life, for they teach us as no other lesson can. And they carry within them a critical component to wholeness- the ability to forgive and accept ourselves wholly, as flawed, as imperfect, as fractured, as frail. We have to bring all of it forward, not just the ‘good’ parts, not just the shiny, but the everything.
And in this, in scooping up our wounded parts, our pieces that we’d rather turn our backs on or hide, we garner tenderness, compassion, and freedom from the need to pretend, to soldier, to hide- from ourselves, from the world. We set down our weapons and forgo the need to fight.
Release the role of drill-sergeant and embrace that of gentle mother- embracing you completely, daring you to look at the dark places- which are not the wrong or the bad, but simply misunderstood or mistaken, and very much desiring love.
Through this you will gain clarity, you will derive peace. And you will be able to touch on your passion, find your presence, and bring forward with power of love (rather than forced resistance) the fruits of your flowering tree.
Do not forsake the forest for the trees, widen the blinders so that you can see a clear picture, a fresh perspective.
There is great sadness derived from an inability to push forward time and again. You find yourself weakened, disparaged, weary, and tired. All of this you carry within your body, within your bones. And there is a strong element that this is life or death-warrior must save the land. But the land you’re defending must be released in order for you to reach your salvation. You must lay down your arms and sit in peace. ( Meditation will help with re-framing your heart and guiding you to fresh perspective and clarity.)
The authority you need bring forward is not in configuring life or something out there or proving that you are right or good- it is in surrendering to the truth of what you’ve been, embracing, and then gathering the will to defeat your won limiting perspective.
If your foundation is not solid, it will crumble. You have to tear down your castle before you can build the kingdom of your dreams. Your fear of failure inhibits your ability to succeed.
There is this Mother Mary aspect presenting for cleansing of judgment of self, of life, of others. Distilling control and the need to know, as well as perfectionism as means of acquiring acceptance and love. You cannot love or embrace another until you can fully love yourself. You cannot love your life until the love within encircles your own self. You no longer need to run or hide. What your highest self wants for you is to stand still and be seen. For you are the star of the ages. The light within shines so brightly for all to see. But will you continue to shelter it in the shadows or will you open to the gift of release?
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After relaying this channeled information, we worked together on creating a better understanding of how these aspects had played out within the parameters of her life and how the energy blocks that ensued had limited her from the destiny she desired. I also facilitated some energy release work to help her let go of the outdated and painful ways of seeing and being that were inhibiting her from moving forward. So often these blockages are deeply embedded and very unconscious and create much confusion when we don’t realize that we live our lives based on their agenda. We become attached to them, and to a way of being, because it is comfortable or familiar, or because on some level, we feel it is our duty to carry on a certain thought/emotion/behavior in honor of the generations before from who we’ve inherited it. By creating the space for fresh perspective and new awareness, we open not only to more possibilities, but also a way to move freely into the dimensions of what we long for, and a clear path to all that we previously couldn’t see. May you create new space and bring forward long-standing dreams in this new year, and in all the new years to come. If you would like help in discovering greater awareness of your inner motivation- what stands in your way, as well as what desires to move forward- please visit me at and get a fresh start with your dreams.
Many blessings and abundant light,
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
What a wise woman you are!