It is helpful now, it is imperative, that we release the notion of ‘wrong’ as we know it. If we are feeling it is wrong to be trapped by what is surging through us, we may feel that we have stumbled into misalignment. With all the talk of joy and love among us, we feel the heaviness embarking on what is rightfully ours for the taking. We fight with it, with the disharmony, with the distaste in our moth over what we’re experiencing, but we fail to perceive the enormity of it. The gigantic measures of what ensues is in this moment beyond what we have privilege to comprehend. If you are feeling it, you are not ‘wrong’ in any sense. You are actually far more connected than you perceive. You are feeling, with your mighty radars, so far beyond you and deeply within you, all that is in position to transpire. Tensions are mounting as the volcano prepares to explode. And as we stand with baited breath, wincing at the inevitable, we simultaneously question our place within the midst of what is happening.
We want to go forward, yet something within us and undeniably beyond us, is forcing us to stand still. We question to the point of not being able to speak, as mere language no longer defines our experience.
We have been plunged into the wading pool of evolution, and as cosmic credence transpires and transmutates everything in sight, incredulous energies roll across the field of time and space, and nothing is pardoned from the parody of the New Dawn.
We expect to greet the new morn with freshness and peace, yet we find ourselves still trapped ever-uncomfortably in the dream of the night before, attempting to unscramble it’s meaning, making futile attempts to shake free of the hold it has over us; trying again and again to shrug it off as it bleeds into our day-time reality. And as the shadow of the dream hangs upon our weary heads, we search for its meaning, certain of its importance marked by its unshakable nature and our inability to break free.
We wonder, but we are wet and heavy from the hardship that we endure. We want to lay down the burden, let go of the load and enter the dream of the new day, releasing the nightmarish reality of what’s been.
We are asked to realign with nothingness, contrary to what we’re being told by our tired and over-burdened egos, as they scramble to make meaning of a cosmic mess. It’s quite the conundrum for our navigational systems to register and then dismiss. But the teaching radiates a radical new way of being that deviates completely from what we’ve known to be true by the generations that have handed down different lessons, and it propels us into the epitome of free-fall formation; a stance of detachment that strips away from all preconceived notions, further into a state of abyss. Here, we will recognize the truth fuller, as we step away from what we’ve known, release what we’ve been told, and absorb completely into the All of what Is.
It is time to stop the fight of illusion. It is now time to end the war. What we are struggling with is a need for definition, a desire for understanding and completion. What we are being guided towards is comfort in the unknown; an arms-wide-open to the what-ifs and what-will-be without any sense of reservation, without the coroner of doubt, without the need to know.
We are hanging in the rafters because we continue to clutch the need to define. But the undefined is sublime. It is the essence of All that Is. And so our not-knowingness is not meant to be about disorder, but rather a purging of the chaos that has always ensued our compartmentalization of every and any thing that exists. Life is meant to be bliss. Into the Great Wide Open is where your soul seeks to be and it is there that you will be found.
Release the shackles of your mind and open your wings to the free-fall of forward movement. Allow the energies to propel you further rather than bog you down. You are not meant to decipher, you are here to divulge in the comfort of remembering that beneath it all, you are carried, underlying it all is great purpose, and within the crux of it, you are blessed. The details are the detour. Leave them to the unknown. The essence is your elixir, it is what will carry you. Use your feelers not to decipher or decode, but to absorb the truth of the feeling, the heart of the form.
Yes, you are feeling deeply, but you really don’t need to get involved. Allow the essence to do the heavy lifting while you sit back for a while and float in the mist. Transformation is upon you. Yet it need not be created by a fight. Allow for the unfolding to behold. Its truths will one day be shown to you. Now is just your lesson of free fall. Are you prepared to set your self free? Become humbled by the greatness, as its grace pours through your being. Rise to meet the truth that greets you as you are reunited with the beauty of your soul, the simple-ness of purity, and the unconditional love that will take you everywhere you could have ever dreamed.
Prepare to soar!
With great love,
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
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