There lies our greatness, in the midnight of our souls
Waiting for us our truth to behold
Our secrets that are sacred
Have been salvaged in the dawn
~and look how they’ve been mistaken for the ugly
when it’s pure wisdom yet untold
Contain no more the weakness or the wayward as you march forth through the light.
The freedom that you dream of is the greatness that you fight.
Become the whole, the plenty, the abundantly bestowed.
Become the everything you are by cutting loose your hold.
The beauty of your darkness is your daylight to unfold.
Reach beyond the density of your mind and unleash the ever-flow.
Step into the depths of your being where truth lies dormant in wake.
In selective evolution, your greatest potential you forsake.
So much energy goes into being watered down- diluted- and in this we compromise our truth and our peace.
In the Great Wide Open, it feels so good to be free, to not know, and just take some time to Be- completely real and liberating.
Throw what is against the wall and let the pieces fall wherever they may, not needing to categorize or compartmentalize. It really allows you to see from a whole different perspective with wider eyes and no expectations- from a vantage place ( if you open to it) of peace.
You have to create the space to be free from another’s objective, and even from the one you've held for so long. Re-examine your truth as and question your identity. Feel what comes up and set if free- and at the same time, a newness comes. Notice all the hardening and resentment, the closing off, and lots of assumptions that come from being afraid to say what you think, feel, and want. It separates you from your self and your desires. When you’re inhibited, it’s easy to make up all kinds of lies about what is. But when you open up to full acceptance of what Is and really let yourself be who you are, the illusions all clear away and you can see the beauty you knew was there to begin with. Then the light can shine through you and you can glow in a new way, once you’ve been dusted off.
When we let go of old dynamics and realize they are not who we are then we can open to being real and we are freed- in this life, in relationships, and within . No more hiding. No more contemplating. It’s time to face everything head on and walk through.
Let go of judging your self or others. Let go of judging experiences. Release the need to label what’s coming up for you. Then you can become more accepting of who you really are and start to see trueness. Under all the baggage is a beautiful person- is your I AM.
But you have to face the truth of what is. Become really real about your reality. If you’re miserable in a relationship, hating your job, wanting something entirely different that what you’ve created- you have to come face to face with that or else you continue to live out a lie. You have to experience the grief and disappointment about what you’ve created and allow yourself to be fully honest about how you feel. Only then can you begin to deconstruct what is and what it is based on so you can recreate something that suits you.
Allow yourself the possibility of ending- of allowing whatever’s bringing you misery to die. Rebirth follows death, so you have to consciously kill- slay your misconceptions of what is ( the foundation or structure that’s faulty and based on lies) in order to live your truth.
Only then can you truly shine your light- once you clear the air, dissolve the denial, and face the truth-in all of it’s entirely. And, at first, in this, it’s the sun peaking out from behind the clouds. But you have to SEE, truly see, what’s been blanketing your reality in order to break free. And as you do, as you become very honest with yourself and say goodbye to the lies that have held your current reality in place, you will feel a sense of loss- for what’s been, for the comfort of the familiar ( as most of these dynamics have been in place for some time). And there is fear in letting go, in moving beyond where you’ve been. There’s anger at what’s been sacrificed or lost in order to keep certain structures in place. But as you come to terms with your truth ( or what you’ve been working so hard at maintaining as truth) you open the door for what needs and wants to shine through. There’s great relief that comes in laying down the burden and releasing the energy that’s sustained the untruth. It takes great effort to maintain a lie. It takes courage to be honest with your self. And so, as you open more fully to your truth, there’s an opening that transpires, that brings spring to your step and light to your eyes- a newness. And as the clouds clear, your new day can dawn- full of potential and possibility- fresh.
When you open to your truth and get real and let go of what’s familiar, what’s on the other side is so much greater than what’s been. Even if it’s scary to let go, it’s still a powerful place to be. It’s a place where you can be strong and authentic and free. So much energy goes in to being watered down. And when we release that energy to serve us in moving forward in a healthy manner rather than serve our fears of our need for protection, we can feel our truer self resurfacing and we can ( even if on the smallest level) begin to feel the shift.
Our defenses become part of our identity, it takes courage to move beyond, release, and redefine who we truly are. In order to be really free and fulfilled, we have to reconnect with the fire- the one within. You do so by disabling what’s been dampening it down.
Remember, you have choices. Allow for the possibility of death and endings and believe in the potential of rebirth and new beginnings. As you clear and release and reacquaint with the possibilities of your redefined truth, huge waves of energy will wash over you- the energy that's been freed. And the excitement and revelation of your soul-ness comes forward to create in pure light- darkness set aside- darkness come to terms with- nothing left to hide Go forward in your greatness. You have no idea what you’re about to receive. Say goodbye to the safety belt of what you know to be true and open to the cornucopia of what can be. When we stand in the light of our truth, all things are possible.
Believe in you. I do.
Many Blessings,
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
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